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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Thank you Ron! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours too
  2. aww thanks sho-dan! It's so cute! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too and to everyone else here as well!
  3. Update: Dragged music files from Music folder into Music in the iTunes interface, and am now dragging music into my music folder on my iPod. All is well now with my iPod, and I can't thank Exile360 enough for helping me to recover my music after I made a foolish move and tried something out without using a copy of my music and then deleted the originals. Edit: I am having to drag SOME files from the music folder to the iPod, otherwise a couple songs when clicked on were playing a totally different song.
  4. @ CCMUA2009 Oh, okay. Well at any rate, inform her also that any links should be verified that the trusted sender meant to send them to you, and also the same goes for any e-cards that appear to have come from someone you know. Hmm. Yeah, any online pharmacy's should be heavily researched first... I would only trust using one if it was like Rite Aid, CVS, etc or a local drugstore in your area. I wouldn't use any other ones. 1) Yeah, if it was in the broswer history it had to have been clicked on initially UNLESS you are experiencing any browser redirects/search engine redirects. If you are not, then yes, it would have had to have been clicked on if its showing you your browser history as far as I know. 2) As for you clicking on it again, you probably didn't do more than was already done, but can't say for sure of course. 3) Yes, I would think that since your scans all came up clean, it was probably just a scammy website or something like that vs actually having malicious content. If you want to make sure you're clean, you could post in the HJT forum, but, it is very busy in there currently so it could be 2 days or more before you get a response.
  5. @ noknojon and anyone else reading this thread - Pidgin is a great IM client. No ads, more secure than some of the other ones out there (mostly because of the lack of ads I think). You can log into and use your yahoo, msn, aim, and many other IM names all at the same time in one simple to use IM application http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=132413
  6. Torrents in general are risky This topic here should give you some good information also: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=32389
  7. Hello Hawkwind, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org, and thank you for your purchase of Mbam If you post your question here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=42 along with the IP address that was blocked, someone would be happy to look into this for you to determine if it is a False Positive or not. As a side note, when replying, please use the add-reply button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you Edit: noknojon beat me to answering you while I was typing
  8. CCMUA2009 to add to what noknojon said - on Vista and 7, IE has a protected mode which makes it MUCH safer than it is on XP And just for future reference, if you ever get a link in an email that appears to be from a trusted source again, ask that source/person (if possible) if they actually meant to send you that link. Same goes for any e-cards (another potential source of infection).
  9. @ catscomputer Yeah, Dogpile.com used to be a search engine I'd use quite a bit. I haven't used it in ages though, I should check and see if it still exists If I am remembering correctly, it pulls results from several different search engines. Or maybe I am thinking of a different engine
  10. @ catscomputer Welcome I admit I still usually use Google, and have only used Scroogle for certain things. I should just switch over entirely though. Hard habit to break I guess, I've used Google forever. Before that I often used Yahoo or Dogpile, and sometimes Msn's regular search engine. I definitely have it bookmarked though! Might have a hard time getting other half to change from Google to Scroogle though
  11. Welcome Pieter/Metallica You'll be a wonderful addition to the awesome Malwarebytes team
  12. @ JohnDaddyo Absolutely, its a wonderful feature. I back up what Exile said Also, like Exile, I leave the notifications and everything on (no silent IP block either) because I like to know when something is getting blocked But if you don't want to know when something is blocked and would prefer to not have the bubble show, that's your choice and there is a way to change it so it won't show and you still get the excellent IP protecting feature
  13. You're welcome ceomag If there is nothing there (and if there is, check to see if the date is close to around what that Mbam scan log's date is), I have a pretty good hunch that that system restore point finding may be leftover from an older infection I am going to sleep now, and hopefully someone will be able to confirm what I said, but, I think that's probably what it is
  14. You're welcome ceomag. I'm not sure, but, did you notice anything in your Avast's quarantine files that matched this name: A0049145.dll or was close to it?
  15. Hello joephoto and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org , If you do want to switch to Avira from AVG, I always use this link Otherwise, you should probably update from 8.5 to 9.0 with your AVG
  16. That finding is harmless as far as I know Its stored in your system restore, so as long as that old restore point is NOT used, you won't get infected from it. It wouldn't hurt to do as AdvancedSetup posted; its good to clear our your restore points once in a while. I do anyway I'll let AdvancedSetup or someone else answer if anything else may be at work here, but, that particular finding is harmless
  17. @ hello2007 Just bookmark/save to favorites Scroogle/Bing or whatever you'd like to use so that you can get to them easily. I think with both IE and Firefox now, you can make little easy to press bookmarks at the top (just under the address bar field area) (I can give you a screen shot if you need one later on). I use them and they are very handy. Or you can just put them in your regular bookmarks/favorites list
  18. If you think you can remember, manually update it instead once or twice a day, Greyowl, I never had a problem doing it that way It was slow but it updated fine
  19. You're welcome. I'm not sure. It's probably fine. Maybe someone else will know better than me
  20. Scroogle scroogle http://www.scroogle.org/scrapen8.html See post by Exile with information on this: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=116077
  21. Hi Thrill You're welcome. Sure, whatever you are comfortable with Pick whatever you like the best and whatever works for you. Avira does play very nicely with Mbam; I am not sure about Panda. Also, if you decide to go with Avira, please download this uninstaller tool and run prior to installing Avira. Directions: Download tool > Uninstall Panda > Restart > Run tool > Restart. Install Avira. After downloading the tool, MAKE SURE that your internet connection is OFF until Avira is installed (You don't want to be online with no AV). Info about the tool here: http://blog.cloudantivirus.com/tag/uninstall/ Gotten from here: http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/ (one of our Experts blogs )
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