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Why we hate Internet Explorer


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Many people hate internet explorer. However, many others don't know why this piece of software is so hated. So for those of you who don't know why IE is hated so much, here is the explanation.


    - Internet Explorer 6

Internet explorer 6 is what made IE so hated in the first place. It was slow, clunky, slow, had terrible security, was really slow, had updates that added nothing, and did I mention it was slow? Not only that but it was a nightmere for web developers who couldn't program anything easily with it. IE 6's tyranny lasted for a while. But their was hope. A new browser named Firefox came and developed new standards for web browsers. Then came other good browsers like Google Chrome. These browsers made IE6 look absolutely terrible in comparison. Especially for web developers who had to deal with IE 6's "special" coding that made them go through hell in order to get their web page to look good in all web browsers. IE 7 tried to fix things but it was pointless. It ,doesn't help that IE 6 still terrorized web developers for years since windows xp was still supported until recently. It was so bad that a guy made a song about internet explorer being mean to him. I even have a link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTTzwJsHpU8


    - Even today it's still inferior to other browsers

Despite all of the updates, IE is still inferior to other web browsers. Its slower than the four other main browsers (Firefix, Chrome, Opera, and safari). It's not as customizable or secure as firefox. Its not as sleek as chrome. It certainly doesn't look as nice as opera. So what it Internet Explorer good for? The answer is nothing.


    - It's so unsecure

IE has been known to have its security problems, but it has gotten so bad that for a short amount of time the U,S. department of homeland security didn't want people using this. This was due to some malware being able to infect your computer by the user visiting an infected website. Other browsers were protected against the malware but internet explorer was vunerable to the malware! It's overall not as secure as the other 4 main browsers. It honestly makes me question why people still use it!


    - People probably only use internet explorer just because they don't know much about computers

Do I even need to explain this one? It's bad enough that it holds about 58% of the market share (as of now that is)!


    - My reason for hating IE

This reason is something that not many people think about. This thing is the true reason why I hate IE. That reason is that it shows that Microsoft hasn't been caring for their customers. I know that it seems kind of odd to say this but it's something that seems eminent to me. Microsoft is one of the biggest buisnesses on the planet. But they give us this terrible application. They see all the great things that Google and Mozilla give us but they don't deliver anything good (It doesn't help that Mozilla is a non-profit organization that needs to ask for money and Microsoft is a multibillion dollar coorporation). They destroyed IE so much that they are trying to make a new browser for windows 10!



Those were the reasons that we hate Internet Explorer. If you want to you can add some more reasons for why we hate Internet Explorer. I hope that this also clarified some things about Internet Explorer. Thanks for reading!


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"Then came other good browsers like Google Chrome"


  :lol: I thought the same when I read the OP.




Hense why there is now a browser choice option forced upon Microsoft in order to give users a choice. 


Internet Explorer may not be the choice of many (including me) but a lot of businesses use it. There will be many people that disagree with your comments which could start a flame war with 'this browser is better than that browser'. The fact of the matter is, they all have their good and bad sides. Personal preference is what drives us to which one we finally settle on.

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  :lol: I thought the same when I read the OP.




Hense why there is now a browser choice option forced upon Microsoft in order to give users a choice. 


Internet Explorer may not be the choice of many (including me) but a lot of businesses use it. There will be many people that disagree with your comments which could start a flame war with 'this browser is better than that browser'. The fact of the matter is, they all have their good and bad sides. Personal preference is what drives us to which one we finally settle on.

True however the current internet explorer has been shown through multiple test to be not as good as firefox or chrome. Today IE isn't bad but it's not great either. Besides, most of the reasons why people hate Internet explorer is because of internet explorer 6 and not the current version.

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I somewhat enjoy the fact that it is so tightly integrated with the OS kernel that you can kill the browser and the OS at the same time.  No reason to attack with multiple vectors when one can usually do the job.  Convenience over security when it comes to user experience, and reusable code snippets over well-written code.  Its what keeps us all in business!

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I hope you guys get that this is why other people and not just me don't like IE

You can not speak for the masses here, I use IE and will continue to use IE, that's my choice.  At my work place we use IE, and will continue to use it.


Nothing wrong with the other browsers, but we find that IE is most compatible to all sites that we use...

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Yes, Internet Explorer (IE) has matured.  It is a viable solution and it is often a requirement with some web sites.  The idea of it being less secure is based upon the past.  Unfortunately some thoughts on this subject matter are just regurgitated past views without them being updated upon the latest versions of Internet Explorer in use Today.


The problem I have is that Microsoft ( in their infinite wisdom and in their implementation of planned obsolescence ) stops support for new versions of Internet Explorer in older Operating Systems.

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You can not speak for the masses here, I use IE and will continue to use IE, that's my choice.  At my work place we use IE, and will continue to use it.


Nothing wrong with the other browsers, but we find that IE is most compatible to all sites that we use...

Ok this topic is for telling people the reasons why others hate IE. Internet Explorer is not bad today, but I honestly feel it's not as fast or secure than other browsers (and I got that conclusion due to cold hard facts and testing) You can use IE and I won't hate you for it!

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Ok this topic is for telling people the reasons why others hate IE. Internet Explorer is not bad today, but I honestly feel it's not as fast or secure than other browsers (and I got that conclusion due to cold hard facts and testing) You can use IE and I won't hate you for it!

You refer to 'others' when really it's about your own views. It's not wise to quote what 'others' feel as this could bite you in the xxx. Let these 'others' speak for themselves. Edited by AdvancedSetup
Family friendly fix
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simply put ... and to paraphrase something a wise person said to me years ago :

what is the best browser out there ?

the one you are currently using .


originally i had asked the person about general coverage radio receivers (i am a ham) .

his response is quite accurate in that if i am happy with what i am using then i will not seek out another unit .

however , if there is *something* that falls short of my knowledge and requirements (aka : being aware) then i will start looking for answers in a different product or modifications .

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