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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. You should I was just going to go to Amazon and give you some links to show you some books, but, then I remember that that probably isn't a good idea Next time I have a chance at home, I'll grab the books that I currently have off the shelf and I'll send you a PM with the titles and everything, if you're interested Just let me know.
  2. No idea on the brand yet, maybe Dell? Windows 7, I suppose since that'll be the newest OS.
  3. Have ever read any works by Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, or any of these people? amazing I would say!
  4. @ bjt I agree, it would probably be a good idea for you to just pass on this one. I wish I had! Ah well, lesson learned
  5. @ Alex_computer Wow. sounds like it was a big job. I think when I get my new computer, whenever that is, I shall be getting Kaspersky for it, but I'm not sure yet. Still a few others that I am going to keep researching and looking into.
  6. @ Raid That's very true Yes, I find that quote to be quite impressive too. Thank you I love reading Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and Sophocles I have some of their books, and have read others in college too. Brilliant men I would say!
  7. @ Belahzur It does sound bad :/ I don't know exactly what it means, but, its not good. I think basically that by visiting one of the compromised sites, a user could get an infection on their computer because the websites are being infected, if I am understanding that correctly. Which is really bad. I use Amazon myself, so, all the more lovely (or not so much) for me... I just ordered some stuff off there like two days ago, and I think I am clean... don't think I got an infection, at least I hope not. I want to go on there and delete my cr card info and stuff off there too... but I am kind of afraid to go on the site, but, hopefully it would be fine... I always delete it after my order ships anyway, no need to leave it on there. I've never used Play.com or have heard of it. Amazon is free shipping on some items, on orders $25 or more. That stinks about the region. I really hope that this gets sorted out soon & fixed so the pages aren't infected.... 68,000 websites were hit... :/
  8. @ Alex_computer Oh wow. That's a lot for one computer :/ did you have to use other clean up tools too? Oh sweet, that's awesome about the three licenses or rather, license for three computers.
  9. @ Alex_computer Oh wow, that's quite a large detection, heh. How many computers is that from? I'd like to switch! Not sure if its worth it at this point since I think we're going to replace the computer within a year (since XP will no longer be supported with updates and what not after a year or so). :/ But I will buy it for the new computer, no doubt!
  10. @ Alex_computer I've heard great things about Kaspersky, and I wish I had gotten that (or Avira) instead of AVG. Ah well. Live and learn, right?
  11. @ Alex_computer Hey, don't be sorry! I know. It's scary out there. :/
  12. @ Alex_computer Did you read the link that I gave you? :/
  13. @ Roadkil Ah. NOD32 sounds quite annoying - for only that 100% CPU usage thing. I used Spyware Doctor until I learned about and found MBAM, and Soyware Doctor was a huge system hog and slowed down my system horribly (which really ticked off my husband too). I was able to get a refund though, so that was good I understand why Kaspersky flags MBAM now, but I'm sure that must be super annoying. Exclusion list! That's the word I was looking for. Do you have the PRO version of MBAM or the free one? I used the free version for oh about three months, and I bought the PRO version recently. Thanks again!
  14. I've always trusted Amazon, until today... its not THEIR fault, but still, now there is a risk. I have never used eBay though. Exactly. You never know what you are dealing with... :/ ::sigh::
  15. Well, I purchased seasons 1 and 2 on Amazon for 17.49 each (big dvd blowout sale for the holiday season in December), and then I purchased seasons 3 & 4 as a pack that came together, and for some reason they had a special price - $42 - for both together, so that's $21 for each season. I guess I just happened to get lucky because right now each season is about $40 (which is still $20 off the regular price of $60). However, after reading Maniac's post today: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=18243 I am not so sure about the safety of Amazon :/ I just placed an order yesterday and I am a little concerned.... :/
  16. Thanks Roadkil! So with Nod, is the 100% CPU usage occurring ONLY during the scan, and not when its running in the background? Thanks for the Kaspersky warning I am pretty sure that Exile (who uses it also!) told me that too. All that needs to happen is to allow it under exceptions or allowed programs as far as I know. Kaspersky sounds amazing, but I really only got to know anything about it after purchasing AVG and then more about it after joining this forum. I've heard great things about both AVAST and Avira too. Ah, that would be sweet if all you had to do was re-register for 15 more months I wish I had gotten to this forum before I got to buying AVG. Ah well. Live and learn, right. I'm sure AVG is pretty good, but I think that the above four are probably better. It does help, thank you! The more input/comments/suggestions I get, the better!
  17. Thanks for your input I have used AVG free in the past, and now I have a paid AVG Internet Security suite. I honestly wish I had gone with something else (Avira, Kaspersky, or something good like that!), but at the time I thought that AVG was the best, and other than AVG, the only other AV's that I really knew anything about was Norton and McAfee and I didn't really want either one of those. I' Now that I have been on this forum and everything, I know I could have made a better choice. Ahh well. I'm paid till February, and then at that point probably time to get a new computer soon... but anyway. One thing that really bugs me, and I am not sure if this is just my computer or AVG but, the scan takes nearly 3 hours (sometimes less) (lots of music files on the computer though, maybe thats why) and it heats up the computer and makes the fan turn on, rather obnoxious.
  18. @ Exile gak! That's probably the spider that I heard about from Australia. eaaak.
  19. @ Matthew P Oh gosh... wow. It's so sad when people actually fall for these scams. I can understand how it happens though. good luck at college
  20. I had to read the last part twice to actually get it. Edit: Okay, I was just reading through the rest of the thread and apparently they weren't even talking about a cat... I had thought that the little boy meant that the dad didn't' get to eat the cat.
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