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HP, citing popular demand, begins promoting PCs with Windows 7


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I agree; buwahahahha!


I <3 Windows7.  I have almost no, well basically none except looking at it at Best Buy and clicking a couple times, lol, experience with Windows8, and I don't think I want any.  It looks confusing and bleh to me, personally.

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I have Windows 8 in a couple of virtual machines, but I wouldn't use it for anything serious. GNOME 3 is more useful than Windows 8, and I refuse to use that as well.

you aint just whistlin' dixie , pixie .

(5 bonus points for the reference source)

gnome3 ... what were they thinking ?


"popular demand"

a euphemistic way of saying "there was a lynch mob out on the front lawn ..." .


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Now that's funny! I had a friend of mine who got a new laptop with Windows 8 on it and asked me to install Windows 7 on it for them anyway!


The problem, in my own opinion, is that Microsoft needed to give users the choice of which UI they wanted to use as the default. Yes, Windows 8.1 does, but they still don't give you the option to use the regular start menue. If they did in the first place, sales would probably be a lot better. Just my own humble 2 cents though :)

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They didn't give us a choice on the UI because they wanted to force us into learning and accepting, so we'd stop buying iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and phones. Didn't work, so the numbers say (loudly and clearly). Now they have to offer us something we can all like with W9. Anybody hear heads rolling before that happens ? Sinofsky, Ballmer ; anybody else ?


I've actually tried W8 (and later 8.1) on a hybrid Sony laptop/tablet and it's a lot of fun with touch. For real work, there's Classic Shell to the rescue, even though Microsoft doesn't want us using it :P


For my desktop machine, W7 will stay on. I do have 8.1 on a small underpowered laptop which had 7 before ; I'll admit I prefer W8.1 on that machine because it is a little bit quicker now, overall. On machines with power to spare, the speed advantage pretty much disappears.


Let's see what W9 brings to the table.

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Agreed. Maybe people would be more inclined to buy Windows tablets/phones though, if they had more of a choice. To me, it's like people got so turned off by Windows 8 on the desktop environment, that they won't even consider it in the mobile device environment. I could be wrong, though.


I do use Windows 8.1 myself, but I also use 7 and Vista, all on the same computer though, I have a triple boot set up. Windows 8.1 has it's own advantages, but the biggest thing I don't like about it is the lack of Aero. It just looks so "bleh" without Aero :P .

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