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Elvis has temporarily left the building/forum

Guest Code Hunter

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Guest Code Hunter

Elvis has temporarily left the building forum.

Due to an eye infection that is not responding to over the counter prescription antibiotics I will be checking into the hospital for a few days. Hopefully I will be able to return sometime this weekend or next week.

Code Hunter

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Elvis has temporarily left the building forum.

Due to an eye infection that is not responding to over the counter pescription antibiotics I will be checking into the hospital for a few days. Hopefully I will be able to return sometime this weekend or next week.

Code Hunter

God bless and get well soon.

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Elvis has temporarily left the building forum.

Due to an eye infection that is not responding to over the counter pescription antibiotics I will be checking into the hospital for a few days. Hopefully I will be able to return sometime this weekend or next week.

Code Hunter

God bless and get well soon.

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Elvis has temporarily left the building forum.

Due to an eye infection that is not responding to over the counter prescription antibiotics I will be checking into the hospital for a few days. Hopefully I will be able to return sometime this weekend or next week.

Code Hunter

If you'd drink the Tennessee 'shine, which I might add I gave you out of the bottom of my heart.. well; mason jar but you know what I mean, instead of that lead laced, cousin-marrying, anise spiked Georgia 'shine your Aunt brews you wouldn't be having that tooth problem Claude.. But "Nooooooo...."; you have to drink that homemade rotgut.. :P

Take care Bud; "Git 'er done!" and get well soonest,


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