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How do I downgrade to 1.39

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I can turn IP protection off, but it turns itself back on at every reboot. It's little notifications are really annoying. I'd rather go back to version 1.39 where this wasn't an issue.

Where can I get previous versions of the software? The download page seems to point only to the latest version, on CNET. Is there an archive somewhere?

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Welcome to the forum! Rt. Mouse click on the taskbar Malwarebyte's icon and un-check the selection that says IP Protection. Going back to a previous version, in time they won't be supported anymore. The old versions won't protect your pc. hope this helps.. post back anytime... regards...

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but due to changes in the database the older v1.39 is not supported. If you were to remove and install the older version it would upgrade you to the newer version when you checked for database updates.

As mentioned the new version 1.41 should hopefully be out within about a week as long as everything goes well and it will have methods to modify the IP settings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 1.41 has come and been installed, and I still get these completely pointless balloons about blocked IP addresses popping up, after every reboot, until I tell it to shut up again. I reboot frequently. This has become an enormous pain in the ass. I've already got far too many balloons popping up as it is.

You said this was going to be fixed with 1.41. Since it wasn't, when will it be fixed? :)

I'd like a special release for just this one problem. Drop everything, fix this. The product obviously wasn't adequately tested, and never should have been released this way. Since it was anyway, what with all of the other complaints about it on this forum, the issue should have been a top priority to be fixed in 1.41. Since it still hasn't been, it's now an emergency.

I didn't want this, didn't ask for it, can't even go back to a previous version where it's not a problem because I get forcibly upgraded whether I want it or not. I waited patiently for three weeks (you told me it would be one week) for 1.41 (you told me this would be fixed there), only to find it still has not been cleaned up. Frankly, I'm out of patience. If I don't get a fix for this immediately, I'll be uninstalling the product and badmouthing it appropriately.

Color me very unhappy.

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Welcome Bagby - AdvancedSetup or mountaintree16 may tell you how to overcome this -

Sorry to add, but mine says 1.41 was released on Sept 9 - Is there a 1.42 or 1.41.1 you are refering to in your reply - Or you mean the 1.41 fixes the crew are working on (virtually fixed) now ?? -

I think that may be more of the question from Bagby -

Thank you mountaintree16 - That is what I was looking for - Sorry -

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Hello Bagby

Give this a read, pick the number option (1, 2, 3) that will satisfied your needs and still keep MBAM version 1.41. :)


1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | silentipmode

Description: With a DWORD value of 1, the protection module will block and log IPs silently.

2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | startipdisabled

Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will start disabled on reboot, although it can be enabled subsequently.

3) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | disableipblocking

Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will be permanently disabled (cannot be toggled).


To reverse this option, change the Value data back to 0 (Zero) and reboot for change to take affect.

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I must say that while the option to turn IP Protection off is very welcome (I turned it off immediatly) I am hoping that in the next version this option becomes accesible via the interface. Editing the registry can be very dodgy unless you know what you're doing and not everyone knows how to go about it either.

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This has been discussed in length in this thread, specifically towards the end (Post #37-42). You might want to take a look if you get some time. In a sense, the process of adding these options to the GUI is a long process due to the coding and translating into all of the many languages around the world.

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This has been discussed in length in this thread, specifically towards the end (Post #37-42). You might want to take a look if you get some time. In a sense, the process of adding these options to the GUI is a long process due to the coding and translating into all of the many languages around the world.

Had a look. I understand. Thanks.

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