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Keep getting pop ups of chrome


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Me too. I just got the problem with web protection solved yesterday and now I get these. It looks like people all over the web are getting them in several different security related applications like Symantec, Malwarebytes, etc....


Whats going on !!! I tried disabling notifications but that does not help, I also tried adding an exception for the IP, no luck.



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Exactly the same problem as of this morning 3/2.  It isn't just Chrome, I get it if I open File Explorer.  Then I continue to get these outbound Website blocked on a variety of ports every minute or two until both File Explorer and Chrome are closed.

It's got to be a Malwarebytes issue.  I didn't change anything on my system and I've never had this problem before.  For now I've had to disable Web Protection.  Of course, that's certainly not an acceptable bypass.


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Found this in another thread on this forum. Seems to solve the problem:


I can confirm also that updating to package v 1.0.1404 fixes the problem.

Just right-click on the MWB icon in the system tray and click "check for updates."

Alternatively, it seems that if you run your browser in incognito mode, that stops the alerts as well.


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Just to follow up, we pushed an update that fixes this. To fix the issue, simply update your copy of Malwarebytes (e.g. Malwarebytes 3.0 or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x) then reboot your PC.

If needed, here are the database versions that fix this:

  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x Version: v2017.03.02.09
  • Malwarebytes 3 Version: 1.0.1404

If you continue to experience this issue, please let us know and confirm the database version you have installed.

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