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Weekly schedule problem with

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After update to old problem has resurfaced.

Set Threat Scan to run weekly and repeat every week. After the scan has completed the dashboard shows the next scan is due in 2 weeks instead of one. It was working properly in version This is on 2 of my systems.


Jim :ph34r:







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Guess what?! I have the same issue with this new version. Frankly I'm getting a bit tired of each time a new version is released, more bugs appear. PLEASE don't release a new version until it has been THOROUGHLY tested and evaluated. As a result of this last release, I am officially done with Malwarebytes in any shape or form. 

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Thanks, Phone Man and spiritorb.  We'll take a look.


We did have a known related issue in the backlog where a similar thing would happen if a weekly scheduled scan was missed:  it would show on dashboard as rescheduled two weeks into the future.  That was not prioritized for inclusion in the 2.2.0 release, however, so there shouldn't have been any changes in that part of the code.


We'll dig in and see what's up.  

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I tried a few workarounds to get my scan to run once a week. I set it up using the Daily schedule and repeat every 7 days. NO GOOD it went 14 days. I then tried repeat every 6 days and YEA it works.

I then played with the weekly schedule again and the repeat choices double the time. One week gives you 2 and 2 weeks give you 4.

So I now have mine set for Daily and repeat every 6 days.


Jim :wacko:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I confirm the problems with weekly scheduling of scans.


At first I found out that scheduling after 12:00 could not longer be specified.

My scheduling at 19:15 had suddenly changed in 07:15 when my computer is never switched on,

so there were no more weekly scans executed.

After several times trying to increase the time from 00:00 to 12:00 and again from 00:00 to 12:00,

I discovered that the second series hours 00-12 resulted in the scheduling hours 13-24.

So via a trial and error (weird) procedure I had my scheduled scanning again at 19:15.


And then the weekly scheduling (now at 19:15 in stead of 07:15) runs only once every two weeks.

I have a Tuesday scan (custom scan) job at 19:15 and a Friday scan (custom scan) job at 19:15.

Both are scheduled weekly and will run only every two (2) weeks.

2015-11-03, repeats every 1 week, next schedule 2015-11-17 - 19:19

I consider doubling my 1 week scans to span the 2 week period.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having this same issue. Is the solution from "Pierre75" the official fix?

Hi, and :welcome: , jmgbooks:

You can certainly try the fix if you like in this case.... however...

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Each computer is unique.

Problems that sound "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions.

They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic".

Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the Start New Topic button. (where we can help you in your own topic)

The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help to get you both up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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