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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Thanks Ron I'll check those out later! I forget which product I used of theirs. I used a PC Tools reg cleaner and found out afterwards that wasn't such a good idea (it broke several programs on me and prompted really annoying windows installer messages) then came here and found out why it wasn't such a good idea lol Now I know.
  2. hehe I see you mentioned Tune Up; I used a trial of one of theirs years ago, I still get emailed newsletters, good to know it was legit
  3. I use ATF cleaner before I shut down/hibernate I've used CCleaner once; I should update it and run it at least once a week
  4. I just did it Exile, and it works perfectly :( (I used the first link, Method 1, option A) Thank you!!
  5. Oh, I'm sorry. It comes from Malwarebytes.org What browser are you using? As for saving items, its wherever your browser is set to save items to when you download something I have mine set to save downloaded items to the desktop If you hit run, it probably just run then instead of actually saving.
  6. Regarding Google in general, see here (post by Exile) http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=116077 If you want to use Google Chrome, please see here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...ost&p=33145 And here to actually download Iron: http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron_download.php
  7. Manual Windows Update worked just fine btw, for anyone that was wondering. 3 updates failed to install the first time, second time around they downloaded and installed just fine Checked again, none are left now
  8. I keep wanting to smoosh it LOL
  9. I think I've seen it before, but I was going to wipe it off the first time I saw it, then I realized that it was an animated picture
  10. Thank you for the update, Marcin. I'm glad that they have removed the database, although I wish that they had apologized to you too.
  11. Mine are noplace to be found, and they usually come right away, even if the computer isn't on at the time set :/ Ah well, IE had better behave for me in about an hour
  12. You might want to consider turning it on sometimes though, at least for web searching/surfing purposes, as it adds excellent protection for your computer in addition to Avira
  13. Glad you knew what this was, Exile. And reading this and seeing another thread about Windows Updates, I just realized that I haven't gotten mine yet! And when I went to manually check last night, IE froze up and wouldn't load and such. I'll try again later, running an AV scan right now.
  14. @ Exile haha sweet! That's good to know.
  15. Thanks YoKenny1 That will be bookmarked and read by me asap I mostly know copy, cut, paste, undo pasting, and when using a rich-text or in Word, ctrl b, ctrl i, etc... Very handy
  16. haha cool I can press the windows button on the keyboard + d or m and it will show too. But I am still going to fix this either way, and now I know another keyboard shortcut to add to the keyboard shortcuts I know Anyway, reading things and will work on it later
  17. Thanks Exile I'll give them a whirl later on today.
  18. Hello again John This is definitely a False Positive on Spyware Doctor's part that you can safely ignore To verify this, follow these directions: (from the expert) Do that, and let me know if that's the case Other than this False Positive, is your computer running okay? Any other weird things going on or any other detections being found? ---------------------------------------------- Important Note: For anyone else casually reading this thread/this particular message, DO NOT take it as solid advice for YOUR system, as things MAY be different for you. This is for this particular user ONLY. If you are unsure, start your OWN thread. I would also advise the following: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.
  19. Probably like a year ago now, I messed up the desktop icon/button? on the Quick Launch on the taskbar of my computer. I have no idea how I accomplished this, lol. If I click it now, it goes to My Computer. This isn't a huge deal, I can do without it, but it's annoying. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  20. @ T Durden Glad you have an AV (anti-virus) I wouldn't remove Malwarebytes if I were you It's a wonderful program, and it gets the nasties that AV's either miss or are unable to fully remove. It's always free, no limitations, for updates, scanning, and removal. Payment is only required for realtime protection, automatic updates, scanning schedules. But if you want to, remove it via control panel FIRST. Restart your computer. Download mbam clean here. Run it. Restart your computer! (it will ask). Mbam will be gone.
  21. T.Durden I can tell you for a FACT that AVG and Avira anti-viruses work with Firefox. (I've seen them work on both ) and I am sure that other anti-viruses work with them too MBAM does too - I have the paid version and I have gotten IP blocks on a few sites - so I know its working If you want to download Firefox, I'll give you the official link But please, before making any changes to your system (including browser changes unless your helper advises you to) Please follow what I said in my other reply to you on the other thread. Thank you I've only used IE and Firefox, so I can't vouch for other browsers, but most likely they work with them too, let's see if anyone else has anything to say about that.
  22. @ T. Durden Whoa whoa. Stop there. You probably still have something lurking/are infected then. I missed that some viruses had been let thru (my last reply to you before this one it was very late/early morning and I wasn't seeing everything I guess). Please read & do the following. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. And also, since you did a system restore, you may have just re-infected yourself from an infected restore point Please stop trying to fix your system yourself just so you don't risk infecting yourself more and do what I advised above. Although, I would recommend updating and running Malwarebytes again and remove whatevers found. Are you saying also that you have NO anti-virus currently? This is not good if that is the case. You need to have one. If you don't have one, a great free one is Avira, which you can download here. Note: clicking link will lead to .exe download of Avira. (P.S) Since you are still likely infected, the person I messaged is unable to help you at this time (He is not authorized yet to work with infected users). And I can't help you any further than this either - I hadn't realized that you were infected or likely infected, and I apologize for overlooking that. Good luck! And about the quotationary - that's so awesome!! If you wouldn't mind PMing me the title and author, I'd like to look into buying it myself
  23. You're welcome T. Durden and please, whatever you do, DON'T USE ANY REGISTRY cleaning features of CCleaner or any other products you might have unless you know very well what you are doing. Thanks, I love it too! I love quotes from Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and others.
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