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Posts posted by AlexSmith

  1. 1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    Hi, I was asked above for my private email address which I provided. I see it has been removed and I fully understand why. However, Alex Smith wanted to contact me via private email but I have heard nothing. I wonder if the mail address was deleted without being first passed to Alex. Can you clarify, please? Thanks.

    I got it. Looks like your email was sitting in my Drafts by accident. :)

  2. Here's a little more detail in why we have the current "Edited" experience.

    From a purely available settings standpoint we have the following primary Edit options:

    • No Editing
    • Only Allowed to Edit before a specified time occurs
    • Always Edit

    From a "reports as edited" standpoint, we have the following options:

    • User Opt-in to Log as Being Edited (Silent Editing)
    • Always Log as Being Edited
    • Always Log as Being Edited with Full Edit Details

    With the available options we wanted to make sure there was always transparency around a post being edited no matter who the author is and no matter how little or how much was changed. While this does prevent silent editing for spelling/grammar issues, it brings visibility to when the edit is something other than that. Since we cannot control what you specifically edit nor can we change the logging experience based on a time value, the best option was to allow members to be able to Edit but to always log the change occurred.

  3. 1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    Hi again - sorry for the delay in replying but have been at work. I cannot find the discount offer I was referring to. It offered MB Premium and AE both at £15.95 each instead of £19.95 each. But, as I can't find it now, I have to let that issue drop.

    I'll see what I can do about that. Can you PM me an email address you would like me to contact you at? If it's the same as the one you used to register on the forums, just let me know that.

    1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    I have attached a screenshot of one of the messages I receive - the other looks the same and comes when I first log on but I can't get a shot of it. I tells me that my trial period of AE has now expired. Any guidance you can give will be welcome.

    Thank you for the screenshot as that clarified what's going on here. So what you are seeing in your screenshot is called a Notification Toast in Windows 10 telling you that MBAE is protecting the Internet Explorer web browser. That actual notification is created by MBAE and is sent to the OS so you can see that Notification Toast. In previous versions of Windows, you would see this sort of thing via a bubble pop-up in the notification tray above the icon of the app that sent the notification.

    Anyways, the confusion you are encountering is being caused by seeing this Notification vs. MBAE Premium claiming it's expired since the trial period has ended. Both messages are correct, so let me explain it a bit. When MBAE Premium expires, it reverts to a limited Free Mode. When in Free Mode, not all exploitable applications are protected. Web browsers like the one that the Notification Toast is calling out and Java are still protected. However PDF readers, Office apps, media players, and custom shields are no longer protected as those are features only available with MBAE Premium. You can see the differences of what is or is not protected here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/antiexploit/

    1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    This enquiry of mine has been a bit messy and largely unsubstantiated so I apologise for that but I do assure you that everything I have raised was true and not designed to waste your time.

    Thanks again.

    No apology is needed. We are here to help and it was not a waste of my time or anyone else's time. I am always happy to provide assistance.

    With that being said, I think all of the above should answer all of your questions. If not, let me know and we can go from there. Also, make sure to let me know the best email address to reach you at via a private message.

  4. 1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    In reply to Alex's question about how I submitted my complaint, I honestly cannot say where I found the address and how I submitted my frustrations. 

    If you end up finding more information on this or can forward me the details/emails, that would be great. I want to make sure we learn from any mistakes that occurred on our side of things.


    1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    Having said that, the explanations given by David, although rather technical for me, do convey the information I  was looking for so we can assume one of my questions has been answered.

    Awesome to hear that!!


    1 hour ago, Blasterchef said:

    However, the outstanding point is why are reductions being offered to those buying two products but not to those of us who have one already (and have had for some time)? Why also do I keep on getting these conflicting messages about whether the trial version has expired or is still protecting me? I will finish up, I am sure, by buying Anti-Exploit but I would like to know what is going on. Thanks to you all for your quick and thorough replies - that is what I would have expected from you :-).

    Can you share the details on the reductions you mention? The current pricing of MBAM Premium and MBAE Premium are the same and I don't see a discount being applied when purchasing it online. I could be missing some sort of special promotion, so any details you can share on this will help so I can see what can be done for you.

    As far as the trial messaging goes, I think I know what that might be. What you are likely seeing is the notification when the web-browser launches that MBAE detected it for protection. Can you by chance take a screenshot of the message so I can confirm what's up?

    As far as the quick responses goes, no problem. I and everyone else here are always glad to help.

  5. @Blasterchef, just to confirm you filled out our support contact form here correct? https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/portal/emails/new?b_id=6400

    If so, can you share your reference number with me? This can be found in your automated email after filling out the above web form (be sure to check your spam folder) or by going here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/login?b_id=6400&return_to=%2F%3Fb_id%3D6400 (and clicking "Creating an account" with the email you used to submit your support ticket if you don't already have a log in).

  6. @Blasterchef I am sorry to hear about your experience. We do care and want to ensure our customers are happy and protected from malware. I am going to work on getting you in touch with our support team.

    In the meantime, I have moved your thread to our Anti-Exploit Questions section of the forums.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Khadijah said:

    I know what seems to problem. I opened my Firefox browser and I'm not logged  on the forum so I saw the Index as a guest and  so I noticed the section was missing. 

    the permissions are no longer public  

    The complete section Malware Removal Support  is invisable for guests   

    Thats even stranger. Thanks for the update.

  8. 11 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

    I wish I did.  It was unexpected and my mind was on the content of the PM.  :(

    However it does give a map for you and others, who understand what I wrote about, to capture the information. 

    Indeed it does!!

    More info to come. Stay tuned!!

  9. 9 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

    I just got it again while I was in a PM.  I went into Browser Web Developer "Inspector" mode and the code does appear to be "IPS" related.  However the Pop-Up disappeared before I could narrow down the code and copy it.

    I need more info. Do you have anything saved from the Web Developer Inspector Mode??

  10. @sans7395 Sounds good.

    For future reference for others that come across this, you should be able to restore quarantined registry items in  ADWCleaner by going to Tools > Quarantine Manager then selecting the Registry tab. Select what you want to restore then click Restore.

  11. Today, the Forums will update to the latest version of IPS Community Suite, v You can check out the changes here: https://invisionpower.com/release-notes/41123-r46/

    We'll continue to test this against the current set of known issues (per the community and our findings). We had been testing some "basic BBCode" items in the preview of 4.1.12 and in the most recent We'll re-test on and then share our findings.

    Please continue to share any issues you come across.

  12. The filter driver for UAC is disabled by default in Safe Mode. Since disabiling UAC and running IE in an elevated state resolves the issue, then that means you have a permissions issue somewhere.

    My go to tool for uncovering the root cause of a permissions or access denied problem is using ProcMon from Sysinternals to record the problem then dogging through the results for access denied errors.

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