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  1. I speak Spanish as well and communicate in both English and Spanish, although my primary language is English. I can write Spanish as well just not as good as I can in English....
  2. @ Bob... no I am not in tornado alley, but we do get them here from time to time... the last one that touched down and made major damage was maybe 3 years ago.
  3. This is just to confer with exile360..... The crap-ware will still be there, and if you do an upgrade and do not select the section to format, it will retain your programs and files as well. You can also use an upgrade CD/DVD to install on a fresh new computer. You can do it using two cd rom drives and during the upgrade it will search for previous versions/media and it will find it, or you can just swap out the cd's when prompted to search for a previous version. I have done this many times.
  4. I use a free tool that lets you see what each process is and what file executes it as well its called: Prio - Process Priority Saver Works well and has helped me plenty of times trying to figure out some processes.
  5. nice video, I have seen some of those up close....
  6. It would be nice if MBAM would run off a bootable cd.....
  7. Just thinking outside the box here..... Have you tried a different keyboard?
  8. Well Malwarebytes will be a great addition for your malware/spyware removal tool. The paid version will run realtime protection too.
  9. @ Salute2 What Antivirus are you using, have you entered the exceptions for MBAM in your antivirus software?
  10. Seriously.... In my area you have to due to Tornadoes that touch down from time to time....
  11. Mint Chocolate Chip Butter Pecan
  12. Thanks for your concern guys..... sorry to cause such a ruckus.... my Internet provider was having issues yesterday.....
  13. @ Bobc11 I have no idea what you are talking about Actually my Internet provider where I had my avatar hosted was having issues yesterday....
  14. @ Flasetta I know there are folks that will help you in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs section. They are quite busy there because of all the threats out there, surely you can understand that one must be patient and wait your turn. These folks are great at what they do and provide their help for free, surely you cant expect them to just drop everything and help you at a moments notice.
  15. I also agree that USB Flash drives are very reliable. I have even accidentally put my through the washing machine, and I just let it dry out, and all my stuff was still there.
  16. Greetings and Welcome . If you're having trouble getting Malwarebytes' and other tools to update or run please review the following tutorials and see if they are helpful: Total-Security (FakeAlert) av360 (Fakealert) CLB Rootkit driver=TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst SystemSecurity If you aren't able to use those instructions or there are other issues then please follow the instructions here: I'm infected - What do I do now? And post your logs in a new topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal or scanning tools except those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. note: if for some reason you are unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just post here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs describing your issues and an expert will reply with further instructions. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  17. I do not, but I know some families that do her in the USA.
  18. @ mountaintree16 Thanks for the info, I checked on that post and restored the items and re-ran the scan, all clean now. @ srtools1980y Thanks, looks like they got it sorted out.
  19. Fixed for me now, I restored all items I quarenteed earlier and the re-ran a scan. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.41 Database version: 2888 Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 10/1/2009 4:06:48 PM mbam-log-2009-10-01 (16-06-48).txt Scan type: Quick Scan Objects scanned: 123687 Time elapsed: 2 minute(s), 40 second(s) Memory Processes Infected: 0 Memory Modules Infected: 0 Registry Keys Infected: 0 Registry Values Infected: 0 Registry Data Items Infected: 0 Folders Infected: 0 Files Infected: 0 Memory Processes Infected: (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Infected: (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Infected: (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Infected: (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Infected: (No malicious items detected) Folders Infected: (No malicious items detected) Files Infected: (No malicious items detected)
  20. Glad that MBAM was able to solve all your issues. I am not with the staff, but I know they appreciate hearing all the success stories, and thanks for buying MBAM.
  21. Greetings and Welcome . If you're having trouble getting Malwarebytes' and other tools to update or run please review the following tutorials and see if they are helpful: Total-Security (FakeAlert) av360 (Fakealert) CLB Rootkit driver=TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst SystemSecurity If you aren't able to use those instructions or there are other issues then please follow the instructions here: I'm infected - What do I do now? And post your logs in a new topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal or scanning tools except those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. note: if for some reason you are unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just post here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs describing your issues and an expert will reply with further instructions. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  22. Greetings and Welcome . If you're having trouble getting Malwarebytes' and other tools to update or run please review the following tutorials and see if they are helpful: Total-Security (FakeAlert) av360 (Fakealert) CLB Rootkit driver=TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst SystemSecurity If you aren't able to use those instructions or there are other issues then please follow the instructions here: I'm infected - What do I do now? And post your logs in a new topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal or scanning tools except those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. note: if for some reason you are unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just post here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs describing your issues and an expert will reply with further instructions. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  23. when I try to go to www.regtool.com it gets blocked by Malwarebytes IP protection @ so there is something fishy on that site or where its hosted. Strange too, after going to that site, I ran a scan with malwarebytes and it found 21 Trojan.Agent on my computer.
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