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Please sign my petition and help me get malwarebytes to sell lifetime licenses after 2.x is launched


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Dear MalwareBytes,


I think your decision to abandon the Lifetime Licensing model is a bad one. My opinion is from the perspective of a computer repair store manager. We are not a huge company, but we're not the typical "ma and pa" shop. We have 20 employees, and we currently sell about 50 copies of MalwareBytes Pro per month. We just started selling the product, so I know we could sell about 100 per month.


I understand your reasoning behind the move. Develop software and supporting it cost money. The lifetime licensing was the one thing that REALLY set your product apart from the competition though. The number one reason we are able to sell your product so effectively to our customers is the fact that it's a lifetime license. They never have to deal with subscriptions or renewals. Trust me, people hate that stuff. Customers don't maintain their computers. Nearly half of our computers that we service come in with an expired protection software. Subscriptions just don't work, and it's going to make your product appear inferior. To the customer, it won't be their fault when they get a virus, it will be the fault of the product they were expecting to protect them.


You guys make an outstanding product. Its effectiveness is bar none, but going forward with the pains of subscription model services is not something I look forward to. I would rather you doubled the price of the product than went to a subscription model. If you consider the cost of the product is going to be the same per year as it was for lifetime service, if I only count 10 years of use, that's a 10X price hike.


Please, for your benefit as well as your customers, you should keep your Lifetime Licensing model. At least make it an option, so have a SKU for a yearly subscription at $14.99/year, and a SKU for a lifetime license for $49.99.

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I wanna second that you guys SHOULDNT get rid of lifetime licenses because you will sell way more lifetimes then yearly if u lower the price of up to 5$..I'd buy a lot of licenses if you guys kept lifetime licenses and would recommend your product way more..we should start a petition for the to keep selling it

Hopefully this forum turns into the petition! I want to get the word out to Malwarebytes about what its customers want!

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Here is the reason why they will ignore this topic:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP1af7ilYpM


It's always about the money, but I tried to make several points that showed that keeping the lifetime licenses might be a good financial move as well. They could certainly raise the price on the lifetime license and keep selling it. I'd certainly buy them at a higher price because they're so easy to sell! Plus, if they get rid of the lifetime licenses and only have subscriptions, they may lose a bit of their customer base and may not make up for it in repeat subscriptions.


They really just need to capitalize on what they have that's unique. They have a stellar product that works better than just about anything, and they also have a hassle-free sales model. "No more subscription fees" should be all over their front page, and they should be pushing their product to resellers. If they could get in with a royalty VAR such as Dell or HP and have them bundle their lifetime subscriptions or have them as an addon for a single fee, just think of the profit they could make.

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I don't think so, Malwarebytes is entitled to make money to continue the development of its products and the growth of the company. Without this Malwarebytes could not exist.

You have plenty of time to go out and buy as many licenses as you want now before the new version kicks in.

+3 NO!

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You have plenty of time to go out and buy as many licenses as you want now before the new version kicks in.

+3 NO!



I myself have purchased four licenses in total.  I am currently only using one, but, the others are for a gift and/or if I get a second machine ever.

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hmmm ... i was/have been holding off on commentary .

in general and personally speaking ...

the posting of such in/on the manufacturer's own forums is a bit on the tacky side and lacking in decorum .

such items would be more properly handled by directly corresponding with the administration and keeping the "campaigning" out of these forums .

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Well lifetime licenses can be sold to because a lot of people dont wanna do yearly especially since the site won't let you buy more then 3 when the pricing says 3+ so if I even tryed to order more then 3 I cant

If Malwarebytes does not change its licensing model, then eventually they will start to lose money. Lifetime licenses won't be of much use when they have to shut down because they can't pay their researchers, developers, and support team anymore.

Admittedly this is probably not an immediate threat, however it can eventually happen. You cannot sustain a business by selling lifetime licenses that never need to be renewed.

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I too think lifetime should stay, Especially considering they'll T-Bone their profits a bit and drive people to piracy a lot more


Plus what about all the people such as i who have already forked over for lifetime? *Thoughtful chin scratch*

Oh yea i imagine there was probably a "We can do as we please" clause in the T&C


Still, Amazing piece of software that might make a bad move

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  • Root Admin

Plus what about all the people such as i who have already forked over for lifetime?

It will continue to carry the lifetime license for you. We've said that all along and you can read more about it from the link below


Thank you

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I have a petition in this link below if youd like to request them to keep selling lifetime licenses (https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144259 ) hope you guys will support/get the word out about my petition for malwarebytes to keep selling lifetime licenses


Thanks, but it might have been better to combine that into one forum to increase the number of combined posts.

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I have a petition in this link below if youd like to request them to keep selling lifetime licenses (https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144259 ) hope you guys will support/get the word out about my petition for malwarebytes to keep selling lifetime licenses


Your thread has been merged with this one.

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... drive people to piracy a lot more

Piracy happens for a few reasons:

  • Trying a product for free before purchasing (not necessarily applicable for software that has a free trial, unless someone is looking for an 'extended' trial).
  • Not having enough money to purchase the software, but either needing it or wanting it.
  • Wanting the software, but refusing to pay for it.
There may be some other reasons, but most excuses can be boiled down into one of those three categories. Considering the price, anyone who was able to afford a lifetime license would be able to afford a yearly fee that is the same price (or lower if they decide to offer discounts for loyal customers who renew their licenses every year).

Besides, even if there is a marginal increase in piracy due to the switch, they would be offsetting that with the yearly subscriptions that new customers are paying.

Plus what about all the people such as i who have already forked over for lifetime? *Thoughtful chin scratch*

I don't work for Malwarebytes, so I can say this. If you had read the announcement, then you would already know that your lifetime license was going to be honored. Or, to say it another way, you will get to keep your lifetime service that you purchased even after they make the switch to yearly subscriptions.

Oh yea i imagine there was probably a "We can do as we please" clause in the T&C

That's in pretty much any EULA and TOS. ;)

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"...then you would already know that your lifetime license was going to be honored. Or, to say it another way, you will get to keep your lifetime service that you purchased even after they make the switch to yearly subscriptions."


aka : "grandfathered"

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