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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Bobc11 Oh that is great! I've only ever done flowers and such, which is also very enjoyable, rewarding, and fun. I tried to grow a cucumber plant one time, but it never made it out of the pot, and it died on me I was sad about that. good luck with your gardening!! That's great about the citrus trees Happy citrus fruit eating
  2. And you'd think the opposite would be happening. Here here! I got my license when gas was inching up to $3 a gallon, and then it was $4 not long after that... bleh. Let's not get off topic from fruit though.
  3. @ Alex_computer Yeah, that's true. Prices always have to go up, unfortunately. Fruits and veggies are especially, I think this is a word I can use to describe it, volatile? when it comes to prices. Wow, that's expensive! I usually get a 1/2 lb or a 1/4 lb when I get cherries, I think, and when getting plums and such I usually get 3-4 at a time (mainly coz I end up forgetting about food a lot and won't eat them as quickly as I should).
  4. @ Bobc11 I don't think it will happen, at least not anytime soon, but the prospect of it is REALLY scary to me. We really really depend on the postal service/the mail system, and we really seem to take it for granted until we're presented with the possibility of it being cut back/short or even just not existing anymore.... :/
  5. @ Alex_computer heh, you're welcome. I don't think I noticed for a while either with myself. Yeah, ice cream is great. I swear, the last few weeks, I have had ice cream at least 2-3 times a week, if not more. Bad bad bad. It's hard also when you are out with a friend and they want to go get ice cream and you are trying to stop, or at least cut down on it... what do you do you know? ah well. What's your favorite flavor? I know what you mean.... sometimes I do wish it was the other way around, but, there are a lot of foods that are good for you and taste great, at least I think so Yum yum grilled cheese w/ tomato, or homemade mashed potatoes, chicken with gravy and cranberry sauce to name a couple of my favorites...
  6. @ Alex_computer I haven't had cherries in SUCH a long time. Next time I go to the grocery store, I am going to have to get some fruit! yum yum much healthier than ice cream, and just as yummy
  7. @ Alex_computer It sure was yum yum yum. I love ice cream... probably too much, I've had WAY too much of it lately, hehe. After our half gallon is gone, we're going to try and not have ice cream for quite a while... we eat too much junk lately Oh, and look, you're an Honorary member now
  8. Hmm I am actually not sure, but just wanted to say that I've heard that Linux is great. My ex boyfriend was messing around with Linux at one point, I can't remember if he actually did it successfully or not though. Good luck
  9. I really can't pick just one... Strawberries, blueberries, apples, oranges, blackberries, raspberries, plums, and cherries are all favorites of mine.
  10. I love gardening!! Well, my dad always ads peat moss to any hole that he's planting something in. Really seems to help. Other than that, I just use my spade, and pack dirt tightly around my newly planted flower, and make sure its firmly packed around so it won't come loose. Or, if planting a seed, just make sure its at least three inches in (I think that that is what you're supposed to do) and make sure, again, that the dirt is packed tight. Are you just starting out with gardening or are you looking for new things to do with your gardening?
  11. Same to you Alex_computer! Mine was pretty low-key.
  12. Welcome aboard! May you learn a lot and be able to safeguard your computer against all the internet nasties! Have you heard of or know the movie Hans Christian Andersen? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0044685/ I love this movie. The reason I ask is because Copenhagen is mentioned in the movie, and Hans actually goes to Copenhagen, so your post made me think of this movie. That's great that you know four languages. I only know my native tongue, English, and "pig-latin" (which isn't really another language lol) and I know a few words of French and Russian, and I used to take Spanish in school, and I got pretty good at it, but I have forgotten most of it now, unfortunately.
  13. @ kalimba I was actually wondering the same thing. I have the first two that you listed.
  14. @ AdvancedSetup Thanks for the links , I'll read on them tomorrow, as I need to get to sleep soon. Oh, silly me I just checked my extensions, and I have Java Quick Starter 1.0, AVG Safe Search and AVG Security Toolbar, so perhaps I am in the clear then?
  15. @ AdvancedSetup: Thanks for responding Ugh, that's peachy :/ ""ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC" Would this make a persons computer more vulnerable then? What is the ".NET Framework (NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1) " anyway, do you know? I don't even know if I use it?
  16. Just found out about that here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/01/ms..._extension_row/ This add on doesn't sound very safe... ""ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC" or ethical for that matter... I wonder if I have this? Would anyone been able to tell me by the attached screen shot of my plugins? Edit: Let me know if you'd like to see the screen shot, and I'll add it back on Thanks
  17. I know this is an old post, but,
  18. um wow lol. I don't get the Peter part though
  19. So I recently found out that lyric sites are generally bad. Lovely. I used to use them a lot, mainly azlyrics. I was wondering if anyone knew if quotes websites were the same? Such as brainyquote .com, and other quotes sites like that? I use them from time to time, but I wonder if they're safe or not?
  20. Oh okay. I wasn't sure. I sent AdvancedSetup a PM just in case.
  21. @ TeMerc Hurrah!! I used to use Ad-Aware (several years ago now), but then the updates stopped (I think they stopped supporting that version but I am not quite sure). I think there's a new free version out now, but, I have MBAM now, and the pro version at that, so I don't think I'll use AdAware anymore. I love MBAM btw I haven't used any of the others other than AdAware though. I was thinking about SAS, but haven't tried it yet.
  22. @ Marcus Ohh thanks I'm not an admin or anything, so I can't do anything about it, but I'll let an Admin know about it I noticed that too the other day actually. Thanks for bringing it to someones attention.
  23. @ Mystery Okay, thank you, that answers my question I think So basically its pretty obvious when there is a malicious site link, especially with the jibber jabber text? Part of my AVG has the link scanner, but I don't 100% trust it, just because there could be a mistake. I basically have stopped surfing the internet because of all the crap out there, but hopefully sometime I'll feel comfortable doing it again sometime Essentially I check my web-based emails, I go to this site, a few other forums that I belong to, and a few other sites I can't remember right now, and that's been it for at least the last month or two. Maybe its overkill but I'm kinda scared of the internet at this point lol. Is ActiveX only present in IE? I pretty much only use FF currently, I only use IE to manually check for Windows Updates. I haven't disabled scripts yet, I need to try out NoScripts soon And I need to get AdBlock Plus already too
  24. @ Mystery Thank you for answering that for me! So for this: "Could you explain a little further when you have a moment what this is and how a person would get to a malicious site like that named above? And anything else you can think of that would be helpful. These are files and identifiers that describe the characteristics of the malicious sites. You get to them usually via Google/Yahoo/Bing (aka Live) search results." So if you click on a search result link, you could then get infected? How would I (or anyone else) know what is safe or not? Or is it only certain links?
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