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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Cindy, Did it look like a pop up window or was it actually on your computer? Did it look like one of these: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=39 http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=16755 (winbluesoft, for example) Do you know exactly what he did prior to getting that message? That's pretty scary... I use facebook and I've never had that happen but I did get a website redirection to antimalwarescanner . com several months back now.... blech Makes me not want to use Facebook ever sometimes... :/ Edit: Other than that, I am almost certain that it is a rogue/fake application. Other than that, if you aren't sure, please do the following: Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require asistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  2. @ prairie dog I really don't think its necessary, but, then again, I am no expert. I am mostly clueless when it comes to these things (at least right now I am, hopefully that will change as time goes on ) I don't seem to have it in my Firefox, but I'm not sure. Hopefully someone who knows more than us will be able to answer
  3. @ Alex_computer Wheat germ is uh. well here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cereal_germ http://www.quakeroats.com/products/more-pr...wheat-germ.aspx ^^ pretty sure that that is the brand that I use ^^ (second link) (not quite sure how to describe it, hence the links) It's got vitamins in it too
  4. @ newbie14 thank goodness! Please post your hijackthis log here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Someone will be along to assist you as soon as possible I can't assist you further than this.
  5. newbie14 Did you try this already? http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17607
  6. I am really not an expert, but trying to help the best I can. Does the computer you are using now have a burner? I'll message one of our admins here for yah. Nevermind, he's already reading the thread. I'll let him take it from here
  7. You are very welcome, and best of luck to you You'll be in good hands
  8. Hello there! Please read the following completely: Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require asistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  9. @ TeMerc: Wow! All I can say is wow! I hope his/her computer is clean now! That sure is a lot of infections, eyy yeii yeii
  10. I had also been wondering if there was a phone number for Malwarebytes.
  11. mmmmm I used to put WheatGerm on it. You should try it sometime if you think you might like it
  12. @ AdvancedSetup I thought you were serious for a minute, but I guess you're kidding? At any rate, you'd be greatly missed if you left!
  13. @ Colisu One more thing I meant to say to you that I forgot before: Please, if you have not already, contact your bank or credit card company, whomever issued you the card that you used to purchase this fraudulent software. Contact them and tell them that you were the victim of some fraud and that you would like your card canceled (and issued a new one if you want/need it with a new number of course!). There's no telling where your information might have been transferred to. Please, do this as soon as possible! Did you use a credit card by the way? And thank you for posting your log so quickly in the HJT forum.
  14. Edit: Yardbird beat me to it Take a look at his instructions and read them completely. Basically you need to post your log in the hijack this forum, which he has also given you a link to. To anyone else reading this, sorry to post back, didn't know that yardbird had already posted, probably did so while I was posting. Hello there. Sounds like you got hit with something particularly nasty. Please go here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 And post exactly what you posted here. Someone will be along to help you as soon as they can. Thankfully you were at least able to run hijack this! I am not sure if it will help or not, but please don't visit any websites other than this one on your machine and any websites that your helper directs you to are okay also, of course. I cannot help you any further than this, but I just wanted to point you in the right direction. Good luck!
  15. @ Bob I haven't had any in a while. It sure is good though. Do you like sherbet (bert?)? I like lemon and lime the best
  16. @ Alex They sure are! I can't remember the last one too well, its been a while now, but I was probably gripping my seat and gasping haha. They probably are that old, I don't even know. Hmm I should look it up... So Emma/Hermione is 19 Daniel/Harry is 20 Rupert/Ron is 21 haha, now I know how old they actually are (Ron's my favorite) Ah. I should get to reading the rest of the books. I used to be quite the reader, always reading. Then that kinda dropped off when I was reading a lot of textbooks for school, and now I don't have school (at least not at the moment) but I still haven't gotten back into reading mode. I've been trying to read Melting Stones by Tamora Pierce for over a month now... I start to read it on my day off and then start falling asleep http://www.tamora-pierce.com/ if you wanna see what her books are about. I love them. I've read the Circle of Magic Series, the Circle Opens, and now I'm reading the book I just mentioned, which is kind of part of that series.
  17. @ Maniac Yeah, I agree, the movies are not too bad. Pretty intense sometimes, really holds you to the movie I think. The kids are not kids anymore, I think they're in their early 20's now. When it started I think they were about 9 or 10 years old, but I could be mistaken. That's how old they looked to me anyway.
  18. So it seems like I have been waiting for such a long time for the next Harry Potter movie to come out. I've read the first three books, and then read part of the fourth, then I lost the book and then school started and I got a job, so I never finished them, but I plan to at some point. The books are definitely much better, but I love seeing whats going on onscreen too. It's finally coming out on July 15th I am sooo excited. Anyone else a Harry Potter fan? Anyone else going to see the new Harry Potter movie?
  19. I think I'm going to have to with Lemon. Darnit, now I want some mmmm
  20. Sorry I'm a little late. Congrats Steven!!!
  21. @ hilander mmmmm I love the Fudge Brownie one, but I can't say I much care for the Cherry Garcia, but I bet its real good with with the Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
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