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1903 update question

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Is it necessary to disable some of the modules or even uninstall MB Premium before updating to the new 1903 Windows build? I have never bothered in the past but I would just like to sure this time as I have control of when it installs. Thanks in advance.


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Regardless of any well intentioned answers ...  my Upgrade on a new W10 computer's 1803 to 1809 5 weeks later Stalled repeatedly at 91% Install - which WAS a Common Google Symptom result - AND SUCCESS Occurred when I DISabled - not Un-inst'd  as some did - ESET EIS,  Mbam, and SuperAS.

No way to know WHICH app was the cause, but IF you do nothing and have issues, remember this worked for me.

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Hi @ejbeak

I run Windows 10 with Malwarebytes for Windows Premium & Windows Defender.  Have done so ever since Windows 10 was first released ( and from even the Insider Preview for the year preceding that).

I have never had to do anything out of the ordinary.

What I would suggest for you, is:

To do one Windows Restart on your own prior to manually getting the 1903 build.

Then do a Windows Update check run.

Open Windows Update and click Check For Updates. If you see a listing for the May 2019 Update, click Download and Install Now.

My advice is just not to use the system for anything thing else.

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I updated my laptop with the 1903 update without shutting down Malwarebytes and experienced licencing issues - now resolved.  When I updated my desktop I shut down Malwarebytes and experienced no issues with licencing.  Small sample and take it as you wish.  Aside from Malwarebytes, I have experienced no issues with the 1903 update other than the laptop rebooting with Flight Mode (i.e. WiFi disabled) enabled - took me a couple of minutes to work that one out!

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Just read about an issue with some AMD systems.

So I am going to add this advice:  Be sure that you are aware of the microprocessor Brand & Model on your system.



On computers that have AMD Ryzen or AMD Ryzen Threadripper processors, certain versions of AMD RAID drivers are not compatible with the Windows 10 May 2019 update. If a computer has these drivers installed and configured in RAID mode, it cannot install the May 2019 update of Windows 10. If you start the installation process, the process stops.

Version and later versions of the AMD RAID drivers do not cause this issue. A computer that has these drivers installed can receive the May 2019 update.



Edited by Maurice Naggar
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Just have updated my Windows 10 to version 1903 here. Before that i closed MWB, and put the option off to not start with windows.

After the update i did start MWB and put this option on again, no problems seen whatsoever!

Now have OS Build 18362.116, no problems with MWB and Windows Security on.

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Thanks for the reply guys. I was referring to the just-released alleged stable version that I have been offered via the Windows update settings. After the last version debacle, I'm a little gun shy about pulling the trigger on this one. I usually click quit Malwarebytes before checking for minor updates if they haven't already auto installed themselves first. MBAM usually turns its self back on after the reboot. It's probably best to wait at least a week or so in case there's a recall like last time.  

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13 hours ago, ejbeak said:

It's probably best to wait at least a week or so in case there's a recall like last time.  

Not a bad idea, at least in my opinion due to past issues, not to mention the fact that there are already known issues with it for McAfee users and possibly other as of yet undiscovered problems/incompatibilities.  I would normally recommend installing the latest updates immediately, but given Microsoft's track record recently that's become a difficult recommendation to make.

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No problem with 1903 x4.. Had problem not caused by Malwarebytes, could not install it. Tried all normal ways. Copied the ISO to a folder on the HDD and got it installed. First time problem with upgrades.

Edited by KenW
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