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@nosirrah: I don't think you, or anyone else here, directly influenced anyone to do such a thing. As far as I can see from reading on IOBit's forum and this thread (as well as the previous one), most of those who spoke out in "outrage" against IOBit and/or it's forum members, as well as members of other forums, were simply upset by the situation and reacted as they chose to.

My personal point of view is that it's best to wait and see what comes of it, which I've done, and I've seen enough to have my own opinion about the situation. I believe the evidence you guys have posted speaks for itself and requires no angry voices to get its point across. The impact of your investigation and results seems pretty clear who the real losers here are, and unfortunately it seems to me that it's users of IOBit 360 :) , especially those who paid for it. I just hope that IOBit offers them refunds for their purchase if they aren't satisfied with the new version (if ever there is a new version).

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While I certainly see your point GT, I still think the flame war going on on lots of boards right now serves no real purpose. MBAM made its case, and sites hosting IOBit 360 acted accordingly (at least in my opinion) and IOBit themselves have pulled it from their own site. They've admitted to nothing, but they don't have to, it's pretty clear by their response of pulling it from the net.

I was trying to avoid sparking a religious discussion, but the reason for my reply is because I feel that if you don't believe someone is doing what their god wants, you should get out the holy book of that god and quote something from it (in context of course) that proves your point. I consider this particular user's post to be nonsense because it was nothing more than an attempt to make people feel guilty in a religious context without anything to back them up other than their own humanistic view of religion, and it was done for the purpose of trying to control others. Edit: Regardless, company forums don't tend to be a good place to discuss religion. :)

As far as the flame wars, I have not been following them much, so I don't know how bad they are right now. There is a need to remain civil about this, but I don't want to tell people that they cannot express their opinions. A lot of people get scared when a hard discussion breaks out, and they often cry "Personal attack!" when things aren't worded politely enough for them. Even though the discussions should remain civil, we also need to remember to keep a thick skin when dealing with these issues, and try not to be offended by the opposing viewpoint. :)

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Regardless, company forums don't tend to be a good place to discuss religion :)
:) I can't think of a single place that is, they always get heated, that and politics.

There have been plenty of flames flying, but instead of taking it out on the company themselves, many have chosen to argue or complain to members of their forum and even members of other sites because their choices of reaction to the situation weren't harsh enough. This isn't a witch hunt and it isn't the Cold War or the Red Scare, it's a classic case of what has every appearance of (at least to me) corporate espionage. It's a financial issue, and money will force IOBit to do whatever they need to to correct it, even if losing face as much as they seem to have thus far hasn't already had a financial impact on them (although I'm sure it has).

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There have been plenty of flames flying, but instead of taking it out on the company themselves, many have chosen to argue or complain to members of their forum and even members of other sites because their choices of reaction to the situation weren't harsh enough. This isn't a witch hunt and it isn't the Cold War or the Red Scare, it's a classic case of what has every appearance of (at least to me) corporate espionage. It's a financial issue, and money will force IOBit to do whatever they need to to correct it, even if losing face as much as they seem to have thus far hasn't already had a financial impact on them (although I'm sure it has).

The news itself had a huge impact. There's no need for either side's supporters to be flaming each other. In the end it doesn't break the resolve of either side, but it does make their support stronger, and it only serves to escalate the argument even further. All that needs to be done is spreading the news. If people choose not to believe it, then that is a choice that only they can make.

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The news itself had a huge impact. There's no need for either side's supporters to be flaming each other. In the end it doesn't break the resolve of either side, but it does make their support stronger, and it only serves to escalate the argument even further. All that needs to be done is spreading the news. If people choose not to believe it, then that is a choice that only they can make.

Very well said, and I agree wholeheartedly :) .

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I just could not believe when I tested it a month ago, that they were using signature names similar to MBAM. How effective was the test? I tested against 452 trojans, 103 rogues, 342 viruses, and 23 adware/PUPs. Then, I used Log Comparator to check the results. 3/5 of the results were exact similarities in signature naming. I only have stats, I did not get the SHA1 hash of any of the malware testing ;)

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Okay, last thoughts on this issue from me. First I believe that a very strong case was documented by Malwarebytes. I believe nothing in the way of an explanation from IoBits. In my humble opinion a thief is just that, and I could give a rats butt what product was or was not involved. Companies/entities supplying IoBit products are aiding and abetting a thief as far as I am concerned, and all, repeat all IoBit products should be pulled from their inventory.



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My previous post was not an attempt to try to "manipulate" or use religion in any way! Nor was it designed to try to make anybody feel guilty. Its a personal appeal to a very few who seem to be malicious in targeting individuals who have nothing to do with the method Iobit develops its software.

I thank the senior members of this forum in recognizing this!

Peace to all!

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I just could not believe when I tested it a month ago, that they were using signature names similar to MBAM. How effective was the test? I tested against 452 trojans, 103 rogues, 342 viruses, and 23 adware/PUPs. Then, I used Log Comparator to check the results. 3/5 of the results were exact similarities in signature naming. I only have stats, I did not get the SHA1 hash of any of the malware testing ;)

So you knew this a month ago?

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Yes. The first it was most recognized was not just last week. It has been known for several weeks to a few months. Evil Fantasy, a regular here - had found the info, as well as a few others (unknown to me). I will let Evil Fantasy comment if he wants on that information.

If you noticed, on the one topic at IOBit that was pointed out in the first advisory by RubbeR DuckY, Evil Fantasy replied on that topic. I believe that he was one that helped out in this case.

I found out about the noticed stolen database last month and tested the both programs myself. I found tons of duplicates of MBAM's database (DB), that was in IOBit's DB.

Now, IOBit becomes a rogue security software. Until they can clean up their act, they are rogue. ;)

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S!Ri is one of our researchers. He was just putting together all of the publicly available info in one place. The toolbar issue is all over IOBit's forums (and they forced that toolbar on everyone who used their software), and the porn page issue was discussed in one of the topics here about IOBit.

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I thought I-bin-bit :) was a great package when I first found it. Sure, they copied Hijack this and Index.dat Suite and who knows what else, but it was nice get all that in one package.

If I'd known they were based in China I would never have downloaded the software though, or anything else. As for the poor suckers who would share their names, addresses and credit card or paypal info with a company in China....you've got to wonder about some people's judgement!

One thing I always wondered was why you had to keep downloading new versions and replacing the whole folder instead of just updates like other software has. Does anyone know? Couldn't help wondering if something else was being downloaded as well.

The real question of course is why no one in the West put together that kind of package?

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One thing I always wondered was why you had to keep downloading new versions and replacing the whole folder instead of just updates like other software has. Does anyone know? Couldn't help wondering if something else was being downloaded as well.

Anything you can do in an installer, you can do in an updater. Here are a few possible reasons I can think of, just off the top of my head:

  • Drive the download numbers on Download.com up higher on each update (I would believe Ad-Aware does the same).
  • Avoid the hefty payments for servers that can handle the load, or for a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that can handle the load.
  • Avoid the need to make a program update service.

The real question of course is why no one in the West put together that kind of package?

Too many copyrighted works that would need to be paid for.

Also, most legit companies are too busy trying to fight malware to add all of those bells and whistles. When you have very little need to research and develop your own technologies, you can add all of that stuff to your software.

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