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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Fatdcuk I don't think that I installed anything. Only thing I did wrong, I think, was mistakenly close out via the browser window instead of using ctrl alt del. This was back in February and March, so I honestly don't remember if the fake scanner appeared again on rebooting. Do you mean as the computer was booting up or after the desktop had loaded up? Yeah, that makes sense. Ugh :/ Thanks for answering me! I really appreciate it.
  2. @ nosirrah Thanks for explaining API to me Ah hah. That makes sense. I kind of thought that from a few things I had read but didn't know for sure.
  3. @ Nosirrah Thank you for your response! That also helps me better understand rootkits! So am I correct in understanding that the original development of "root" was legitimate, and people modified them for illegitimate purposes? :/ And what is API?
  4. You're welcome! Hopefully! I'm sure whomever helps you will be able to find the culprit. You and your machine are in good hands Good luck!
  5. great Let me know if it works or not. If that fails, please do the following and someone will be along to help you as soon as possible: Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  6. did you try any of these yet? http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17607
  7. True. Heh, thanks again for helping to clear up my question about this
  8. @ TeMerc That's very true! Do you have any safe surfing recommendations? And what would you consider stupid things? This is true.
  9. I guess, but, probably doesn't hurt to keep the other languages does it?
  10. Hi, and welcome to the boards. As far as I know, only the corporate edition or the technicians edition can do automatic removal. I wish I could remember which one. Hopefully someone will jump in here who knows better than me, but I am pretty sure that one or the other of the above named does remove automatically, and they are both paid versions.
  11. I'm ahead of you Did that about 5 minutes ago or so. It worked fine as far as I could tell, but there were no new updates. I did that after I restarted after installing the new download of 1.39.
  12. Oh. I guess I misinterpreted you then, lol. Time for me to go to sleep, haha. My brain doesn't fully function when its late
  13. @ yardbird seems to be. Quick scan finished. And no malicious items were detected I don't know how else to tell if its working okay, but the icon is in my taskbar and I assume its doing its job
  14. @ Exile I uninstalled, restarted, downloaded a fresh setup from MajorGeeks, turned off the internet, exited out my firewall / av, installed the new mbam, unchecked the "check for updates when launched" button (since it couldnt' obviously since the internet was off), rebooted, and then the Malwarebytes icon was in my taskbar. I thought that that was a little odd. I clicked the icon on my desktop and sure enough, it was still registered and everything. I manually updated to the most current database (and I am not sure if the most current version was there, but it must have been since I downloaded a fresh copy), and am now running a quick scan. So my question is, is all that normal? Or did I do something wrong?
  15. @ TeMer Okay, thanks I just wanted to know what you thought. I just think, hey, why not have the most current database when possible? My AV updates automatically every few hours, but I do a manual check every so often anyway too I wasn't trying to say that I think that the paid version should change the once-a-day update to a multiple option, I was just saying that I personally like to update it more than once a day if I can, just to be the most current. I guess I am a bit of an odd-duck here; the first thing I think about when turning on the computer, usually, is making sure the AV is updated to the most current version and MBAM too. Right now I have an AV, Mbam Pro, SpywareBlaster, and Spybot Immunization. and as far as I know, all my "things" (for lack of a better word) are up to date. java, adobe, etc. Although I rarely use Adobe, but still udpated it nonetheless. Before I did, it was at version 6!
  16. I'm not sure if it was installed or not. I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to install it then. I just hope its not spying and collecting personal information or anything. What do you think?
  17. @ Exile Thanks for the link I read it over, skimming some parts, and I pretty much understand what it is now. Scary stuff! (the bad rootkits, that is). :/ "Numerous source code samples for ready-made rootkits can be found on the Internet, which inevitably leads to their widespread use in various Trojans or spyware programs, et cetera." << That's scary, but not surprising, unfortunately :/ nasty little buggars
  18. @ TeMerc, just jumping in here. Even if you don't scan more than once a day, would you say its important to update more than once a day (if there is more than one update in a day) to keep the active protection as current as possible? I've actually turned off my automatic updates and just manually update MBAM, generally when the computer is first booted up, and if the computer is on still on a few hours later, I'll do another manual check. Main reason I turned it off is because there is only one time you can pick and the computer isn't always on at the time that I had originally picked, and before I bought the paid version, I was used to updating the free version daily or whenever I turned on the computer, so it was already a habit (Of course I mean the paid version here, not the free version, since the free version is an on-demand scanner and doesn't protect in the background).
  19. Not a stupid question, I also wondered at first why you couldn't click the tabs while a scan was running. You can't because its running a scan and the program needs to concentrate just on that (at least as far as I understand). I don't know if most anti viruses are like that, but personally I think that they should be. "wanted to see what was under some times..." What is that though?
  20. I've seen a lot about rootkits on this site here and when I purchased my AV it said that it catches rootkits that other AV's generally can't find, and I thought that to be a good thing, but I still don't really know what a root kit is. So my questions are, what is a rootkit, and in general, what kind of harm does it do, or, what is the bad or bad things that it does?
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