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Bethesda Softworks should hire this girl:

She does a much better job than the lady that Bethesda had sing the song for one of the 'Bard' characters in Skyrim.

She has a hauntingly beautiful voice Arthur.. Reminds me of someone I used to know, and listen to, in the 60's.. (altho' her and my politics were 180° out :))


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She has a hauntingly beautiful voice Arthur.. Reminds me of someone I used to know, and listen to, in the 60's.. (altho' her and my politics were 180° out :))


Yeah, and it looks like Bethesda noticed her video. They said that her video has "been mesmerizing folks at our office for weeks now."

BTW: Don't be scared if you follow that link above and it asks for your date of birth. There's nothing 'adult' at that link, but Bethesda's games include a certain amount of blood/violence/gore/etc. that causes them to be rated for 'mature' audiences, so Bethesda always age-restricts their videos/websites/etc. about their games to comply with rating organizations such as the ESRB, and they do it even if there is no actual content that children shouldn't see (which is a little abnormal in the gaming industry).

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sweet mountain thanks and ill look into that

and im actually feeling best iv felt all week had my tonsils removed monday and last 48 hours or so iv had to come back to the hospital for exessive bleeding in my throat last night was the 3rd time i had to come in so instead of using silver nitrate to cauterize the injury siite again they operated to fix it permenantly

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You're welcome :) I have almost all of their albums. I love them. They are my favorite! :)

Oh good I am glad that you are feeling better! I hope that the bleeding has subsided and will not come back! :)

This is their official website & you can listen to samples of their music on it when you have a chance:


This is their official YouTube page:


And if you are on Facebook, their official Facebook Page:


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Cool :)All That You Are is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing song and it always lifts me up! Listen to that one for sure!

That stinks :( but it sounds like you are on your way to recovery so try not to get too down in the dumps about it, it won't help you any.

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ah im not upset no point in getting up set over spilled milk life doest come with any guarentees and i listened to the song iris and that was awesome ill go listen to ur suggestion and chances are if i like that song ima go and maybe buy the albums for my self shove em on my ii pod

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Yep. :/

Iris is wonderful!

If you are going to buy the albums well basically they are all good except their very first two, kinda vulgar and I dont' care for them but Hold me up onward are excellent!

If you are going to pick a few albums though here are my top recommendations:

A Boy Named Goo

Dizzy Up The Girl (that is the album that Iris is on)

Something for the rest of us (that is their newest :) )

& All That You Are is not on an album, it was done for the newest Transformers movie so you can download it by itself from iTunes, that's what I did :D

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