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Clean-up Tool for Malwarebytes 3.x

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Does Malwarebytes currently have a removal tool that will wipe any orphaned files and/or registry entries left behind if Malwarebytes is uninstalled from the Control Panel?

Aura posted on 27-Jan-2017 in the thread will NOT upgrade over that "mbam-clean.exe is for Malwarebytes 2.x installs and hasn't been updated for Malwarebytes 3.0 yet".  If that statement is correct, I hope Malwarebytes will at least ensure that a removal tool for Malwarebytes 3.x is available before upgrades start rolling out to existing MBAM v2.2.1 users who have Settings | Update Settings | Check for program updates when checking for database updates enabled.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox v51.0.1 * NIS  v22.8.1.14 * MBAM Premium v2.2.1.1043

Edited by lmacri
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  • 1 month later...
On 2017-01-29 at 1:35 PM, lmacri said:

Does Malwarebytes currently have a removal tool that will wipe any orphaned files and/or registry entries left behind if Malwarebytes is uninstalled from the Control Panel?

A new Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility (mbam-clean.exe) that will remove Malwarebytes 3.x and earlier versions was released 28-Feb-2017 per respinoza's announcement Malwarebytes mb-clean tool.

Kudos to Krusty13 for bringing respinoza's post to my attention in the Norton Tech Outpost board <here>.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox v51.0.1 * NIS  v22.9.0.71 * MBAM Premium v2.2.1.1043

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21 hours ago, lmacri said:

A new Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility (mbam-clean.exe) that will remove Malwarebytes 3.x and earlier versions was released 28-Feb-2017 per respinoza's announcement Malwarebytes mb-clean tool.

Kudos to Krusty13 for bringing respinoza's post to my attention in the Norton Tech Outpost board <here>.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox v51.0.1 * NIS  v22.9.0.71 * MBAM Premium v2.2.1.1043

You're welcome, LMacri, but please note  -  https://community.norton.com/en/comment/7376971#comment-7376971

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3 hours ago, vespesian said:

Is this tool a complete uninstall utility (removes mb3), or does it just clean-up the "debris" (after an uninstall)?

Hi versapian :)

This tool can be used to uninstall Malwarebytes and remove its remnants at the same time. Technically, you should attempt to uninstall it from the Control Panel first, and then run mb-clean.exe. If you can't uninstall it, then you can run mb-clean.exe right away.

Krusty, is you still have the mb-cleanresult.txt log on your desktop, you can attach it here so someone from the team can check it out and see what wasn't removed by mb-clean.exe.

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36 minutes ago, Aura said:

Krusty, is you still have the mb-cleanresult.txt log on your desktop, you can attach it here so someone from the team can check it out and see what wasn't removed by mb-clean.exe.

Hi Aura,

In hindsight I knew I should of kept the logs [plural], but no, I've deleted them.


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After all the v3 issues and the 2 steps forward one back of the CUs, I'm concerned that this tool may "clean" needed processes outside of MB. Would be nice to have a means to see what is being deleted BEFORE it does so. It's gotten so dodgy that I now take a disc image before every MB "update".

Anyone who has used this? Can this be trusted?

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39 minutes ago, Telos said:

Anyone who has used this? Can this be trusted?

I have used it on multiple systems, with different versions of Malwarebytes and Windows OS's and have not had any issues.  It only removes Malwarebytes Products and its associated files/registry keys.

Have not had any issues with it what so ever.

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2 hours ago, Krusty said:

Hi Aura,

In hindsight I knew I should of kept the logs [plural], but no, I've deleted them.


All good, no worries. Next time if you encounter the same issue, feel free to start a new thread here and provide the log so the Staff can investigate what was missed by mb-clean.exe.

And yes Telos, it can be trusted.

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1 hour ago, Firefox said:

I have used it on multiple systems, with different versions of Malwarebytes and Windows OS's and have not had any issues.  It only removes Malwarebytes Products and its associated files/registry keys.

Have not had any issues with it what so ever.


41 minutes ago, Aura said:

And yes Telos, it can be trusted.

Thank you. Just for grins I may run reg snap to see what happened (Revo too if it will log this).

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With the existence of Malwarebytes cleaner, maybe this post will be an academic question.  Is it, when used in conjunction with Control Panel  "programs uninstall," THE best cleaning approach ?   Is there confidence in other utilities for cleaning uninstall ?  Or is this subject just splitting hairs ?

Reference is always made--I think appropriately--to go to the Control Panel to uninstall.  But I have always used RevoUninstaller premium in its Trace mode when installing for exactly the purpose I am addressing..... to have a "state of the art" uninstall

After the download of a program like MB3, I traditionally have right clicked on it to expose the option that RevoUninstaller can be used and is going to be my choice to trace the installation.  By left clicking on RevoUninstaller, I always get notified the requirement of having this use of Revo be done as Administrator, AND the opportunity right then to become Administrator status which allows the ability to move things along to start the traced installation.  All pretty standard..   

As is frequent though, sometimes during the later uninstall of that traced program using Revo's traced tab (where programs reside if they have been traced by Revo during the installation), after the process of uninstalling is initially done, I am presented by Revo a window where potentially uninstalled parts are remaining.  I am too inexperienced to know what I am looking at, and never know with certainty to elect YES...UNINSTALL THERE, TOO."   If I were to use the Control Panel Uninstall Programs, I never have to be confronted with this question, but it makes me wonder if Control Panel does as an efficient job as Revo. And why should one care, if Control Panel uninstall is followed by Malwarebytes' cleaner ?

Following up the Control Panel uninstall by using Malwarebytes' cleaner,  I would think the braintrust at Malwarebytes knows exactly where all the little buggers are, and its cleaner is tailor made to clean pieces out from every nook and cranny AND not have the user confronted with the question of additional places to delete.

In the end, the questionIs there enough confidence out there with a traced install by RevoUninstaller to completely uninstall ?  This is a quick, one-step process.  Or is it best to do Control Panel uninstall that is followed by the Malwarebytes cleaner ? 

Thank you in advance for your informed opinion.





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Is it, when used in conjunction with Control Panel  "programs uninstall," THE best cleaning approach ? 

If you want a clean uninstall/reinstall of Malwarebytes, uninstalling it from the Control Panel and running mb-clean.exe afterward is the best approach, yes.

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6 hours ago, deucy14 said:

In the end, the questionIs there enough confidence out there with a traced install by RevoUninstaller to completely uninstall ?  This is a quick, one-step process.  Or is it best to do Control Panel uninstall that is followed by the Malwarebytes cleaner ? ]

Here's my take on Revo... if you are going to log the install, let it continue logging as you open MBAM for the first time, and adjust any settings. Then exit MBAM and stop the Revo log. Next, export the Revo log. You'll want to do that so you can rerun the logged uninstall since Revo deletes the trace logs after using them to uninstall. That way you can you have a record of everything you uninstalled.

Regarding the window with "potentially uninstalled parts"... unless the paths clearly state they are MBAM related, you should ignore this extra uninstall feature. I've seen completely unrelated entries that are used by my track pad and video card. Unless you really know your stuff, stick with the traced logs. BUT WAIT... even the traced logs can be problematic... because... if you were running other applications while the MBAM installation was being recorded, those changes to your system from a browser or office app or ??? will be recorded as MBAM related.

FYI... I've used Revo to uninstall v3 prior to the release of the uninstall tool. I logged an install and then used Revo to clean out the mess.

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Aura...TY for that reply.  Using Control Panel and a follow up clean up agent sounds good.  I can avoid the question put to me by RevoUninstaller about "other locations" to delete from that I don't feel all the time completely qualified to know how to respond to it.

Telos...Indeed I use the procedure you describe; in other words continue to log the complete set up to include adjustments.  Thank you for the wisdom of exporting the Revo log.  I take it that it makes sense to preserve the log for future examination (post-uninstall) by Revo) when doing a diagnostic of some future problem elsewhere on the computer.  I think that is what you mean. 

AND....YES, Revo does make that warning not to be diddling around elsewhere while it is doing the tracing.  I have found at times I needed to put my hands in restraints to comply.  That must be why, too, Revo starts with establishing a restore point.  Having a saved log after uninstall allows for a look under the hood before using the meat cleaver approach of going back in time, perhaps way back in time after discovering a problem.

But I do, too, really thank you for the advice on.. " Regarding the window with "potentially uninstalled parts..."   as  I have never personally been able to completely resolve the trade off between the danger of deleting something I should not versus the drive to "clean it all."  Your "stick with the traced logs" unless there is clear path of the object that was targeted for completing does sound like wisdom far beyond my shallow education on the subject.

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 If you read the recommended use of the new MB-clean it makes no mention of using the Control Panel.


When to use mb-clean.exe?

  • If you are having trouble uninstalling any of the supported products mentioned above 

This implies a standard uninstall process, which means, launching the uninstaller from the Control Panel or the executable directly.

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  • 3 years later...

I have used mbam-clean with 3.x before and as far as I remember it still leaves some registry entries from very earlier versions of Malwarebytes Antimalware 2.x and 1.x when I look them up manually via regedit. I don't know why but this cleanup tool appears not to be %100 compatibile with earlier MBAM versions like 2 or 1, especially with the versions of when it was named as Malwarebytes Antimalware. It is what I obseved.

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I started this thread is over 3 years ago and Aura's 29-Jan-2017 post <above> answered my question.  This topic is no longer relevant since newer versions of MB Clean and the Malwarebytes Support Tool have been released since January 2017, so I  have no objections if a Forum Mod wants to lock this thread.

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This thread is indeed very very old.   A lot of work has been invested into the Malwarebytes Support tool, which has a method to do a uninstall & then clean new install of Malwarebytes for Windows.    The use of the old "mb clean" tool is discouraged because it is way out of date, plus is not compatible with versions  4.

"Uninstall and reinstall Malwarebytes using the Malwarebytes Support Tool"


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