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Everything posted by exile360

  1. Excellent, I figured (and hoped) what they were doing with the update servers would help.
  2. Hello Meenuh. Yes, it should be fine, but if you want it restored just follow my instructions in my previous posts here and that will get it back to it's default setting.
  3. Really? I noticed substantial improvements with it on, and if I run an app not prefetched, it reallocates the ram to the task I am using so it doesn't cause problems. I can test it because once I close the app that wasn't "superfetched" my ram usage drops substantially lower than it was before I started the new program. Of course, the additional security of Vista x64 is a big reason I use it as well.
  4. Yup, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that ram is so cheap now, not to mention Intel's new chips which run with 3 channel memory (3 sets of slots) instead of dual channel. It's quite common now to see systems shipping with 4-6 gigs of ram with a low price tag and 8 gigs and up is becoming more common as well. The only use I see for it right now is SuperFetch and gaming (some of the newer games will eat up 2gigs of ram by themselves). Unless of course you're into video editing or high-res photo editing.
  5. Ahh, that explains it, I never rebooted after doing my scan, but it did ask me to. And considering the way Vista has every user running in non-administrator mode (that's where UAC comes in) would explain why Malwarebytes' would be set to "delete on reboot" for registry keys in Vista instead of just the normal quarantine, it was unnecessary though as it was able to change the reg key without rebooting (I checked my registry after running it).
  6. Hmm, that's odd, I use the free version myself and it quarantined on my machine. Could've just been a "hiccup" in the program. Oh well, at least you've got it all fixed up. Good luck and safe surfing to you.
  7. No kidding, that's awesome. Honestly, both Avira and Norton have really good detections at the moment (although Avira's are slightly better) and they're both light on resources. NIS has a firewall which is a plus, but if given the choice between the two, I'd still go with Avira (plus a free firewall like Comodo or Vista Firewall Control by Sphinx (if running Vista).
  8. Sorry about that, didn't realize you'd already tried that. Did you already post to the thread that GT500 referred you to? The reason I ask is because the developers (as far as I know) are still tracking an issue with the program freezing/crashing on some people's systems and they watch that thread for new info.
  9. OK, I can understand not being comfortable. I'll give you a reg file to automate it for you (I already tested it on my own system to make sure it works properly). Just open notepad and copy the following text into it and save it as Type "All Files" and save the file as fix.reg : Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoActiveDesktopChanges"=dword:00000001Once it's saved to your desktop, just double click it and click Continue at the UAC prompt and click Yes when it asks if you want it added to the registry.
  10. Yeah, it shouldn't hurt anything, but like I said before, if you really want to put it back the way it was just use regedit and change the key as instructed here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=48178
  11. Greetings tkil. You might have a look at this link and follow the instructions there: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=45732 Post a reply to that topic afterwards as the developers are looking into an issue that seems similar to the one you're having. I hope it helps. Good luck.
  12. You could try the MBAM uninstall utility here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-clean.exe Then try installing 1.33 Just make sure you have your license key saved or written down first
  13. From what I've heard it just chooses the closest one, however they may all go through the malwarebytes.org address, but I'm not sure.
  14. You can restore it safely (assuming you're running Vista x64). Just go to the Quarantine tab and select that entry then click on Restore.
  15. Actually, if you're somewhat comfortable with the registry then you can navigate to here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoActiveDesktopChangesand change it back to 1 instead of 0 (this is assuming you're running Vista, if XP then Malwarebytes' simply set it to it's normal default).
  16. If you are running Vista then this is a false positive and should be added to the Ignore List. Even in XP this detection isn't actually malware, it's a setting that is often modified by malware to prevent changing the desktop settings. If you've removed it, then just restore it from quarantine and the next time you scan, just add it to the ignore list.
  17. I'm not too familiar with SSUpdater myself, however most of these so called "tests" will show MBAM performing poorly versus most typical virus/spyware scanners simply because of the way MBAM detects malware, which is typically based on placement of the file, filename, related registry entries etc that can only be truly tested with the infections being ACTIVE on a system, not just sitting in a random folder on the desktop of a VM or in an archive.
  18. Excellent. Yes, MBAM is a great product and the developers are always working to improve it and I'm sure they appreciate your positive feedback. If either of you have any further issues just let us know. Good luck and safe surfing.
  19. Glad to hear you two had such great results. Stay safe out there and if you need anything just let us know.
  20. Yup, same result here, better than ever. I'm running Vista x64 SP1.
  21. With the new version out and the way the network is set up now it shouldn't be an issue (as of version 1.33).
  22. Yeah, it's safe to say that those of us here do hate malware. I can say that's the reason I help out here. I used to be a PC tech at a big box retailer and when I saw the kinds of nasty infections that were out there and what they did to people's computers I was outraged, so now here I am trying to contribute a bit and do what I can to help fight the bad guys. I really REALLY HATE MALWARE. I look forward to the day that tools like Malwarebytes' are able to fully clean systems easily without the need for malware removal experts or tech's. In fact, that's why MBAM works as well as it does because that's what it's designed to do and the developers are working on it constantly (from what I hear they work something like 15-18 hour work days) so it's always getting updated to properly deal with the newest threats that aren't removed by most other security softwares.
  23. You're very welcome. We're happy to help and if you need anything else, just let us know.
  24. Nope, it's not a problem, the first download was probably corrupted, it happens from time to time (although rarely) so as long as it's working now everything should be fine.
  25. Greetings and welcome DreamRyder. I don't believe MBAM scans inside .rar and .zip files, but even if the malware you have were decompressed into the folder MBAM would probably still not detect it. The reason is because it's not a regular file scanner like antivirus software. It detects threats based on where they would be were they actually infecting a system. So if you had a trojan .dll for example and it would normally reside in System32 on an infected system, then it should only be detected by MBAM if it's actually in the System32 folder. It also uses detection algorithms based on coinciding registry entries related to the infection so scanning a folder of inactive malicious files typically yields little to no results with MBAM, but doing a quick scan with MBAM on a system where the infections are active would find the infections (as long as they're in MBAM's database) no problem.
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