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Buying Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a trap! :p

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yes if you buy 1 license you will 99.99% of the time buy another if you have more computers :P

first i bought 2 licenses then i recent bought 2 more lol

the winning combo of a awesome anti-malware tool + excellent price + lifetime updates = win

keep up the good work

MalwareBytes Team!

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I have a question regarding this. I typically like to register/support products that I like and make regular use of. In this case, its Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I am looking into purchasing it, but I have some questions:

1) How long does my definitions subscription last? Lifetime? Renewable yearly? etc

2) Can I upgrade to newer versions of Malwarebytes Antivirus for if they release

a) tomorrow?

:) a month from now?

c) 6 months from now?

d) a year from now?

e) anytime in the future

3) Will the upgrade be free, or at a discounted rate than for newer customers.

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Free Support http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php volume discounts, Discounts from timt to time on Cnet downloads, and Major Geeks. regards...


Below are details on volume discounting for this product. The quantity shown in the left-hand column is the minimum. When you purchase that quantity or more you will qualify for the discounted price shown in that row.Qty. Unit Price You save

1 $24.95 0 %

2 $22.45 10 %

3 to 9 $19.95 20 %

10 to 20 $16.75 33 %

To purchase Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware licenses for corporate, business, government, educational or organizational use (or greater than 25 consumer licenses), please contact our corporate team at Corporate Licensing.

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You guys are fast. Thanks for all the info again.

@yardbird: Yep I've had the free version for a while now. Its served me pretty well.

@advancedsetup: I'm intending to get 1 license for now, see how that goes, and then consider it for the other PCs, so it shouldn't be an issue.

@noknojon: I do have a few questions. Well they are probably better defined as irrational/irrelevant fears.

1) How is the real time scan? Does it have a lot of false positives? I remember if you ran something like BlackICE or ZoneAlarm back in the day that were active scanners, eventually they would block all sorts of ports, and other useful things, and the only way to get back full functionality on the PC and internet would be to deep clean the PC or reformat windows. I do not want to go through that experience again.

2) Knowing the nature of spyware, I am well aware that the best Anti-malware solution varies from time to time. I guess I'm wary that in a few months, Malware-Bytes will become outdated or fall off, meaning I'll have to go search for some other solution. But this is more of my own issue. It does feel good supporting a good program though. (Yeah ignore this one).

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I have a question regarding this. I typically like to register/support products that I like and make regular use of. In this case, its Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I am looking into purchasing it, but I have some questions:

1) How long does my definitions subscription last? Lifetime? Renewable yearly? etc

2) Can I upgrade to newer versions of Malwarebytes Antivirus for if they release

a) tomorrow?

:) a month from now?

c) 6 months from now?

d) a year from now?

e) anytime in the future

3) Will the upgrade be free, or at a discounted rate than for newer customers.

A) You can upgrade via the program, when ever.

:) Its a lifetime license

C) Its a lifetime license

D) Its a lifetime license

E) Its a lifetime license

3) Its a lifetime license

Malwarebytes doesn't block ports or anything like that (I had exactly same problem with ZoneAlarm back in the XP day's)

Realtime scanning is pretty accurate you shouldn't have any problems.

I've used Malwarebytes for years and its detection rates have been the best compared to every program Ive used.

Hope that helps :)

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Hi -

1) The realtime scan is the same as a normal scan you do now (same basic engine setup) but the paid version will auto update (as you want) as well as auto scans whenever it suits you -

2) Malwarebytes is now a growing company - This is the time to get in - If the boss offered shares I would be first in line to buy :)

We are about to update the Version from 1.46 to 1.47 very soon while still updating the database about 3-4 times every day -

How to Set up and Use the Scheduler

I also forgot to add that there is full forum and company support always available and all free -

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Aite well its done. If theres some sort of reward program I'd definitely recommend tommarnk (ie the OP). It was basically the title of his post that brought me here and led me to the purchase. A good review like that is often hard to come by.

And lol @ the how to setup. That's amazingly detailed. Thanks noknojon.

time to go configure this business.

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Aite well its done. If theres some sort of reward program I'd definitely recommend tommarnk (ie the OP). It was basically the title of his post that brought me here and led me to the purchase. A good review like that is often hard to come by.

And lol @ the how to setup. That's amazingly detailed. Thanks noknojon.

time to go configure this business.


enjoy your new product it will serve you well for a long time to come

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yes if you buy 1 license you will 99.99% of the time buy another if you have more computers :)

How true this post is! I just started running the Pro Version a few days ago on one of my computers and I WILL be buying another licence for my other computer soon. Outstanding Security Program. :)

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