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New Laptop and Problems

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This is probably a stupid question but I'll ask.  I just bought a Dell laptop and have only had it a week or so.  Have had nothing but problems with it and Dell keeps telling me it's because of Malwarebytes.  I've had Malwarebytes Premium for years and love it.  The new laptop had the free trial version of McAfee and I had Dell remove it.  They say your not suppose to have more than one anti-virus in Windows 10.  I didn't think Malwarebytes was an antivirus only for malware.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I want to install a free antivirus but I'm not sure which one and afraid to try anything.  I think Windows 10 has Windows Defender but is that enough along with Malwarebytes?

thanks for your help!

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On 2/1/2018 at 11:46 AM, Porthos said:

Yes it is. As long as you are using the paid version of MB. ;)

Thanks for your help!  I ended up returning that laptop to Dell.  Had it less than 2 weeks and spent 5+ hours on the phone with tech support.  My laptop with issues works better than the new one.  Last Dell I'll ever buy.

Edited by okee
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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 6:05 AM, okee said:

Thanks for your help!  I ended up returning that laptop to Dell.  Had it less than 2 weeks and spent 5+ hours on the phone with tech support.  My laptop with issues works better than the new one.  Last Dell I'll ever buy.

Dell has fallen from grace there bottom feeders now IMO. Good decision to give it back.

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