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Just updated to 3.9.23 and have issues

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5 hours ago, alvarnell said:

I'll also add that @treed has been on travel this week, so he hasn't been able to follow the diagnostic progress and report back to us.

I didn't know that. If it was posted I've must of missed it. Thanks for the info @alvarnell :)

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The reason i mentioned that older models were the ones being impacted was that those users were unable to resolve the issue by disabling App Block. You and I have newer models that can use that workaround.

In my case I would rather be able to manage Quarantine, so turning App Block off isn’t a it deal for me, but realize other feel differently.

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6 hours ago, GuruGuy said:

However my trust was gone and the software was uninstalled on those four systems.  Additionally about eight others have had it removed.

Hello @GuruGuy:

Disabling the App Block feature in 3.9.23 is perfectly understandable on those computers with issues.

However, uninstalling without reinstalling might be more difficult for many to fathom as it is a viable alternative.

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On July 31 this problem was first reported to MB via this forum/topic.  Over a week ago.  Like a number of other peopler here I am far from impressed by the way it has been handled by MB. I  ditched the new version & went back to version 3.8.17. That works for me........for now.  I only have one Mac to look after & my subscription is not up till December.  Whilst I have lost some trust in MB It is not a complete loss of trust........yet.  I am going to be watching  what happens over the next days/weeks.  Lets hope that MB can get this train wreck out of the ditch & back on the rails.  I like this  program, it works well for me & I want to keep using it, but after this muck up my renewal will not be automatic.

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21 hours ago, GuruGuy said:

Seriously how hard can it be to see what changed in App Block from the last reliable & bug free version to the latest buggy version, then fix it.

How hard is it to find a bug in three months worth of code changes, when we can't actually reproduce the problem on any machines here, and when the bug is actually affecting a very small number of Macs so it's hard to figure out what they all have in common? Pretty hard, actually. 😐

I didn't want to post further here - especially while traveling! - until I had more concrete information. However, at this point, it seems necessary. We don't have a fix yet, but I believe we are close, thanks to one individual who has graciously given his time by working closely with our developers - even allowing remote access to the affected Mac! (I will be personally making sure that that individual is rewarded for his assistance.)

Once I have some more concrete information, I will provide it here.

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I am certain it will be posted when ready (Malwarebytes policy is to never predict the future).

The details you requested are much more than have been released in the past. There is a need for higher degrees of confidentiality when dealing with security software, so as not to reveal vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malware to defeat it, but @treed should be able to give us some idea.

Personally, I could care less about such things as long as it works as advertised.

Edited by alvarnell
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I can certainly understand your frustration, but would just remind that it continues to work perfectly for me and apparently most other users. I don't know of any released software from any vendor that has never caused an issue for at least some users. That very much includes Apple.

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The build is now ready to share more widely, as it seems to solve the problem for everyone affected that we have shared it with. For now, you can get it through the following Box link:


We will be releasing this through the official channels tomorrow, so it will be available for download or via in-app updates then.

As for what happened... it turns out to have been a kind of race condition between our daemon and our kernel extension. They could end up in a situation where each was waiting for the other. This did not happen unless the machine in question had some performance issues. Normally, initialization would happen quickly enough that the problem would not occur, but on a slower machine - such as an older machine or one that is experiencing other problems causing performance issues - that initialization process could take long enough that the race condition got triggered.

This was a very tricky bug to find, and I apologize that it took so long. I'd like to thank those who were able and willing to help us find the source of the problem!

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Thank you Malwarebytes Team and Forum Members for all the hard work put into getting this bug fixed. Kudo's. :)

Edited by Popeye
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Thanks @treed for the info on this issue.  I too am puzzled by the performance issue.  My iMac is a late 2015 & is maxed out spec wise.  It has never exhibited any performance issues.  It is very stable & runs very well.  Boots up in about 30 to 40 seconds.  Anyways thanks again, much appreciated.

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On reflection there could be something.  On boot up & at around 60% the progress bar stops for about 5 to 10 seconds & then proceeds to the finish & the boot is completed.

It has done this for ever & I have no idea what is going on.  I have often thought that because I have a SSD it should be faster.  But heck its booting up in 30 to 40 seconds anyways.

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After testing several intermediate versions I have now installed the latest stable version for two days.
Everything is ok.

Congratulations to all the staff for the hard work done in finding this difficult bug. Thanks


PS: The performance factor can certainly be the cause, at least for me. In fact, I have a MacBook Pro 9.2 (Mid 2012) which, even if it has never had any problems so far, is starting to have its age.

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Just downloaded the new MWB version 3.9.27 and installed it.  Everything working fine so far.  Restarted computer after install and no hanging at al!  It arrived in my email this afternoon.  Just in time too because there was some malware on my computer causing my Bing searches to be hijacked by Yahoo.  Did a scan and had 5 threats on my computer which got quarantined by MWB with a direct to one of their pages for more info which I followed and now there are no more problems on my computer.  Thank you MWB for the fix.  

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