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best browser


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I like Opera best, but I mostly use Firefox. IE on Vista & 7 is a good choice so long as its in protected mode :welcome: Orca Browser is pretty cool too and very light on system resources.

I have all four of those browsers.

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There are so many to choose from, most important thing to remember is which ever one you go with is keep it current and up to date.

I use a combination of 4 of them, that's because it depends which computer I am using at the time.

IE 8 at work

Opera on my MAC

Safari on my MAC

Firefox at random times.

some folks will steer you away from this browser or that browser..... but its a matter of which one you like yourself. Please note that IE is probably the least secure (and that is probably only cause its the most commonly used so it gets attacked the most).

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Everyone has a favorite based on their own experiences and/or reasons. :)

I use FireFox 3.6.6 with around 30 add-on extensions (mostly to do with security or convenience) and MSIE 8 as a backup when a site demands a M$ browser to work properly. The few times I used to go on FACEBOOK before I deleted my account, I used FLOCK specifically because FLOCK is optimized for (and contains certain tools specifically for) Facebook. ORCA is my 2nd backup browser mainly because it can use most of Firefox's extensions add-ons. Your mileage may vary.. :P

Like Operating systems and hardware, you'll get 100 different answers from 100 different people with 100 different reasons for their choices. My advice; try several mentioned positively in this thread and find one YOU feel comfortable using. ;)Your opinion matters the most on your system.


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