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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Hello Ragan Petrie and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please follow this link and the instructions from Ade to get this nasty off your system: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...mp;#entry156475 Thank you
  2. Thanks Ron but that's definitely out of our price range unfortunately
  3. Hello kailuaboy, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please read the following: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. Also, when replying, please use the "add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you Also, please do not post your email in the future - spambots could harvest it.
  4. Hello Krista Kay, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please read the following: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. Also, when replying, please use the "add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  5. Hi, Please read my reply to your post that you made 10 minutes before this one here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=181430 This is the ONLY way you'll be able to receive malware removal assistance, as there are experts that are able to do that in the HiJackThis forum ONLY. Thank you
  6. Hello Kakachi, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Sounds like you're infected. Please read the following: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. Also, when replying, please use the "add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you Also, please do not attach potentially infected files to your posts, thanks.
  7. Thanks noknojon No need for wireless here Computer and xbox are in the same room and use ethernetcords also.
  8. Currently we have a modem from our internet provider that allows internet connection to one system at a time. Recently my significant other got an Xbox360 and so of course wants to go online with it... He keeps saying, "we need a router". I've only had experience with Linksys and I admit I didn't really know what I was doing, but it didn't' go very well lol. I think we ended up returning it. So I was wondering if anyone could recommend a router to me, and other information, such as how do you set a different password than the default and all those fun security things that a lot of people forget or don't know to do. Thanks for any help
  9. Hello junsei, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours or more at times to get a reply at busy times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for assistance unless its been more than 48 hours and you have not received a reply yet, as this can make it look as though you are already getting help. Also, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  10. Thanks for the replies, GT500 & ah, that's good to know I don't think I am really experiencing it after all by the way... its been holding steady between like 24,000K and 28,000K now... maybe mine just spiked for a bit after an update.
  11. I am not sure I understand correction the conversion from K to MB... how many K (is K the same as kilobytes, by the way)? are in a MB? Also, what is "normal" for memory usage by Malwarebytes on a computer? Running XP, SP3 here, all updated. Anyway, so when I turn on my computer tonight (it was in hibernation, its usually restarted or turned off once a week, otherwise its left in Hibernate most of the time), after updating, I checked the usage. It was 102,000 K. Then it went down to 86,000 after about 5 minutes or so, give or take. I restarted my computer, then took a look again. It was at 40,000 - 40,500 K. Edit: Now its nearly at 42,000 K. Few seconds later, 42,300, then 42,328... Edit again: Now its at 42,192, oop, now its at 42,300 its creeping up slowly... So nearly a half hour after I originally posted this... Mbamservice is down to 30,000K.
  12. Elysion Zero, hello and welcome to Malwarebytes.org A fix is being worked on. The more people that help the team figure out whats going on here, the better. Also, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page. Thank you
  13. Alexx, There are honorary members, rogue reporters, etc.. here that are very knowledgeable in different things with computers (aside from Malware removal - ONLY Experts etc... are authorized to help with that and only in the malware removal forum). If you hang around here, after a while you'll get a feel for who knows what and who you're comfortable taking advice from. And like Baz. said, only take advice from people if you feel comfortable doing it, especially if you don't know that they are an Expert etc... here As for Experts, etc... please see the link that AdvancedSetup gave you That should give you an idea of who can help you with what in terms of Malware removal. Many of those people also are very knowledgeable in general computer knowledge (help aside from malware) and they can be trusted to give you help. As for me, personally, I don't help someone or give an answer to something unless I am positive or nearly positive on what the answer is, and if I am not sure, I ask for help. I don't know a whole lot yet but I am learning slowly but surely, and I jump in and help people when I can. I hope that this helps clear that up for you! Also, just as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  14. @ chicagobeers I'm sure people will try it out when they see it, its rather late for a lot of people currently. I'd definitely try it out if I were having the issue, but I am not.
  15. @ Chicagobeers If you aren't comfortable doing that, then don't. Please read TeMerc's post just above my last post. Read it entirely, and you'll see why it won't be a quick, easy fix.
  16. @ TeMerc & everyone else.... I wish I could help with this issue but my usage isn't nearly as high and I haven't experienced any issues, at least as of yet. I unticked IP protection and the K usage actually seemed to go up a little bit. I'll keep my eye on it though.
  17. @ chicagobeers http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=180488 Swandog is a developer & works for Malwarebytes, you can trust him! See if what he said helps.
  18. When I am at my computer again Marco, I'll try disabling stuff in Mbam and see what happens to the memory usage. Thanks, I'll try. You have a nice day too
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