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Remember the Veterans


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We have a public holiday here in Belgium on the 11th of November, to celebrate the end of the Great War and to pay our respects who have fought for us.

Ours used to be called ARMISTICE DAY after WWI, the war to end all wars, too Mona.. Eventually, here, it became VETERANS DAY to honor those from all our conflicts.. WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and now the two Gulf wars..


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We have a public holiday here in Belgium on the 11th of November, to celebrate the end of the Great War and to pay our respects who have fought for us.

We also hold Remberance Day servives at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month each year -

Also wearing the poppy flower to rember those who fell in Flanders , as well as all the others who gave service and their lives for freedom -

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Who you calling "Gramps" you young whipper-snapper.. :) :) :):D Oh.. you were talking to Ron; never mind. :D

Thanks guys (and gals).. It's also nice to see today's vets coming home without being spit upon or being called "Baby Killers".. :D


My Grandpa. :D Not here, but will do. :D

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