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Update intervals


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I'm pretty sure that this has been suggested already, but I'll post anyway.

Will the MBAM Protection Module ever allow users to schedule checking for updates at specified intervals? I would love to be able to have MBAM check every hour.

As it now stands, auto-updates are once every 24 hours, which could be improved upon, especially since you guys release updates more frequently than once a day.

Thank you :P

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Hello again :P

Yes, this has been suggested before and is planned for a future version but I don't know when. The optimal update frequency would likely be once every 2-6 hours though, not once every hour because although MBAM updates more than once a day, it does not do so hourly and I feel this would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes' network and slow updates for all users.

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Yes, this has been suggested before and is planned for a future version but I don't know when. The optimal update frequency would likely be once every 2-6 hours though, not once every hour because although MBAM updates more than once a day, it does not do so hourly and I feel this would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes' network and slow updates for all users.

No need to get stuck on the "once every hour" interval... that was just a personal wish of my own. I'm spoiled by avast!, which allows for auto-update intervals in minutes as selected by users. :)

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This option is already available if you use the Schedule Task feature of windows. I just posted this on another thread and will repeat the instructions here below:

You can set MBAM to check for updates every hour through "Scheduled Task" in the Control Panel (first set the Update feature in MBAM to 12:00AM). Now, open Scheduled Task in the Control Panel andRight click on the MBAM item and choose Properties. click the Schedule tab, set it for Daily at 12:00AM and every 1 day, then click the Advanced button, check "repeat task", then choose the options that you want such as every hour with a duration of 24 hours. Now, MBAM will check for updates every hour continuously. This setting arrangement is for XP but may work on other OS. This could also be set up for the MBAM Free using a command line in Scheduled Tasks.

Hope this works for you.

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Excellent idea.

I want to say, Why didn't I think of that?,

but I fear that the answer is because you are brighter than I am!

I have set everything at the interval I prefer and I'll check on the Protection-logs to see if it's working as planned.

(I noticed in the logs that IP Protection is stopped for about 10 seconds while the database is updated.)

For anyone else following your helpful instructions, I'll add that on the Advanced Schedule Options, it is also necessary to set desired start date. Mine was set of January 1, 2000, for some reason.

Thank you for the great suggestion! :)

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I am very satisfied with the solution you suggested, greyowl.

The database has updated 5 times today so far.

I figure, if the MBAM staff is going to release updates periodically throughout the day, it is in my interest to have them automatically installed on my machine ASAP where they can begin protecting me without delay.


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@ RubbeR DuckeY (and crew) -

As the user base of Malwarebytes grows many of these items will also grow - When I started you would only check every few days -

Now these updates are showing the extra work the techs are involved in - While I was with Avira I still only had 1 update per day, and that would list that a data base update of 1 or 3 or 5 etc. files were added each time at about the same time each day - This always made me feel secure with the results - Even if MBAM had one larger release per day (may not be ideal for this program) it would be a good idea -

Thank You - ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
For anyone else following your helpful instructions, I'll add that on the Advanced Schedule Options, it is also necessary to set desired start date. Mine was set of January 1, 2000, for some reason.

Good time and place for me to add that when the program updates (like it did today to v1.44), this method of auto updating stops working... until I remember to go back into Scheduled Tasks and reset the start date. For some reason, an MBAM program update resets the start date back to January 1, 2000. :)

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It appears that when there is a version update that the Advanced setting on the Task Scheduler have to be reset so that it will update every hour or so. The start date doesn't really matter as long as it is before today's date.

Good point, about the start date not mattering. I assumed that it did. And you're right, the settings get wiped out.

I just wanted to remind anyone who is using this method (while waiting for an update interval setting enhancement?) to check the Task Scheduler after a program update.


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The optimal update frequency would likely be once every 2-6 hours though, not once every hour because although MBAM updates more than once a day, it does not do so hourly and I feel this would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes' network and slow updates for all users.

Good point. I'll bump mine up from one hour to three.

While we're at it, today's 1.44 kinda threw a small wrench into the task manager works.

Database updates and program updates need to be separate events. I'd like to be the one to make the decision to upgrade the product, especially if it requires a reboot.

Thank you.

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Database updates and program updates need to be separate events. I'd like to be the one to make the decision to upgrade the product, especially if it requires a reboot.

I agree 100%. I too wish that the new version updates were not pushed out on users along with the database updates. When using auto-updating, the program version updates get pretty messed up, especially if you're using any kind of HIPS that is configured to ask for permission to execute... or if you're not around the machine when it tries to update the program version. I'd like to be able to auto-update the database, but perform the program version updates at a time of my choosing. That would be very nice.

Will it ever happen?

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Yes, this has been suggested before and is planned for a future version but I don't know when. The optimal update frequency would likely be once every 2-6 hours though, not once every hour because although MBAM updates more than once a day, it does not do so hourly and I feel this would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes' network and slow updates for all users.

I'd like to hear from Marcin regarding that last part... where you feel that updating hourly would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes network and slow updates for all users. I'd like to think that their servers could handle it.

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I think the only real problem with that would be the fact that newer definitions are often incompatible with older versions of the software. I believe the same is true with newer versions using older definitions, I think that's one of the reasons the installer comes with its own definitions.

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I think the only real problem with that would be the fact that newer definitions are often incompatible with older versions of the software.

Well, that makes sense but it also means the product update is more than a maintenance release. It's a product revison. Which makes my case.

Judging by the posts throughout this forum, I am certain the folks at MBAM are aware of the need for finer granularity and user control in the database and product update/upgrade process. I look forward to those improvements. (In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing!!)

The line between product code and "database" code is blurring. In fact, scenarios in other product arenas (ThreatFire being the most egregious) have shown a "signature" update can break the product. So my current opinion that unattended database updates are OK and those for the product are not may be a bit outdated and naive. But until protection code evolves to the point where the the two are one and the same (i.e. Zemana AntiLogger as an early adopter), users need the choice. At least some do...


Since you are, as you say, an individual of remiss, I am pleased your world affords you the luxury of trusting your computer to an unattended product upgrade/update. Because no one has ever released a bad revision. Ever. I, too, have been remiss in that I suggested a product feature that would disturb that trust. Let me revise that - I would like the option to set for manual product revisions/upgrades.

Thank you.

Oh boy. Only another 20 or 30 posts or so and I can edit my grammer and smelling pistakes!! :)

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I am glad that the program and data updates all happen automatically so that I am not remiss in keeping everything updated.


dallas7, as a long time user of Malwarebytes I prefer that it updates the way it does.

When you get another 20 or 30 posts you will become an Honorary Member and if you take the required exams you can become an Expert like exile360.

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Yes, this has been suggested before and is planned for a future version but I don't know when. The optimal update frequency would likely be once every 2-6 hours though, not once every hour because although MBAM updates more than once a day, it does not do so hourly and I feel this would create much unnecessary traffic on the Malwarebytes' network and slow updates for all users.

Hello exile360,

MBAM updated 10 times yesterday. There are times throughout the day when MBAM does in fact update hourly. Sometimes twice within the hour. Here is the update log from yesterday:

00:30:17 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

00:30:24 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

00:30:25 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

06:00:19 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

06:00:29 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

06:00:32 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

06:30:15 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

06:30:23 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

06:30:24 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

08:30:18 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

08:30:26 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

08:30:27 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

11:30:19 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

11:30:29 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

11:30:30 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

12:00:17 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

12:00:24 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

12:00:25 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

14:30:21 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

14:30:32 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

14:30:33 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

16:00:16 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

16:00:23 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

16:00:24 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

19:30:16 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

19:30:27 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

19:30:28 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

23:30:17 user MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

23:30:25 user MESSAGE Database updated successfully

23:30:26 user MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

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