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  1. So is this a legit company? Why would they let a company make software like this?
  2. Thanks for that info exile360
  3. bzomerlei there is a way to update the program using another computer and a flash drive..... it can be found In This Topic
  4. the exclusion list would have to be saved somehow so it does not get over written on the next def update too....
  5. come to think of it, I believe that I am having the same problem as Leon Black, except I am using 8.5i version of McAfee.
  6. GT500 have you guys had any issues with McAfee Enterprise version 8.5i or 8.7i?
  7. Welcome to the Forum!!! Well I am not with the staff, but these guys here at Malwarebytes know what they are doing and they have a good product. People like you that come and post thier success just lets them know they are appreciated.
  8. yes that could be, I just know folks come to me all the time cause there hard drives are full. (also flash drives). I look at the C: drive and sure enough they have all kinds of files there. These folks that I deal with have thier systems on FAT32 for some reason (in windows xp pro and home). That could be why that is happening. Thanks for the refresher advancedsetup.....
  9. it may be the feature from you hp printer. if you have an hp printer, try re-installing your hp printer driver
  10. another reason is because there is a limitation of how many files can be in the root. Once that limitation is reached, even if you have 200GB free on your hard drive, it will show as being full and it will not let you store anything until you clear up some space. I dont remember what that limitation is at theis time.
  11. Camel's ass A nun and a priest are riding a camel through the desert. After a few days the camel falls over dead. After looking over the situation the priest figures neither one of them will survive the rest of the journey. The priest asks the nun "I have never seen a woman's breasts, and at this point it probably wouldn't matter much, so could I see yours?" The nun agrees and shows him her breasts. "May I touch them?" The nun allows him to. The priest comments sincerely how wonderful they are. The nun then asks "Father, I have never seen a man's penis before, could you show me yours? The priest drops his drawers. "May I touch it?" After she fondles his penis for a minute he sports a huge erection. The priest says, "you know if I place my penis in the proper place it can give life!" "Is that right" the nun replies? "Yes." "Then why don't you stick it up that camel's ass and let's get the hell out of here!"
  12. you can download Memtest86 and try it. you can also download hard drive testers from you hard drive manufactures web site as well.
  13. yes but you get to drive across several states so the scenery changes from time to time. Try driving across Texas..... It takes just as long and you never leave the state.
  14. NNNNoooooo dont infect your computer just for that..... I have a couple you can use..... Hope these help, but from the sounds of it he is using a different product.
  15. the files are not hidden in safe mode, you will get a good scan in safe mode.
  16. get a hold of a Hiren's BootCD that will have some tools for testing your memory and your hard drive as well. As with all tools be careful what you do so you do not damage your operating system
  17. glad you got it fixed for him, hey prairie dog have you ever tried using a program called teamviewer to do remote control and fix computers in other cities. Its free.... I use it quite often.
  18. being a soccer coach..... that looks funny to me
  19. yes do a full scan, then it will give you options to do other drives.
  20. have a read through THIS THREAD and it tells you how you can do it.
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