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Command line parameters no longer working.

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hello i have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and parameters no longer work for me example: i do "mbam.exe /scan" , "mbam.exe /quickscan" and others and it opens Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and thats it nothing else happens no scan nothing the main reason i need the parameters is for Winrar and the virus scan option it worked before the big update of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware if anyone else has the same problom or this is for every one is there any fix? or is the parameters going to be added soon?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Damn, just when I was looking to use MBAM to scan stuff downloaded via Internet Download Manager! Oh well *fingers crossed it arrives soon*

I would think that is more the job of your antivirus program.... You can always scan the folder with Malwarebytes once the file/files are downloaded.

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  • 1 year later...


this is an old topic, but my problem is the same:

When the CLI Back in Malwares bytes?

or is it possible to found an old version version, with new definition rules,

to use in command line ?

thanks for your answers,

Thank you to the Team of  Malwares bytes !


Edited by Monstrinfo
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@Monstrinfo, thanks for posting... and to answer your questions...

1 hour ago, Monstrinfo said:

When the CLI Back in Malwares bytes?

The Consumer version (home version) I believe will no longer support the CLI.  The only version that will support CLI is the business version 1.80.

1 hour ago, Monstrinfo said:

or is it possible to found an old version version, with new definition rules,

Its possible to find very old versions, but that would defeat the purpose as they are no longer supported and/or updated. The would not be effective with todays latest threats.


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