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Can't Scan

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I have a premium  license.  I have a Mac running OS 10.13.6. The Malwarebytes expiration date is next year.

I cannot get it to scan.  This started when I opted for scheduled scans.  Undoing it does not help.

What should I do?

Thank you for your help.


Jim Adrian





Edited by dcollins
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You should be able to disable the scheduled scan by accessing the scheduler (instructions available here) and unchecking the box next to Allow this scan to be performed, assuming there is no way to select and delete/remove the scheduled scan in the main scheduler interface (I'm not sure myself as I don't own a Mac, and the Windows version is quite a bit different as far as I can tell).

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The scheduled scan remains set by default every hour.

The only thing you can do is change the time and leave the default setting.

So I never had problems.

If you do not have a premium or trial license (it’s valid for 30 day) you do not have real time protection  and the scheduled scan is monthly and that's why it tells you not fully protected.

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Hi @jamesadrian

17 hours ago, jamesadrian said:

Scheduled scans have been deleted; yet I still get the message "You're not fully protected" whenever I invoke the program.  How do I get back to where I was before I tried scheduling a scan? 


There must be at least one scan enabled if there is not any, you will see the message "You're not fully protected" on the dashboard.

Set a new scheduled scan with help of https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2605

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I have been attempting to reinstall Malwarebytes.  It goes through the installation but gets stuck on Security and Privacy.  It spins an rotary icon for an hour or more.  It shows no sign of stopping.  I have my key handy, but it didn't ask for it yet.

I uninstalled the software before invoking the most recent install package.

What can I do?

Thank you for your help.


Jim Adrian




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I finally it continue and it asked me to allow "Malwarebytes Corporation" in my preferences under security and I did not discover how, so I clicked on do it later and it seemed to install but when I started the program it said something about background not working, contact support.

Thank you for your help.


Jim Adrian


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