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Posts posted by AlexSmith

  1. 1 hour ago, Gt-truth said:


    the new Malwarebytes forum look very nice . awesome upgrade :)

    but however , some forum widget/or feature option is gone at this upgrade like "topic starter" 


    Also, Topic Starter had been replaced by a built-in Author badge that appears in the upper right of a post right next to the Post Options Menu and Post ID (post ID only on some themes due to testing)

  2. 2 minutes ago, PaulBostock said:

    I know you are still getting rid of some bugs in the new forum.

    Just throw something into the mix that is affecting me.

    I'm on a Mac using Safari 13.1.2

    I also use on this browser the Dark Reader extension 1.3.3

    Dark Reader no longer works on the new forum.

    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks for the feedback Paul!!

    I will see what we can do here, but our hands might be tied since this sounds like an issue with a 3rd party extension to me.

    As an alternative though, we will be releasing improved theme options like Dark Mode and Dark/Night Mode OLED. We are doing internal and limited public testing on those now.

  3. 2 hours ago, Hardhead said:


    There’s no way to login using an iPhone. I will attach pictures. I was able to login using a Password manager. 


    Not sure if you are aware of this issue or not. Sorry forgot to add what it looks like when using password manager.


    This is a theme color bug that will be resolved shortly. The current default Malwarebytes 4.5 theme has the hamburger menu to rendering in white on a white background, making it essentially invisible. You can actually click on where it is supposed to be and it will actually function.

    The other themes do not have this issue, so when you log in you are switched to the theme you last used which doesn't have this issue.

    2 hours ago, Hardhead said:

    Thanks for all you do!

    Thank you for the kind words!! Glad to help!!

  4. 29 minutes ago, Maurice Naggar said:

    About the EDIT function.   I found it by clicking the triple dot at the top of the box.  Click once to reveal  & then go slow and careful.


    18 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Especially if you have moderation powers.

    It is for sure a bit of an unexpected move initially, but once you see its truly a Comment/Post Options Menu, it makes more sense and aligns with modern UI/UX standards.

  5. 2 hours ago, kevinf80 said:

    Yes I too see the following when navigating in the forum, or using the Home tab. Also cannot add an image to a thread reply..


    error IPS.JPG

    We are still seeing this come up randomly for logged in users. Guests seem to be unaffected by it. IPS has been informed.

    41 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

    Thread replies do not seem to be numbered...

    This functionality was provided with a 3rd party plugin which is currently disabled until we feel the Forums are stable.

  6. After upgrading to IPS Community Suite 4.5.3, we identified some changes, enhancements, and issues community members should be aware of.

    Changes and Enhancements

    • Post Options Menu was added to Edit, Share, etc. a post. It appears as "..." in the upper right corner of a post
    • Edit has moved to the Post Options Menu (...)
    • Share had moved to the Post Options Menu (...)
    • Author badge will display near the Post Options Menu in follow-up posts from the original topic author/starter. This built-in feature replaces the Topic Starter Plugin
    • New themes based on IPS Default for Light Mode (Default), Dark Mode, and Night Mode is currently in beta testing
    • Post ID will appear near the Post Options Menu on Beta themes - this replaces the Post Count Plugin
    • Mark as Resolved option appears on the bottom of a post and can be used only by the original poster, Moderator, or Admin in the following areas: Windows Support, Mac Support, Android Support, Privacy Support, BG Support, False Positive (all subforums too), and Techbench (all subforums too)
    • Sign-On Anonymously moved to profile settings (Account Settings > Security and Privacy > Privacy), but not available for SSO-Only accounts


    Known Issues

    We are aware of multiple technical issues occurring on our forums after IPS upgraded us to IPS Community Suite 4.5.3. We are working with IPS to resolve these issues.

    Known Issues

    • Theme colors, logos, and fonts may be incorrect, inconsistent, or missing
    • Post Number does not display on posts for some themes
    • Auto-Reply to Topics from Malwarebytes bot does not occur

    Resolved Issues

    • Attempting to post, reply, or private message may result in Error 500 depending on the contents of the post/reply/message
    • Some posts contain no content and produce the following error: "There are no posts to show Error code: 2F173/L"
    • Posts appear as a negative number in sidebar widgets
    • Unable to post or reply due to the Editor not loading
    • Attempting to log in to the Forums results in the error: "Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: 2S119/1"
    • Accessing areas of the Forums may be slow or unresponsive after logging in
    • Error 500 and Error 504 may display while browsing the Forums after logging in
    • Attachments are not accessible after uploading - recaching of files still in progress, but the underlying issue has been fixed.
    • Uploading Attachments may timeout or fail
    • Users may be unable to log in
    • Malwarebytes Staff unable to log in
    • "Back To Top" button missing
    • Edit button is missing - This moved to the "..." Post Options Menu
    • Favicon is missing
    • Forums not adjusting width properly leaving too much white space
  7. 3 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

    @AlexSmith This should have been the first link: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/263383-help-downloaded-fake-mwb-antivirus-and-its-a-trojan/

    That was done by mistake, thats` when I realized the edit function was missing

    The second link was indeed to an attachment, it was to FRST log that I could not open.



    Thanks. I also cannot download the attachments. Need to troubleshoot this a bit and report back to IPS.

  8. 12 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

    When I try to open FRST logs in this thread: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990  I get logged out and given the Sorry, you do not have permission https://forums.malwarebytes.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=306792&ct=1598897990

    Big problem when I cannot open logs or make replies....


    Which thread? Both links are directly to an attachment.

    10 minutes ago, kevinf80 said:

    Also cannot edit my replies....


    Looking in to this to see if its a permissions issue I can adjust.

  9. The white space issue should now be fixed. We have enabled the Fluid Width feature on all themes by default.

    The overall look/feel of the "Malwarebytes Dark 4.5"  is not ideal. We will do our best to clean this up as time allows but we may try using a built-in theme capability to produce an in-box Night or Dark Mode.

    Our previously under test "TEST 2 - Night Mode" theme has been disabled and replaced with a new "Night Mode" option for members in the test group. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.

  10. 7 minutes ago, exile360 said:

    By the way, I just posted this elsewhere but since it's relevant, I thought I'd post it here:

    It annoys me that our names are no longer displayed in their associated group colors (such as blue for me, green red for you etc.).  Having those colors stand out at the top for each user's name next to their posts made finding their specific posts/content much easier (as doe the 'Topic starter' tag we've enjoyed for sometime now; I'd like to see that return as well).

    Thanks for posting that here. I'm not sure how much control we have over that now since that change appears across all themes at the moment.

    For now, you can still see the Group Name with the color underneath your avatar.

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