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Posts posted by AlexSmith

  1. 4 hours ago, Konac said:

    Recently a folder has been installed into C:\Windows\ known as Syswow64 and i cant seem to remove it


    This folder is a very important Windows OS system folder. You do not want to delete it and Windows usually has a few safe guards in place to prevent users from doing so. No matter what, messing around in it and deleting things can lead to major OS problems and damage. 

    If you are curious, this is the system folder for 32-bit/x86 OS files on a 64-bit/x64 version of Windows. Specifically, it's what allows 32-bit/x86 based software to function on Windows 64-bit/x64. The name of the folder is actually a shortening of the real name of this component, which is Windows (32) On Windows 64. This translates the full name of the folder as the Windows (32) On Windows 64 System Folder.

  2. 26 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    It is totally random when doing nothing and can be doing anything and it will crash some days it is totally fine not one crash others its bad like today one every hour or so.

    It was fine till I upgraded to windows 10 from vista so I know vista is and didn't crash.

    That would seem to indicate to me it's less likely to be failing hardware since things worked fine before moving to Windows 10, but keep in mind it doesn't rule it out 100%. It could be another piece of hardware on your system is failing or has some sort of compatibility issue that is causing things to fail on the GPU side of your PC.

    26 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    Just a technical FYI, those are not the same issue as what you have posted about so far. Those are similar issues. It's only similar because it is the same BSOD code (0x116), occurs randomly (common BSOD symptom to be honest), but the faulting driver in your case is the DirectX kernel mode driver and not the GPU display driver that is called out in those threads. So this would seem to indicate you have a different root cause which in turn means a different solution. The overall theme of those threads seem to point to buggy drivers with legacy/older NVIDIA hardware and in some cases conflicts with other drivers for legacy/older hardware on the system.

    45 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

    As AlexSmith has indicated, there are a plethora of reasons for the problems,  If you have the latest video drivers and software then it may be a dependency that is causing the issue and subsequent NT OS Kernel.

    Please take advantages of the services provided in;   BSOD, Crashes, Kernel Debugging

    I agree with David on this. I am moving this thread so it can get the proper attention from that area of our forums. I am also going to clarify things a bit by adding a call out about the BSOD to the tile of this thread.

  3. 5 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    I just installed the latest driver 342.01 again and have discovered that the gpu may only be able to handle to dx 10 there is nothing that says directly this in a sure way just  hinting at it.

    YOu can see what capabilities are support via DXDiag. Check the Display and Render tabs and there should be fields under the Drivers section that will list which feature levels are supported.

    5 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    I typed run then dxdiag and all says its fine, but the random bsod tell me otherwise and the internet has a few people with the same issue who have updated to windows ten none who have a fix. Some other sites hinted that it makes the cpu run way to much as well and I am seeing this but randomly some days nothing others crash after crash lol

    Those may or may not be related and could simply be similar issues. BSODs can be caused by a metric ton of things with most of them being caused by faulty drivers or software or in some cases faulty hardware that said driver or software interacts with.

    Does the BSOD occur for you totally at random (e.g. sometimes when idle, sometimes when doing X, etc.) or does it commonly occur doing specific tasks or while running specific apps? Also, do you have links you can share around the other people reporting the same issue?

    5 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    I have one more question where can I safely get direct x 10 from I have googled but cannot find it apart from sites I know nothing about. Microsoft says it will update automatically  but installs the wrong dx 12 for my card.

    DirectX support is built in to Windows 10. The Version of DirectX is 12 that comes with Windows 10 and provides support for all the way back to DirectX 9. So you don't need to download anything.

    5 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    Thank you both :)

    No problem. Always glad to help.

    5 minutes ago, PaulAllen said:

    I got the computer 2nd hand the receipt is 12 years old from the previous owner dates back 12 years with some minor new bits of hardware inside.

    This may or may not mean your issue is related to old hardware that is starting to fail. Just keep that in mind.

  4. @PaulAllen, you can run dxdiag.exe from within Windows if you want to diagnose DirectX related issues.

    As far as external resources go for checking compatibility, usually the MFGs website will have detailed specifications on their products. You mentioned you couldn't find anything, but I found the following: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-9600-gt

    According to that, it is designed to support features of DirectX 10. So it's compatible with DirectX.

    Frankly, anything not compatibly with DirectX would have to be GPU that 16+ years old.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Peter2150 said:

    But you are still totally missing the point of the question.   I  know it offers additional layers of protection, but what is the point if MB2 already detects everything.


    37 minutes ago, Peter2150 said:

    Hi Alex

     I  know all about MB3 I've been testing it and have reported bugs.   BUT if I test against something nasty like Goldeneye ransomware, and MB2 catches it just as well as MB3  what have I gained with MB3?


    @Peter2150, I don't think I was missing the point of your question. Your question is effectively asking "why do I need Malwarebytes 3.0 if Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x can detect and remove X?" correct?. If I am getting it wrong, then please clarify where I am messing up.

    If I am understanding it correctly, then the answer to your question is that there is more involved with protecting and fighting against malware than reactively scanning for file infectors in a VM environment like you tested. I know it's going to sound like I am repeating what has been said before, but Malwarebytes 3.0 brings you the additional proactive protection users need while also improving our existing technologies in to a single application. For example, here are few tangible benefits (not all of them, just some quick examples):

    • Faster malware scan times
    • Proactive signature-less protection against exploits in common applications
    • Proactive signature-less protection against ransomware
    • Can be run along side other security applications or as a standalone with integration of the Windows Action Center/Security Center

    With that being said, here is a recent thread with a response from our staff related to Malwarebytes 3.0, testing, and real-world scenarios that may help provide even more context.

    If you still have questions, please keep them coming. After all, we are here to help!!

  6. Hi @gravitrox and welcome to the Malwarebytes Forums!!

    I would recommend that you do a clean install of a genuine copy of Windows 10 from Microsoft using your product key. That will ensure the you are using a known good source for the OS while also resolving the technical and security concerns you have.

    That should resolve your issue and get you on your way to a safer and stable computing experience. Thanks for posting!!

  7. 20 hours ago, mbw62 said:

    When inserting an image, it will show in 'full size'.

    When inserting multiple images, the thread gets way too big. That's to say, from my point of view.

    A more 'elegant' way would be to have the images inserted as thumbnails, or as medium sized images.
    Once a user -optionally- clicks on it, it will then resize to 100%.

    AFAIK currently there is no method to do that?
    Or am I overlooking an option..??

    Totally agree with you on this, and what's even better is that our forums already automatically resizes images in to "thumbnails" for you when you attach/upload an image file. So consider that already done?? Lolz.

    Specifically, any image that is uploaded is saved at full resolution but the initial view of the image within the thread or when clicked on will be no higher than 1000 x 750. You can click the Full Size button to see the full resolution if needed. This reduced resolution view is considered the "thumbnail view" in the IPS settings world.

    With that being said, do you feel 1000 x 750 is too large? If so, what do you fell would be a more optimal setting?

    20 hours ago, mbw62 said:

    btw I wanted to delete an attachment and initially did not find the delete button... I was about the close the thread posting

    and start all over, then I discovered the tiny recycle bin on top of the attachment. Pure coincidence.
    Maybe add these buttons to the top, next to [Insert other media] - like a kind of group with actions:

    "insert into post, upload, delete"

    I'm not sure I'm tracking on how that would be an improvement. The way the options are now they can support situations where there are only one attachment or multiple attachments that can be inserted easily anywhere in one's post and provide the option to selectively delete an attachment.

  8. On 12/24/2016 at 5:48 PM, mecanicogolf said:

    Why is it that I feel that my question never was answered? All I want to know is why are they advertising MB as "MAKES ANTIVIRUS OBSOLETE " and other statements I have been seeing around their website. I was so happy when I saw these statements that I went and uninstalled MSE, believing them. They had me sold!

    Now I find out everything I read is false.

    Your explanations are very good and I understand them, but why do they advertise it?

    @mecanicogolf, thank you for being a valued customer and a member of our forums community. 

    With that being said, I am sorry for the late follow up here. We touch on the subject of why we are a next-generation anti-virus replacement in our Malwarebytes 3.0 FAQ here: 

    That should help answer your question. If not, please follow back up with what's still unclear or needing answered and I will get you the additional info that you need.

  9. Hi @wang1, welcome to the Malwarebytes Forums!! You cannot delete your own thread as a Member, but I don't see reason to have it deleted in the first place since you need assistance with your Malwarebytes licenses. 

    With that being said, did you reach out to support for help with your license issue? They should be able to get you squared away.

    If for some reason support cannot get the issue resolved, feel free to private message me the details like your support ticket and the license keys being evil.

  10. @Utomo, I can help clarify some things for you and get you in the right area for a solution.

    AdwCleaner recently joined the Malwarebytes family and is aimed at attacking adware, PUPs (potentially unwanted programs), and web browser hijacks. It is not designed to attack traditional malware and it's database and core technologies are not built-into Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x or the current version of Malwarebytes 3.0. So seeing different results is not out of the ordinary at all until our technologies and databases are fully merged.

    Next, your screenshot of AdwCleaner doesn't show anything related to the URL/website you are saying is loading in Chrome. So the two are likely unrelated.

    With all that being said, it sounds like you may be infected and need malware removal assistance. Because of that, I am moving this to our Malware Removal section. Make sure to follow the directions in this thread to help get things started: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/topic/9573-im-infected-what-do-i-do-now/

    Also, if you can explain the Chrome issue in more detail, that can also help in fixing things up too.

    Lastly, thank you for using Malwarebytes and being a part of our community.


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