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MalwareBytes & Windows 10 Creator's Update

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I've just discovered that Malwarebytes has a serious problem with the new Windows 10 Professional Creator's Update.  When the main "Malware Protection" slider is engaged it instantly disables the built-in Windows Defender program until it's turned off, at which time Windows Defender reengages and returns to normal.  I've tested this on 2 different computers now and it's the same across the board.  This is very serious as I (and I think most of us) depend on Windows Defender and Malwarebytes working cooperatively with each other just like they've always done.  There's simply too much bad stuff out there to have to choose 1 over the other, so please Malwarebytes developers, jump on this like White on Rice.  A new "exploit vector" absolutely can't be allowed to be opened-up just as this huge new update is rolling out!  We'll all be awaiting your reply and hopefully speedy bug-fix for this.  Thanks,,,

MalwareBytes 1.jpg

MalwareBytes 2.jpg

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10 hours ago, Travasaurus said:

I've just discovered that Malwarebytes has a serious problem with the new Windows 10 Professional Creator's Update. 

This has been discussed in other threads here.  I agree it is a serious problem because with the Creators update, it is not obvious that Malwarebytes has caused Defender to turn off unless you actually open up the new Windows Defender Security Centre and have a look.  By just looking at the tray icons, as most people would do, you would not realise that Defender was off. Malwarebytes is not an AV so it should not disable Defender by default, or at least ask permission to do so.

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1 minute ago, Travasaurus said:

I really hate having to do that. In all the years I've used these 2 products together I've never had to monkey around with those settings; plus, it goes against what Malwarebytes actually recommends...

This only impacts the creators update at this time. The insider previews can have different effects on the software that differ from normal usage

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41 minutes ago, John A said:

The Creators Update is no longer an Insider Preview, it is final and has been released for download already (not via Windows Update)

That's what I was trying to point out. I got an "early" version of it but it was nonetheless "gold code" at the time...

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Any updates to this situation?

I also installed the Windows 10 Creators Update today and noticed that Defender was not activated upon installing Malwarebytes.

Prior to installing the Creators Update, I always enjoyed thinking that both Defender and Malwarebytes were working alongside each other.


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Here is what worked for me -

Set MalwareBytes to Never Register (as shown above).

Verified Defender was now on.

Set MalwareBytes back to it's original setting "Let Malwarebytes apply the best Windows Action Center settings based on your system"

Rebooted. Everything seems fine. 

Can anyone else verify if this works for them?


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10 minutes ago, Carey934 said:

Here is what worked for me -

Set MalwareBytes to Never Register (as shown above).

Verified Defender was now on.

Set MalwareBytes back to it's original setting "Let Malwarebytes apply the best Windows Action Center settings based on your system"

Rebooted. Everything seems fine. 

Can anyone else verify if this works for them?


Yep, this solution will work, it's the one mentioned above as well.

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1 minute ago, Carey934 said:

Just to clarify - the solution mentioned above is to set to never register. My solution doesn't stop there. 

Agreed, but until we've released a fix, we wouldn't want to accidentally disable Defender again in case another update from Microsoft changes things. But yes, as of now, setting it back to recommended causes no harm.

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Just a note on the fix listed above, going from the Recommended setting, to Never Register, and back to recommended will not work long term at this time. After an amount of time, MB3 will register itself again. We are still working on a better long term solution other than never registering with Windows Action center

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Unfortunately, setting Malwarebytes to never register didn't work for me. I've done that and rebooted a couple of times, but I'm still blocked from turning on Defender. (I've verified that the Never Turn On setting was retained through the reboots.)

Windows 10 Professional - 64bit, Creater's Update.

I have Malwarebytes 3.0 active and Windows Defender active (Avast is installed by all protections are turned off), but Windows will not let me turn on the Defender Antivirus module.

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@dcollins, I expanded the Security and Viewed installed antivirus apps. 

Avast is listed as "Snoozed" and Windows Defender Antivirus is listed as "Off". If I click on Avast in the little dialogue box, I have the option of turning Avast on. But I don't get a similar option when I click on the Windows Defender Antivirus listing.

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