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IP Protection - Suggestions

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Greetings :) .

It does have a log file, it's located here:

"%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\logs"

It's a log file for the Protection Module, including any IP's that were blocked by it.

Thanks for the reply. :)

May I know how often must the user do maintenance (the number of files will keep growing)?

It will be better if listed in the GUI.

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The team is working on the IP blocking feature. As any new feature, the first release is always the one that gives most work.

The warning isn't ridiculous though, considered globally.

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The team is working on the IP blocking feature. As any new feature, the first release is always the one that gives most work.

The warning isn't ridiculous though, considered globally.

If Malwarebytes pop-up prompt with Infection Detected: (or with any other IP address) then any average user will scare and ask what's wrong here? Infection or not?

I think that giving such a warning with Infection Detected without providing any information;s is ridiculous. Probably most adequate will be possible threat from IP address xxx.xxx.xxx..xxx detected. IP address is on black list because of ... but Infection detected (in this situation false positive) does not make any sense.

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I'm still wonder what is wrong with IP address from UK.

I also am wondering. :)

The hpHosts database says this about IP

Sites resolving to were NOT found in our database

I suggest you head over to the False Positives forum and follow the instructions in this link to report about that IP. :)

Thank you all for remaining patient while we work out any kinks in our brand new IP blocking module. If you find any false positives with the new module, please kindly create a new post with the IP address as the title. Also, please indicate what you were attempting to do on the site so that we can reproduce it.

Thank you for your cooperation and we hope you enjoy the extra protection!

For example, it would probably be helpful for them if you explain about your "seoquake.com legitimate add on to Firefox" (perhaps even with a link to the add on that apparently triggers the alert) so they can further verify its legitimacy and they can reporoduce your annoying situation.

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I've seen that others have had problems with the IP Protection blocking and sometimes indicating continous Infection Messages. I've done this with other security software and have been quiet successful in eliminating any fake or false positives. I can only guess that the same program that protects you from visiting dangerous sites, also is responsible for detecting temporary internet files from dangerous sites.


(1) Open Internet Explorer

(2) Select Tools

(3) Select Internet Options

(4) Open Browsing History

Options Available:

- Delete Temporary Internet Files: These files are usually saved to help expediate reloading of the site the next time you visit.

- Delete Cookies: These files are saved from the sites you visit. Computers send packages back and forth, unfortunately these can add up if you collect alot from sites you never visit more then once.

- Delete History: This is a memory of sites you've visited, it appears in the URL bar when you being to type.

(5) Delete your Temporary Internet Files

Hope this was helpful. I hardly receive reports any more from the IP Protection, and every time I clear it they stop.

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If Malwarebytes pop-up prompt with Infection Detected: (or with any other IP address) then any average user will scare and ask what's wrong here? Infection or not?

I think that giving such a warning with Infection Detected without providing any information;s is ridiculous. Probably most adequate will be possible threat from IP address xxx.xxx.xxx..xxx detected. IP address is on black list because of ... but Infection detected (in this situation false positive) does not make any sense.

There may be nothing wrong with the add-on, but that IP address is on an IP range associated with the Russian Business Network, which is why it's blocked.

Contrary to it's location, the IP range is Ukranian/Russian controlled, NOT UK controlled.


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How about including in the log file what application was trying to access the website, or the application that generated the block.

I competely agree with you, Firefox. Including this information would be most handy, as it could show trojan activity on the OP

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vote +1 for Whitelist.

I know it's in the works but at this point I must disable IP Blocking until whitelisting is available; the implementation is too heavy handed for my uses.

How can I add an IP so it won't be detected and can access a site I need to?

As of right now, we do not have an option to add exclusions, but we're working on adding it in future versions. (from http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...howtopic=21076)

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I've seen many posts on this forum about the 'annoying popup', but I have yet to see a single one on either of my 2 computers since I upgraded from the free version to the paid for version, and I DO have it enabled. I don't know if the members of this household are just incredibly lucky or not. :)

What I would like to be able to do is safely test my IP protection to see if it is, in fact, working. Could you developers maybe set up a dummy page like that so we could test? Or do you already have one?

Does the balloon stay there until someone clicks on it to close? Like maybe if the computer tried to contact a malicious site when there was no one using the computer, it would be nice to know if something like that was going on. There's a log? OK, I'll see if I can figure out where that is. Would be nice to access it from the program interface.

Thanks, folks. I appreciate all your work on this software!

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I like your idea of setting up a dummy page to test that the IP Protection module is working properly. Not sure if this is feasible but if it is, it sounds like a great idea!

As far as the popups go, when I get home from work, my monitor is on standby. When it wakes, 75% of the time, there is a popup in the system tray waiting for me. If I click on another application windows like mIRC or Firefox, the popup goes away on it's own. Take a look at this thread and it gives you pretty much everything you would want to know about the IP Protection feature including where to find the logs.

I hope this helps

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