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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Mystery Thanks, & glad its safe Okay, so this paragraph: "I've been monitoring the Google results since my last report on the Google poisoning issue, and have been saddened to see not a reduction in the amount of malicious URL's in the index - but an increase." What is the index you are talking about? Is that search results that come up when you do a google search or something else? What's a spider? "I've seen thus far has had identical properties that for a search engine with a spider as good as Googles, should be easy enough to identify and erradicate;" And then you have this: "1. All URL's lead to a page with; 1. a 2.js file 2. jibberish in <pre></pre> tags and further such .htm pages linked to each other under neath (all pages linked to, have identical properties) 3. ALL pages on the domain link to each other, with identical tags (and ONLY link to these pages) and link to the 2.js file 4. ALL pages have title tags that have the name of the .htm file in them 3 times, for example;" etc etc... Could you explain a little further when you have a moment what this is and how a person would get to a malicious site like that named above? And anything else you can think of that would be helpful. Oh, and oop, I just clicked on this: hxxp://hosts-file.net/?s=www.antivirus-security.net Thinking it was another of your blog pages. Is it safe? (I added the xx's in by the way)
  2. @ Mystery May I ask you a question about your blog? I am having a little trouble understanding a few things. Edit: and is this page safe to go to? hxxp://hosts-file.net/misc/Google_Poisoning.txt I think so, but just double checking.
  3. @ Mystery Thanks for the link... reading soon. Is that your blog btw?
  4. You're welcome hun! I'm so glad that you joined and are going to be helping to make your family members computers and your computer safer and speedier
  5. Glad to see you on here hun :)

  6. timcin: This link should provide you with the information that you are looking for: http://www.malwarebytes.org/corporate.php
  7. @ Exile (in response to your first reply in this thread). That's so angering After learning about this with Google from this thread and a few others I have come across, I come to wonder if its even safe to use Google as a search engine anymore. Do you know anything about this? I NEVER click on sponsored links.
  8. to Azailia: Looks like you got some great responses from people more knowledgeable about Firewalls than I However!! I just wanted to tell you PLEASE don't use Limewire anymore. The program ITSELF is safe, but files downloaded with the program are more often than not infected, please uninstall Limewire, then restart your computer to finish the uninstallation process. P2P file sharing is a VERY common way that computer infections are spread... Also, before you install the new Anti-Virus, make sure you fully uninstall McAfee!
  9. @ mbyuser I wish they could be held responsible... I found that too! I have Malwarebytes bookmarked on my computer OR I just type the web address in directly to my browser, so I never google it anymore, but just for kicks and giggles I googled it yesterday and I saw that same malwareee. org website on the sponsored links too and I thought to myself, that sounds REALLY fishy... I've honestly always thought that sponsored links are fishy, especially if they seem to be trying to be a copycat of a real site (looks like they were trying to pretend to be like MBAM, haha, yeah RIGHT!). I need to get on getting WOT.. hehe. You didn't click on the link did you?
  10. @ cheleski You're welcome Glad we could be of help. I would still recommend doing a full scan maybe once a week, but at least once month, after a quick scan, just to check on your system and make sure nothing was missed.
  11. @ chimpy I'll have to try it again sometime. People used to tell me it was gross, so that's why I'd never tried it before. Next time I have a chance I'll try it and see if I like it.
  12. Yeah, you could go ahead and do that, no harm in submitting it I don't know much about that process at all though (sending a file to Kaspersky and other detection sites) so I'm not really the person to ask, but, go ahead I'd say.
  13. @ AdvancedSetup I've been telling myself that I need to try one one of these days. Maybe next time I go out to ice cream (I've been going to ice cream way too much lately though, lol. Doesn't help that there's a place a couple miles down the road from me, lol.) I'll definitely get a split sometime though. Beautiful pictures! I bet it was a great vacation Thanks for sharing them with me. I especially like the first picture.
  14. @ chimpy sounds like you're quite the pistachio lover! sounds good. I've never tried it before though. I think I had pistachio ice cream on accident once though, thought it was mint Is it green?
  15. @ yardbird uhh well I like a few. Hershey's is pretty good, and there's a few others that I like too, can't remember the names right now though.
  16. @ AdvancedSetup That looks amazingly delicious Yum yum! I've never had a banana split anything before though. Are they good?
  17. @ mbyuser Thanks. I am not an expert or anything by any means, but I think that that would be the safe way to go.
  18. @ chimpy ah, I see. haha yeah, might not work randomly sometime lol IE was always closing out on me and stuff in the past. Not all the time, but enough to be annoying. K. Hmm. I think that the clicking noise is probably normal, but I can't say for sure.
  19. @ Alex_computer Yeah. I think once a week or at least once a month would be a good idea for the full scan ah, but unfortunately you never know what has malware, but seems like you're safe, so you're probably good to go I am pretty safe too MBAM's quick scan is a very good speed, and Spybot doesn't take too long either.
  20. @ Alex_computer Good! They are nasty, but less nasty than computer worms Yeah I have seen that forum. I haven't clicked on any links or anything though, just in case. Hmm. I am not sure about the Kaspersky question you asked me. I am not very knowledgeable about these things, at least not yet, and I haven't used Kaspersky (yet anyway). Maybe ask Exile360 what he thinks? He uses Kaspersky
  21. @ chimpy Ohhh. Okay. Yeah, I think you're right about the size. Hmm. I dunno? I usually have the sound off unless I am watching Secret Life of the American Teenager on the Abc family website, lol I haven't really noticed a click noise. I also RARELY use IE. I basically only use it to manually check for Windows Updates. You mean the noise comes from the computer, right, and not the mouse? Just checking, I figure its not from the mouse though.
  22. @ Alex_computer haha!! I've actually found a book worm or two before in a book. gross and disgusting, not to mention they make a hole in your book blech. I dind't know they were real until that happened, I always thought that it was made up because people are always using the term "book worm" for people that read alot, you know? I know. I SEVERELY limit what I do online now, whereas before I used to surf around and look up information and what not. Thankfully, we have Malwarebytes on our side and other great companies such as Kaspersky etc...
  23. @ Alex computer: Wouldn't hurt to do a full scan once in a while I used to only do the full scan, now I mostly do the quick scan. Also, my full scan would take over an hour sometimes (first few times 45 mins or so) but the quick scan is generally done in 15 minutes or less, but generally takes about 10 minutes. So, I prefer the quick scan for that reason as well as something infected potentially changing itself during the full scan.
  24. Hmm okay, thanks. I'll have to tell my significant other that too. I think he looks for lyrics, or at least used to. That is just nasty. Wow. What is this world coming to? Guess I'll just stick with the official website of the band and/or the lyric booklet that comes with my CD. No malware in the booklet
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