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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Exile Thanks So is that particular update unnecessary then, if you don't do this "ClickOnce deployment allows you to publish Windows-based applications to a Web server or network file share for simplified installation."? Do you know?
  2. Just one more quick question about this, if I do run into a problem next time, should I just uninstall and then re-download and reinstall?
  3. @ Exile Could you clarify on what you said a little bit? I don't quite understand what you mean here. "You'd be surprised how powerful the tools that people have to figure out what various files and programs do when they're installed are, and most of them are free."
  4. @ Exile Ah, probably. I just hope there's no harm or danger in installing on it; I'd hate for them to be spying on people and/or collecting personal information from the update. :/
  5. Exile, see my update post under this post of yours Hmm wonder if this has anything to do with it?
  6. Just got some new updates through for the Auto update for XP and this was in it: Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 x86 (KB963707) Download size: 741 KB , less than 1 minute The update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 for Firefox addresses several compatibility issues with version 1.0 of the extension. Details... I wonder if that has anything to do with the sneaky MS add-on to Firefox? Does anyone know?
  7. Exile, Oh, okay, so either way you're unprotected momentarily? I'll just go with the uninstall then reinstall for now then I guess, and maybe I'll be bold and try installing over the previous version next time Thanks again for all your help with this!
  8. Exile: Oh, okay. That's sweet! Thanks for the link too, I'll bookmark it when I get home "AIM Spyware Remover - [2006-05-23 | Freeware | 1 MB | Win All | 10522 | 4.5 ] Help you to search, scan, remove and use AIM safer. " Hmm, maybe I should try that. I don't even use aim anymore, I go with Pidgin, but I haven't uninstalled it yet. We had a really old version that we never updated (didn't like the new version) and finally I updated it on top of the old version but it didn't overwrite so I have the new version now, and then uninstalled the old version. Exile & Yardbird: Oh, okay, thanks It would be nice to not have to uninstall every time and lose my protection for a few minutes, but I would also like to avoid any potential issues. Since the only websites I'd be going to sans MBAM anyway would be malwarebytes and Major Geeks, I'm pretty confident that I'll be okay for those few minutes in between.
  9. Yardbird, if I am not mistaken, the only way to install on top is to download it right from the update tab on mbam and to do that you need to have the internet on, and I don't want the internet left on, just in case, without the av and firewall on. so the only way to do it otherwise, as far as I know, is to uninstall, reboot, download new version, disable av/firewall, and then install. Thank you though
  10. Thanks for your thoughts on CNET/Download.com (same place I presume?), and I have never heard of Softpedia actually. Blech. Yeah, I have used Download.com off and on for a few years, pretty much only for AVG and Spybot I've never downloaded anything off there just because I found out and was like "Oh cool, this looks good, I'll download it". Even though they have their no virus, no spyware etc.. guarantee, who knows if you can 100% trust that, you know? Even if it doesn't have that stuff, who knows about the program? Then, not to mention, advertising for something such as CyberDefender (don't know if you saw the post in the security area of the forum). Eh. I just like to do my research and know what things are. I downloaded AVG and Spybot off the recommendation of people I knew, and later on MBAM from someone I met in another forum that I frequent. I haven't gotten a chance to take much of a look around Major Geeks yet, but, do they have Spybot and what else do they generally have, if you know off the top of your head? What's Realtek? Oh, and one more question about MBAM; should I always uninstall, restart, download new version, disconnect internet, disable av/firewall, and install the new download every time there is a version update for the Pro version?
  11. Unrelated to your question, but I see that you are running service pack two, is there a service pack three available for your computer models? Just wondering, because as far as I know there should be and you should have the newest service pack installed.
  12. Well, Major Geeks has a good recommendation then . Well that's good to know that that issue is over and done with then. I'll use that over download.com then from now on! Okay, sweet. I'll get right on this when I get home
  13. Exile, somehow I missed this answer, sorry. So I could just download it over the new version? I can't do that with the internet on though if I do the AV and firewall disable, which you suggested. I think I will go with the second option. So just to get it straight (I always like to double check, can't hurt:)), I uninstall MBAM, reboot (is that the same as restart? I always get confused), then install the new version, while having my av/firewall disabled? To do that I usually just right-click and hit exit - is that the right way or are there also some processes I might need to kill?
  14. @ Exile. Thanks So would I be downloading from here: ? (middle of the page) Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the USA MajorGeeks - |USA| Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware fromthe USA MajorGeeks - |USA 2| Download from Internode Internode - |Australia| So you recommend Major Geeks then? It still has some ads, but not as many as download.com I just remembered though, I think you said that you went to Major Geeks a little while back and your Kaspersky popped up with a Trojan alert... hope that still isn't a problem :/
  15. @ yardbird thanks for the link Just clicked on it to test and all it said was error. I didn't try refresh, but I'll try again
  16. Exile, Thanks So should I uninstall the current version of MBAM then, restart, then use the mbam clean (I still have it on my desktop), restart, and then download the new version of MBAM? Or how should I proceed? And where is the best place to download MBAM from? I've used download.com in the past
  17. Tonight with be my first time updating a version of MBAM using MBAM Pro. I was going to update quickly before work, but checked the website first to see if the new version was out yet, and sure enough it was In case of any conflicts, and the fact that my other half wasn't done using the computer yet and probably wouldn't appreciate a restart I decided to wait until tonight to update it. What should I expect? I know that Yardbird said something abuot the computer asking you to restart. I also haven't added MBAM to my AV's exceptions list yet (I actually don't know where to put them yet.) My AV is AVG internet security suite.
  18. That's great to hear RubbeR DuckY! (Or may I call you Marcin)? Do you know when the fix might be out? Just curious.
  19. @ Fatdcuk Sorry to jump into your response here, but I thought maybe you could answer my question. I had a similar experience in February. I got redirected to antimalwarescanner . com twice, once in Feb and again in March, first on Myspace, then on Facebook. I closed out via the browser, but then I found out that closing via the taskmanager is the best option, which I think I did the second time. I closed out via the browser the first time. One of the times, this thing came up looking as though it was scanning in the my computer folder/area of my computer (green scan bar with blocks) but I can't remember if it was actually on my computer or if it was a fake scan in a browser window. Do you think that I may have gotten compromised? The first product I tried was SpywareDoctor :/, and then I found out about Malwarebytes the second time My AVG and MBAM and Spybot have been clean for months (MBAM found adware.mywebsearch the first time and heuristics.malware another time maybe two months later but other than that and a PUP and tracking cookies on AVG I have been clean) - so I assume I am probably in the clear, but I was wondering if you might know. Also, are these fake scanner pages common? Do otherwise legitimate websites generally find them and remove them do you know?
  20. Welcome to the forums! I'm glad that Malwarebytes worked so well for you!! Spread the word and happy computing
  21. K. I have a hard time finding it sometimes. Took me forever to find my current jar, lol.
  22. @ Alex_computer welcome try it sometime if you want. Let me know how you like it.
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