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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Oh, I understand that, Marco Unless its very unclear what is being replied to, though, we try to use the add reply button instead of quoting things. It makes the forum and threads less confusing to read. You're welcome Mountaintree16
  2. Hi Marco In the future, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said. Thanks I'm glad that you haven't had any issues up until this point. I didn't mean issues as in just THIS issue, though. Hopefully this issue gets figured out soon
  3. @ Amethyst Hmm that's very interesting. Seems as though you've found a pattern on this, at least. I haven't noticed any increased usage on my computer, which seems kinda strange, from reading in this thread it seems like I *should* be experiencing something. Also in regard to Firefox, I never really see it hogging that much memory while in usage, even when I do have like 5+ tabs open at once. I just don't pay attention really though to how much memory is being used by something unless the computer is slowing down. I know that other people do have slow Firefox issues though. I restart or turn off my computer at least once a week. When its not in use, its usually in Hibernate mode with the internet off.
  4. I'll see if my usage goes down with IP protection off when I am at my computer again, Marcin. I'm not sure why, but I never seem to have these issues that some other people have, maybe I/my computer are just lucky lol
  5. well I am on XP here and I am not having any issues, at least not that I aware of. Mbamservice is only taking 51K as far as I can see from taskmanager... and mbamgui is taking only 2K
  6. @ Amethyst Ah, I see. That makes sense. As long as you know what you are doing and are okay with it, and are keeping the most critical updates current as soon as you are able to, that's good Good that you have it set automatically on your son's laptop though Ah, a Media Center PC. Well that makes more sense that iTunes is on it, but still... I think it should ask you. Hmm. You can't get Rhapsody or something similar in Canada? Pretty sure you can put iTunes downloads onto MP3 players I only have an iPod because it was a gift, although once I'd saved up some money if I didn't have one already I think I would get one after saving for a while. I love music
  7. You're welcome, Amethyst Why don't you like things that update without asking? Most updates are security related, but sometimes just for added or enhanced features. I hope you have Windows Critical and Security updates on, at least Ah, is that why? That's understandable.iTunes came pre-installed? QuickTime doesn't surprise me but iTunes? What kind of a computer do you have? If you want Chrome but you don't want the privacy invasion, Iron is the way to go And I'll answer your other question in the other thread here: To be honest, I haven't used Orca too much since then. I keep meaning to, but I keep using Firefox out of habit, plus all of my favorites are on here, hehe. I will start using it more, though
  8. @ noknojon Exile (And I think maybe someone else too) told me that Safari is one of the most insecure browsers, if I am remembering correctly
  9. hi Amethyst Please see here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=169771 And here re: Chrome http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=33730 http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=168861
  10. @ Jehanzeb It's alright That's why we re-direct people to the correct place to post their logs and get help with malware-removal You are very welcome, and its okay, now you know the correct place to post if you need malware-removal assistance. Take care and happy 2010!
  11. You're very welcome Nos! I'm glad that the advice we gave was able to help you out Yes, this site and forum is a great place to get help Any time you have a question on something, don't hesitate to post! And there's a section on the forum for almost anything computer related that you can think of, plus a general talk and jokes area too Happy 2010 to you as well!!! Mountaintree16
  12. @ Exile Isn't it ironic that people would illegally download a pirated AV?
  13. @ MalwareByter In addition to the information above, this topic and this topic might also give you some helpful information.
  14. You're very welcome, Nos Please see if the link that Exile gave you helps you with this matter
  15. Hello KPierson, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Firstly, you should have used a quick scan Secondly, you should re-post your post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 As we do not work on malware removal in the general forums. An expert will be along to assist you in cleaning your system as soon as someone is available. Please be patient and do not reply to your own post unless its been longer than 48 hours without a response; this can make it appear as though you are already being helped and can make the wait longer for you. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  16. Thanks Exile, I forgot about Skype and Vonage Be careful when using Skype though, there are fake messages sent to people (sometimes) trying to get them to click on malware infested links, claiming to be from Microsoft, Skype admins, etc.. - don't be a victim!
  17. @ Mista You are very welcome!! It is a handy tool I run it daily but that's probably a bit too often, once a week should be good It sounds like you are probably in the clear - that setup doesn't seem as though it has executed and if you put it there and know what it is, I'm sure that you're safe Please though, in the future, use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page. Thanks
  18. @ MistaCrowley To delete your temp files, please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune. If using Vista, please right click and choose "Run as Administrator". Click the select all box. If you have items you wish to keep in your Recycle Bin, please uncheck that box. Then, click "Empty Selected". If you use Firefox or Opera, please click on those names at the top of ATF Cleaner and click the select all button again. If you have saved passwords that you'd like to keep, click NO at the prompt. Again, click "Empty selected". I recommend running ATF Cleaner at least once a week
  19. @ MistaCrowley Did YOU download a setup.exe file to that location? If not, it is most likely malware and DOES need to be deleted. Also, please make SURE you read nosirrah's reply below mine. Please do follow noknojon's directions above if you think you may be infected, reading the directions here and then posting your logs and any other information here. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you @ noknojon Or not clearing out the temp files first (for the longer quick scan time). Or a lot of files on the computer I've had it take about that long before, it can vary
  20. Hello Nos and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Do you have the paid or free version of Malwarbytes? So this ONLY happens when you boot up your computer, NOT when you are trying to update the program? Please see if the following link might help you with this issue: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=29028 Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  21. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  22. Hello JerryM Well, I have an Internet Security Suite, Mbam paid, SpywareBlaster, SpyBot Immunization, and a HOSTS file w/ HostsMan. They all work very nicely together.
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