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Posts posted by Massimiliano

  1. @Hardhead  It will be installed on new Macs after September 2020 and as a free upgrade from September 2020 on Macs that have been indicated by @1PW and on subsequent ones.

    For the purchase of a Mac I would recommend waiting because starting from the end of 2020, in a time of about 2 years, the entire Mac line-up will switch to Arm-based processors created internally by Apple - Ax Series, therefore buy a Mac with Intel now: how long will it be supported?

  2. On 6/22/2020 at 7:46 AM, Porthos said:

    Have you restarted the computer before trying to restore? If not, do that please.

    Same behavior even when restarting the machine.

    Anyone know how to get me to restore the items?

    However the apps all work

  3. Yes, I had put the files in quarantine, waiting to know how to behave (as I wrote above)
    This morning I deactivated the new safety option (of which I confirm that the switch does not work correctly, neither in activation nor in deactivation) but the recovery from quarantine does not work (see screenshot attached).

    In previous scans (versions where this option did not exist) it never detected these files.
    I would add that the number of items scanned and the scan time have increased exponentially with this latter configuration.


    In the PopUp it is written Unable to restore one or more quarantined items: access denied

    I await your response

    Good day



  4. I have performed a complete custom scan of the System Disk and it would seem that Malwarebytes has quarantined all the files related to the pre-installed Windows 10 apps contained in the c:\program files\windowsapps folder

    In total 70 elements.

    Obviously everything is in quarantine and I don't delete it until you give me the OK

    I attach all the reports that you may need to evaluate the situation.

    Don't hesitate to ask for anything else that was needed






    I await your response

    Good evening



  5. 7 minutes ago, treed said:

    This is entirely within the realms of normal. I'd recommend against making any assumptions based on the number of files scanned, and how this number changes. There are multiple factors that can affect this number, and it may change periodically, but also may not.

    I honestly think that information should probably be removed from the app, as it really doesn't provide useful, actionable information, and it just generates a lot of questions. Some people get very bothered when the numbers change (which is entirely normal), and others get bothered when they don't change (which is also entirely normal).

    Instead of the number of items, could be displayed the percentage of completion so that when the scan was complete it would always be equal to 100% and would not generate questions for any user

  6. I don't think so, but if you're worried, you can open a ticket (Submit a request), and have the technical support staff evaluate if there are problems on your Mac.

    However I think it depends a lot on what happens to the files contained in the target areas because of the way you have to use the Mac.

    It may take a few days for the reply

    Maybe in the meantime some of the staff could answer you here on the forum.

    @adas can you take a look?

  7. It also happens to me on the same day that multiple scans even after hours have the same number of elements.
    It really depends on how many files there are in the target areas (as Alvarnell said in the post above) and it is not said that this number will always change. I also had also four scans in a row, one hour apart, with the same number of elements.

  8. As far as I know, ADWCleaner cleans ad-aware infections on a PC-Windows; it is not an ad-blocker like ADGuard

    On Mac you can use Malwarebytes Browser Guard on Firefox and Chromium-based Browser; unfortunately it doesn't exist yet for Safari: we hope to arrive soon.
    As an ad-blocker (free on Mac AppStore) for Safari you can use Ka-Block !; it works pretty well, I've been using it for a couple of years

  9. Read here  How to remove the after-effects of adware

    In this post @treed wrote 


    Most likely, some adware or malware that was installed made changes to proxy settings. Open System Preferences, then click the Network icon. Next, click the Advanced button. Finally, click the Proxies tab, and remove any proxies set there.

    So you should solve it. Otherwise wait for a more precise advice.

    I hope I was helpful

    Good day


  10. It happened to me too long ago (Not the wrong dates but the lack of scheduled scans)
    I wrote about it in this post
    I just reinserted the scheduled scan on the current installation of Malwarebytes and since then everything is ok. I would say it is nothing to worry about

    Read here:   Schedule a scan in Malwarebytes for Mac v4

    I hope I was helpful

    Good evening


  11. 6 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    (don't agree here unless you're running another full antivirus product, Defender is good and free so why not use it alongside Malwarebytes)

    I delete immediately.    However, I use Malwarebytes Premium

    7 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    DisableCtrldFolderAccess (good if used correctly but no big deal not using it)

    I delete immediately.

    7 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Disabling DisableRemoteAssistance only prevents you from sending a request to someone to help you via remote. It does not have the same security issues as running RDP. But if you have no intention of ever using okay to disable.

    Never used but I only disable RDP (which is more dangerous) and eliminate the other voice (just because I may need it with you)


    DisableDefragmentation (why? disks still need degragmentation)

    I had read that it damaged the SSD

    I am interested in your opinion


    DisableIndexing  (why? that seems to be shooting yourself in the foot on Windows 10 since it heavily relies on searches)

    I had read that it did not provide improvements with the SSD and could deteriorate it

    I am interested in your opinion 


    DisableChangingSoundScheme (why?)

    I will delete it


    UninstallXPSPrinter (actually it works like PDF and does a good job but no harm in removing)

    I prefer to use PDF; it is more standard


    DNS Servers: would recommend considering some type of secure DNS change

    It is caused by DHCP; The modem owned by my provider does not allow changing DNS. However I will change it on every PC


    Recommend checking and possibly removing policy depending on what it is
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender: Restriction <==== ATTENTION

    What does this indicate?

    I wait for your answers, after which I will correct the preset, reset the PC and configure it according to your advice and then I would like to repeat the logs.


    Good day


  12. In the meantime, thank you for what you managed to do.
    Returning to the first PC that I cleaned up, after the installation I ran the script that I attached before.
    I know you can't parse the script.
    But I ask you to look at the logs that I am attaching to you.

    Malwarebytes New.txt




    I also enclose the list of things I made the script perform (it's just a list of functions that can be viewed in a few minutes); I ask you if you can take a look; If there is something in this list that you feel better not to do, I am ready to reinstall completely the PC by eliminating the items that you will not recommend.

    Here is the preset list

    Default.txt   (Normally the extension of this file is .preset but it was not accepted therefore I renamed it to .txt being a text file)

    Thanks so much

    Good day


  13. Being an illegal license, I did not know it, considering that there is nothing on the PC (zero data), I format it immediately and I start to use Windows 10 Home again (license supplied as standard with the PC). Too bad there is no similar version of Windows 10 that does not have half-yearly updates and stores for home users.

    I'd like to ask you to analyze the logs of my dad's PC that I attach. It has Windows 10 Home sold with the PC but the changes below have been made.

    Malwarebytes Father.txt




    Normally when I prepare PCs I use these two tools that I attach

    The first one is WPD and you download it from The real privacy dashboard for Windows 

    The second is a tool that you download from Win10-Initial-Setup-Script  (its configuration preset can be changed at will)

    I attach the last version of the two tools in two zipped files so that you can check them and clarify my ideas

    They are mostly used for privacy (the first) and to disable / uninstall windows features (the second)



    Win10 Initial Setup Script


    I would like to know if the two tools can lead to problems, especially of security as it can happen that the PCs I have prepared (also for friends and family) are used for Home Banking, Tax, Work

    I await your response regarding the logs and the two tools

    Thanks for everything

    Good day


  14. 9 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Is this a Business Computer?

    Platform: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 Version 1809 17763.1217 (X64) Language: Italiano (Italia)


    No, it’s a license buyed on Amazon

    Purchase made for not having the half-yearly upgrades.  These and the Store that installs you automatically Unsolicited apps together with non-removable Flash are the worst features of Windows 10

    9 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Did you set this policy on your system on purpose?

    HKLM\...\Policies\Explorer: [SettingsPageVisibility] hide:easeofaccess-speechrecognition;speech;windowsinsider;easeofaccess-highcontrast;maps;sync;crossdevice;holographic-audio;gaming-broadcasting;gaming-gamebar;gaming-gamedvr;gaming-gamemode;gaming-tru (the data entry has 27 more characters).

    You also have this setting which is not standard. Did you add a persistent route on purpose?

    HKLM\System\...\Parameters\PersistentRoutes: [,,,1]


    I need more clarification on what these two settings you mentioned do as I have not acted on the registry directly but I made changes that could have caused all this.  Based on what you tell me, I will be able to answer you more completely


    Among the software that I used to safeguard myself a bit in relation to the data collected by Microsoft I used the one that can be downloaded here: https://wpd.app

    I therefore need to know if they are dangerous changes

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