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Everything posted by Popeye

  1. Are we protected in anyway from Gatekeepers vulnerability using Malwarebytes Premium for Mac? https://www.wired.com/story/macos-gatekeeper-vulnerability/
  2. Sound nice, looking forward to it's release. 👍
  3. What an interesting thread. You're cracking me up. ROFLMHO
  4. https://www.navyfederal.org/resources/articles/security/steer-clear-of-online-scams.php?cmpid=em|nl|resources|articles|security|steer/ clear of online scams|04/19/2019|31689|A2|cb1.3 https://www.navyfederal.org/resources/articles/student-loans/debunking-student-loan-myths.php?cmpid=em|nl||resources|articles|debunking/ student loan myths|04/19/2019|31689|A2|cb2.3 https://www.navyfederal.org/resources/articles/home-loans/what_to_look_for_in_a_real_estate_agent.php?cmpid=em|nl||resources|articles|what/ to look for in a real estate agent|04/19/2019|31689|A2|cb4.3
  5. Popeye

    Test post

    Hi Dave @KrustyGlad to see you're back posting on the Malwarebytes Forum. Dave, aka ~ ProTruckDriver.
  6. Thank you for the information @treed and @alvarnell. That answers the questions.
  7. I've looked on the Forum and on the Malwarebytes Help and I can't find the answer to this: Malwarebytes Premium, in Settings / Options: "Quarantine Malware Automatically". I have that setting disabled. I want to see the malware that Malwarebytes hits on before it goes into Quarantine. Will this setting (disabled) let me see the malware caught during a Scan and Real-Time before putting it into Quarantine and do I have the option of not putting it into Quarantine? (if it's a False Positive) Am I still Fully Covered with this setting disabled?
  8. I didn't know they released the beta lol. It doesn't say beta in the About window. Why all the files left behind after a uninstall now?
  9. I installed the beta and wanted to revert back to the release version. I uninstalled the beta and rebooted and installed the program again. It installed the beta again. Can't get back to the release version. Also I noticed when I did a few uninstalls of the release version last week to see how it works, no files were left behind. Now after I uninstalled the beta version I have files left behind after the uninstall. Plist under Developer found by Spotlight search.
  10. Hmm, Before posting everything was clean on VirusTotal. Now it isn't. https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/d557bcd83babdd66e55d7c5482832b61b89fc4c24e590c7849775c55350441e5/detection
  11. Thank you Thomas for that added information.
  12. I know as of now there isn't a beta version for Mac. When one comes out if you what beta , check the "Beta Application Updates" in the General Settings. When running beta and you what to revert back to the release version, what is the procedure? is it: Just uncheck the "Beta Application Updates" box? (reboot) Do a uninstall / reinstall of Malwarebytes Premium to release version?
  13. Popeye

    Go Back Button

    I tried a few website and it's working just as Rakesh posted above. No bug, working as it should. I learned something on this one today. LOL Thank you @exile360 and @rakeshsejwal for the info on the correct way this Go Back Button works.
  14. Popeye

    Go Back Button

    Thank you @exile360 for the info.
  15. Popeye

    Go Back Button

    It's also not working here with chrome on Mac:
  16. Popeye

    Go Back Button

    The "Go Back Button" on Clickbait Warning does not work with Chrome Browser on Mac computer. It does nothing.
  17. Yes I seen the report of the data base in the Reports Tab. Sounds good that the definition data is encrypted. Thanks for the info Thomas.
  18. Thank you alvarnell. Added the Malwarebytes extension to Chrome and Firefox browsers and all is working good now.
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