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I agree. This is a good idea. We must start with people that do not respect, but the same. The intent is known. There is a lot even if he found post useful, does not force himself to writing, (thanks. Or at least. Thank you), and there is not respect each other and often The problem of Moderator . When we thank him. Do not come back and write the word, at least, (You are welcome),

And should be taught good manners. And respond to young members with respect.

I am always honest ..


M' Anti-M Free use. XP SP 3


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hmmm Holy Cow! Batman, a point and click "Thank You for this useful post button". Well Robin, I personally like to type a warm and grateful "Thank You for the useful/help reply".

And if it does happen, could the developers add a Block the Thank You submission option. btw, I belong to a forum with the Thank You button and I never use it. I type in my Thanks. :welcome:

Thank you for the support


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I also wouldn't want something like this to turn into any sort of popularity contest with people "looking for votes". This site is here to help our users, not to seek notariety.


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I know the people I help are greatful for the help I provided weather they say thank you or not.

I get my satisfaction knowing that I made a differance in someones life and helped them solve a problem they were having.

If they feel inclinded to say thank you great, if not, I know they are thankful one way or another....

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