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Everything posted by exile360

  1. B) Yeah, I remember the Tiger (always looked kinda like a leopard to me).
  2. "Raid, it kills bugs DEAD!"

  3. Greetings kicket. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll learn a lot here, I know I have so far and it's a really nice community, enjoy your stay.
  4. Greetings and welcome to the forum. Sure thing, I'll give it my best. First off, for a good definition of what the word "byte" means, take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte Second, that particular phrase is the Malwarebytes' slogan and I'm guessing is used to denote that the product is increasing in it's ability to detect and eliminate malware as time goes on and as more and more people download the product. It probably also has to do with the fact that this site is very active and the developers are always collecting new samples of malware (malicious software) and adding it to the definitions for the product. I hope that was a sufficient response (as well as accurate). One of the actual developers may jump in here and respond with a better answer, but this would be my interpretation of their slogan. Thanks for signing up to the forum and if you need anything else, let us know.
  5. That's a beautiful structure, and the bridge isn't bad either B)
  6. exile360


    I love autoruns just because it's simple and effective, and easy to undo changes (it doesn't delete items if you uncheck them, it just moves them to a key under "autoruns disabled"). Very handy if I screw something up.
  7. Cool vid. Really shows off the "nastiness" of those rogues. Nice Vista skin by the way.
  8. Thanks for the correction GT, I should've remembered that but lately I've got total overload from all the reading and research I've been doing at MRU. I think my brain's about to start oozing out of my ears.
  9. Yup, I've had it for a long time. I can't use MBAM because it's protection module doesn't work in x64 (which is what I'm running), but SAS's does. Once MBAM is x64 compatible I'll be switching, not that SAS isn't a great product, it is, but in my opinion MBAM is better, and more powerful at actually removing really nasty threats.
  10. For MBAM, normal mode is always best as it gives it a chance to catch malware while it's active. Generally speaking, you also only need to use the Quick Scan for MBAM to find all the active malware it can on a system.
  11. No idea, but from what I've read around the KL forums it seems the detection is the result of the heuristics Kaspersky uses to detect new trojans and trojan-like programs so without completely redesigning their detection engine/algorithms it would be impossible for it to be whitelisted unless each time a new version of MBAM were to be released, it was immediately sent as a sample to KL to be specifically whitelisted in Kaspersky's defs, and of course would still be detected on users systems if they didn't have the absolute latest Kaspersky sigs before downloading the new version of MBAM.
  12. Yup, it's been an ongoing issue, probably because of the drivers MBAM installs or the way it's compressed/packed. The funny thing is, I've been using Kaspersky for years and have yet to see one FP related to MBAM, I do know they happen however as I've seen many users such as yourself where Kaspersky is flagging it.
  13. Greets and welcome heir. I'm enrolled at MRU myself (just started). You'll probably see me there as I work on my studies.
  14. Yup, you can whitelist it. It's a false positive (note I'm running Vista x64 as well).
  15. For AV, Avira functions very well on Vista x64. Spybot Search & Destroy's Immunize function works with it as well as Spywareblaster (both are useful for passive protection against malware). Comodo Boclean works in x64 and is light on resources and MBAM works well as an on demand scanner (the realtime protection for MBAM doesn't yet work with x64).
  16. Greetings Beenthere. I just started school at an MRU too. I think I'm gonna ditch class tommorrow though, before my head explodes from info overload
  17. I'll be keeping an eye out as well. I look forward to the day I can finally replace SAS with MBAM.
  18. No problem, installing the newest version from Logitech should allow you to avoid the bluescreens without losing functionality of your mouse/keyboard.
  19. Excellent, I'm glad it helped out. Good luck and safe surfing.
  20. Greetings burt, and welcome. It appears to be related to Logitech's Mouseware software. Please refer to this article from Microsoft on the subject: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/810980
  21. Are you doing this so you can post in the HijackThis area? If so, you can use ESET's online scan as an alternative: http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/index.php
  22. Unfortunately there is no "cure all" sure fire way to kill Vundo, and right now the closest thing is MBAM. The reason is because they keep modifying it to bypass detection and removal. Malwarebytes' is better, even at catching many new variants however, because it has excellent heuristics, meaning it can often catch new versions that aren't specifically in definitions yet.
  23. It may not be malware related directly, but it's possible (even probable) that going through those steps (especially HijackThis) would enable one of the experts to analyze what's going on with the system and fix the problem. It could be something caused by DHCP or DNS errors or even a problem with the Hosts file (as far as the web browsing issue goes).
  24. I'll be spending my New Years at home this year. Nice and quiet (hopefully some drunk driver won't plow his/her vehicle through my living room) . HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
  25. I suppose you can do that. But it also might be helpful to catch it live on a system in case there's anything else related to it not being caught. You can have them follow the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 This way one of the analysts here can take a look and remove it and grab samples to give to the developers. I don't know if it would make things go faster, but at least if there are other entries related to it that need to be killed, they can find them and get them added to the defs.
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