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application updates

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1)In version malware-bytes 3 if you have

Automatically download and install application updates to off,

When you right click in mbam tray and search for updates it searches only for definitions updates.


2)In mbam 4 even if you have unticked the automatically download and install application updates when you search for updates from mbam tray it searches also for program updates.

This change is a bug or you change it internally?




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Because i have problems with last updates ,with ipv6, internet disconnection after restart in secure boot machines and problems with sleep and hibernation.

(All the problems have found internally and they will fix them in the future).

So when i install  the version 4.04 with the Component Package version 1.0.750,  that have the old Web protection driver(latest version that does not have the bugs), and disable the automatically download and install updates  when i search  for updates from mbam tray , it  download the 4.1 version every time (i tried 3 times with clear uninstall).

So for now i installed the latest 3.8.3 (with disabled application updates)  and when i search for updates from mbam tray it honor the settings and update only definitions.

So i think that the  malware-bytes 4 dont honor the two program settings that you linked above with the photo.

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1 hour ago, boombastik said:

when i search  for updates from mbam tray , it  download the 4.1 version every time (i tried 3 times with clear uninstall).

When you manually search for updates it will override those settings. Those settings just keep MB from looking automatically when getting the automatic database updates.

I could be wrong and it is a bug but stop manually trying to update and let the automatic database update take care of it.

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It is clearly that version 3 it does not override it and i always speak about the update in mbam tray icon.

Because i password protect the settings but a kid in my family can bypass it easy with searching for updates from tray icon.

Mbam version 1,2,3 if you have disable application updates and search manually from tray icon  they only update definitions.


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  • Root Admin

Have you actually recently (as in within the last 24 hours) performed a clean removal and reinstall of Malwarebytes version 4?

The latest build does have multiple fixes specifically for some network issues. I cannot promise it will work but worth a try. Seems to fix it for a lot of people



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@exile360 yes both disabled.

@AdvancedSetup i have tried every single version. I am one of the first that found the sleep bug and the internet disconnection bug in secure boot machines and ipv6 problems and i gave multiple  diagnostics in private to liquidtension. For the sleep bug he have found a workaround. If you disable the web protection before you sleep the PC  it awakes normally.

Also the another bug is that in secure boot machines when you restart your pc a few times you dont have internet. In that case mbam dont open from tray icon and also you cant exit it, you cant run the mbam clean tool because you dont have internet  so it cant download frst and hangs and if you try to restart your machine again it hangs on restarting for two minutes.

With that bugs i use the 3.8.3 and i am happy. But the update from tray is something that you need to take a look.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there any functional difference between the "Check for updates" button under the Settings|General tab, and the "Check for updates" that appears under the Settings|About tab?

Does one check for application updates and the other for definition updates, or do they both do the same thing?


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2 hours ago, Chris_in_Makati said:

Is there any functional difference between the "Check for updates" button under the Settings|General tab, and the "Check for updates" that appears under the Settings|About tab?

Yes, the link in the About tab forces a check for new program version upgrades while the one under the General tab only checks for definition updates and abides by the same metered approach to program version upgrades where they are offered according to a bit sent at random (I believe) to users when checking for updates meaning you may not always be offered the latest version after it is released when using this update method.

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