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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. To add to what Alex_computer said, If you want to do a full scan, I would recommend doing a quick scan FIRST. I've seen some of the Admins and other staff on here say that some malware tries to reproduce/change itself while a scan is being done. This is much much much less likely if you do a quick scan instead of a full scan. So I'd stick with a quick scan if I were you, doing a full scan maybe once a week? I do a quick scan once a day or whenever I use the computer, and I haven't actually done a full scan in a while, but I probably should sometime I used to do a full scan until I found that out, now I mostly do the quick scan. Also, from surfing around and reading the posts on here, I have found out that, if I am remembering correctly that is, that a quick scan catches 99.9% of what the full scan would.
  2. @ tootal2 Oh wow, that's a long time I don't know how often they steal a credit card or debit card... but, I would order by mail with a money order from now on if you can, or call to place your order instead of buying online like you have been since this has happened to you on more than one occasion. Please, follow the steps that AdvancedSetup provides in this thread! You want to make sure that your system is clean! Also, please please, as a HUGE word of caution, don't apply for credit online, bank online, or anything like that.. have you done your taxes or anything online? I am warning you because since you have this keylogger (that seems like it could be coming back?) that could possibly steal your personal information as well (account numbers, ssn, dob, etc...)
  3. @ mbyuser Oh, so you totally uninstalled and reformatted your computer then? that sounds like the best thing I guess ah, okay. I get Spybot off of download.com, is that where you got it from? no problem I still wonder though, how would changing firewalls have made that trojan get through? :/ ugh
  4. I've read some HJT logs and a few other posts (can't remember exactly what) and I remember seeing Admins and other helpers tell users to not visit lyric sites since they can contain malware and whatnot. What is meant by lyric websites? Websites that have the lyrics to songs on them? one site I used to use alot is azlyrics . com (or something similar to that, can't remember the exact address) and then I've come across some other random lyric sites that' I've used. Or is it something else entirely unrelated to song lyrics?
  5. @ chimpy Hmm. I don't know too much about what takes up a lot of memory or not. Is 19k big or small do you know? And then, as compared to something that might take 1 mb, for example? Is a k bigger than a MB or is it the other way around? Your computer makes a clicking noise when opening up IE?
  6. @ mbyuser Ohh, okay. I would recommend going here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 and following the steps, just to make sure you're clear, since you did indeed have an infection. by search and destroy, do you mean Spybot? Yeah, I think what I was seeing on that other computer a few years ago was indeed harmless, but its hard to know for sure. It was 3-4 years ago now, maybe more, and I don't remember too clearly, I just remember seeing it with some pop ups and/or when opening a new web browser sometimes. As far as I know, nothing else happened with the computer, but again, I don't really remember too clearly. I hope not, coz I bought things online on that computer all the time and such.
  7. @ Chimpy ahha! Thanks I think I figured this out the other day actually but your answer confirmed it. Now I know how to see how much FF or anything else is using.
  8. @ AdvancedSetup: Thank you, but I believe that I am good to go now This was mostly a question about something that I had seen a few years back on another computer that I used to use. I apologize if you meant this for another user on this thread.
  9. @ Jacktivity Very good point! That's why I like having an alt email, but I can see why some people might not be comfortable with it.
  10. @ mbyuser Oh, that's a little scary I am actually not sure what I am talking about, I was just asking about it in general since I knew nothing about it. What do you have for your anti virus? Did you update it and run a full scan? also, have you run a quick scan of Malwarebytes? "still active as far as 4mths back" do you mean that it is active now still since four months ago, or it was only active four months ago?
  11. @ tootal2: Do you know if this is a relatively new threat? If so, Malwarebytes may not have added it to the definition list yet or even known about it, or something along those lines. At least you were able to get rid of it Also, no program gets 100% of everything, but, Malwarebytes is one of the very best out there. As far as I know, all detections that Malwarebytes is able to detect are found with BOTH the paid and free versions. The paid versions prevents infections from getting into your system to begin with, where the free version removes them after infection. Thanks for posting about this here, hopefully someone else with more knowledge on the subject than I will be able to jump in and advise you better and look into this malicious program. Glad you were able to get your money back! Did you get your debit card changed (different number and everything?) If you didn't, I would recommend doing so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE , as you could get stolen from again. Also, if you have a credit card, I would recommend using that online and not your debit card. You never know these days. Since getting my credit card, I haven't used my debit card online anymore. The reason is this (and I am not very good at explaining things sometimes, so please forgive me if I am confusing, I can try and explain it better if you'd like): It is, generally, much easier to get your money back / refunded with a credit card in instances of fraud because its THEIR money on the line, not yours. With a debit card, its your money. I'm glad that your bank was able to help you with your problem. I just know that not all banks are as helpful as yours was. Hopefully this will change in the future.
  12. wow. Wouldn't surprise me either if this really happened.
  13. Curiosity, like Exile said Also, just reading and learning, I love to read and learn about a variety of things. I read through the new HJT logs too to see whats going on. I think I've learned a thing or two by doing this, hehe.
  14. Thanks yardbird It seems like it was kinda scary! Hopefully nothing happened to my computer back then!
  15. Thanks Exile I figured it was harmless. I just wasn't sure coz my last experience with it was well a few years ago when this thing seems to have been rampant, but, other than the name in the pop up, I don't think anything else happened. I can't know for sure though.
  16. That's what I figured, but I wasn't positive. I don't think I've seen it in a while, but, it used to happen to me years ago, about the time that these old posts were made... heh. But nothing else weird happened when they came up, so I am sure that the ones I saw were legit.
  17. I was surfing through old HJT posts (from like 2005 or so) and I came across a lot of titles that were about About:blank and I read some of the posts and logs. After reading those, I remembered that several years ago now, I got pop ups and the top, where the address shows up on a pop up, said about:blank or about.blank or something like that. I haven't had one in a while now, but I remember getting pop ups with that name every once in a while. I wonder if I had something nasty on the computer since I was getting those. Does anyone know anything about about blank and if so, what is it?
  18. Yep! For private, home use, its a one time fee of 24.95. I just purchased it about a week or so ago and am very happy with it. Had been using the free version since late March. Are you going to buy it? If you are using it for corporate use however, then there would be a yearly fee.
  19. @ Alex_computer I don't really remember, sorry
  20. Oh, yep It's a neat commercial. Kinda weird though. I haven't' seen it lately though, in a week or two.
  21. @ Alex_computer Okay, good, guess I know a little more than I thought Hmm. Is that the one that I think its, Fergie (or some female celebrity anyway) advertises on TV? she's walking around holding a laptop and saying its her photo album and she like reaches into some water and grabs a picture. sorry if that confused you or you haven't seen it. And she loves looking up dance moves online.
  22. @ Alex_computer Uh, I don't really know the difference lol. Economical meaning the bare basics, and hi-tech meaning having lots of bells and whistles? Probably a basic one, unless we start playing games. I'd like to try and get into the SIMs again, hehe.
  23. Dell (currently using) and Compaq (oldest one). Why?
  24. Probably a desktop, but a laptop would take up less space What to do with the other two old ones... :/ ::sigh::
  25. K, I will when I have a chance Probably in a couple days. I did answer your computer question here : http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=93767
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