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[Fixed] Update from 1736 to 1736 ?

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I think there might be some problem with the database updates.

I currently have database v.1736, and when I update it, a message says I updated from 1736 to 1736.

Then, I can update infinitely to the same version.

This will be fixed in next update, probably, maybe it is just a problem with the version number.

The following screenshot is not photoshopped :


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Lucky I checked the forums... This will happen on ANY database number if you try to update from a limited user. Seeing as I run as a limited user, and just tell some apps to run as administrator (like mbam) if they need to (I know the admin pass), I was a bit concerned after formatting this pc and having that pop up even when running it as admin. Thought I'd done somthing wrong in the format and screwed up the permissions. Nice to know its on MBAM's end, and not my problem to fix. :D

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I am having the same problem on two different systems.

On both systems I am running as admin. No new updates or software have been installed except on one which AVG updated. I stopped this on the other system to see if this may be the problem.

Uninstall and re-install does not help.

Anyone have any ideas please?

Since I can not update, what version is current now please?

Thank You.

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i just had that problem a few posts below. are you all running it in the admin account or at least using admin privledges, becuase you have to be an admin or it does that.

I'm running MBAM under an admin account on both computers. I'm the only user and Avira reports that I'm 100% clean.

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I just got 1738. The issue is probably caused by some of the servers being out of sync, but being told a new update has been released, so they send the "update" but since they're out of sync, they just send the older database that they still have (ie 1736).
Thank you exile360 tried again and got different server and got 1738
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Good to hear!

Just curious but what program(s) did you rely on to determine that you have no nasties? :D

I use several and faith in the diligent MBAM crew.

I use avast! anti virus, Windows Defender updated at least daily from its portal and WinPatrol:

http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal <== end Windows Defender then download and install the update


I updated to 1738 with no problems to report :D

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