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Everything posted by Popeye

  1. Congrats on your new acquisition of AdwCleaner
  2. macOS Sierra to be released September 20th. For the upgrade, do we have to uninstall MBAM for Mac or keep it installed? Any problems with MBAM working with macOS Sierra (beta)?
  3. "but age catches up to all of us eventually" Isn't that a fact.
  4. Ff Oops, I found it in the upper drop down menu. I've been looking for it on the MBAM GUI, LOL. Still learning with this Mac.
  5. I've been a Windows guy since I got my first computer many years ago. Just bought a 27" Mac three months ago and love it. I installed MBAM a few days ago without any problems. Scans are fast. Where is all the information for MBAM located like logs and other information like on MBAM for Windows, or doesn't MBAM for Mac have this?
  6. Yep, and it's not getting any better. Good one Firefox.
  7. After the upgrade, will it keep previous version logs and exclusion settings?
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year forum members.
  9. Ron those are some beautiful amazing pictures of the Falls. Reminds me of my early teen years when I lived in Buffalo, NY and a few of us guys would ride our bicycles to Niagara Falls and spend the day there. I still remember them shutting the water off on the American Falls in 1969, I wish I would have taken pictures of that. I don't miss the winters up there, I'll stay here in the Virginia Beach area.
  10. Hi Mainard, When I unzip the file I get 4 choices, which one do I run: Fix Tool MBAMCore.dll MBAM-Rules Run This
  11. Good one sho-dan. :lol:
  12. Happy New Year MBAM Team & Forum Members.
  13. Smooth update over the top. Working Great with WSA Complete. Thank you for the New Release.
  14. How is Malwarebytes' going to know if you die? lol
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