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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ cailintexas Thanks for the info The top three, in that order? I will be getting rid of Comodo off the system as soon as possible
  2. One of my friends I have added to Facebook posted a link, and named it, good information here, try it. So I clicked on the title, thinking it would be a note he posted, but it went right to the site, and Malwarebytes blocked it instantly, and I closed the window/tab. If someone could just check on this for me to make sure its a legit block and not a FP? Computer Power Test Source: computerpowertest.com Does Your Computer Measure Up? Check Your Computer Power With The Computer Power Test IP: Edit: Guess I answered my own question. http://hosts-file.net/default.asp?s=
  3. @ sho-dan Well that's good to hear Thank you very much for the feedback. I'm glad that you haven't had any issues with the two conflicting with each other.
  4. @ Robinb and anyone else reading this whoa whoa! Lots of info here. Well, I have the paid internet security suite and I use AVG's firewall (since I have XP), I haven't added any exclusions as of yet and I updated mbam this morning and did a quick scan, and no conflicts whatsoever happened. I use the paid version of mbam as well. Robinb, are your mbam issues caused with paid and/or free versions of mbam? I find this kind of strange. I believe you though of course Also, did you JUST barely update from 8.0 to 8.5? Just curious because the transition from 8.0 to 8.5 happened somewhere between March and April I believe, if you are just updating then that means in the meantime the systems in question were very behind on updates from AVG! I agree with AdvancedSetup about the firewall, what kind of a firewall deletes files? Blocks, sure. But deletes? eh??
  5. @ Raid and the other staff, You are quite welcome! I cannot tell you enough how much I love and appreciate your program as well! :)
  6. @ yardbird Oh okay, thank you. Yes, I know TeMerc thanks again
  7. Thank you yardbird for the AVG exclusions I haven't had any problems with AVG and mbam as of yet but I should add the exclusions, I know I'll try this out when I can and let you know how it goes. Do you use AVG? What are you saying I should report to AVG though? Thanks again
  8. Hello and welcome to the forums! I am unable to answer this question but am asking that you please provide the IP address if you have it so that this can be looked into better. And yes, this is the correct place to ask about this Thanks
  9. I know this topic has been brought up before, but I thought I should start a new post for my reference and for the particular computer. I will be working on a system soon that currently has Comodo Firewall and AV on it, and had Norton on it as well. I will be removing that and replacing it with Avira free and Mbam free. I will be purchasing the paid version of MBAM for it later on . I have NEVER used Avira before though, and I have limited experience with Norton/McAfee, and I know AVG decently. Although, I haven't been able to figure out exclusions as of yet. My question is, are there any exclusions that I need to worry about adding to Avira for mbam free (and then later on the paid version?) and if so, how would I go about doing so? If you use Avira and have experience, that would be a plus Note to anyone replying: Please erase my message in the box when you reply as to not quote everything I say, this makes everything easier to read on the boards
  10. @ Exile Are you saying that Robin probably has something stored in a folder that she should not? Just curious because of the exclusions listing.
  11. @ Robinb Oh, okay. Hmm. I hope that that works! AVG should correct the problem, I agree. Hopefully they do this soon. In the future, when you reply to someone, please erase what the person said to you and just write @username or username: to address the person so that they know you are responding to them (like I did for you), rather than quoting all of their text. Thanks
  12. Thank you very much Yardbird! I'll do this as soon as possible
  13. @ robinb Is this something that's only happening today, or when did it start? I'm curious to know because I also use the AVG internet security and I have a paid version of Malwarebytes as well and I haven't gotten any notifications from AVG, at least not yet. Also, definitely follow yardbirds instructions To anyone else reading this who knows AVG: Do you know where the exclusions area/list is located? I have not been able to find it yet so I haven't added mbam to the exclusions list yet but I know that I probably should do so...
  14. Works fine for me so far, no troubles so far. It starts with Windows, as does the IP blocking and the protection module. Atribune.org is now unblocked for me as well (I have XP).
  15. @ ioni I checked out the site page for it a little while ago, and it looks as though they have stopped accepting Beta testers for now. http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/default.aspx
  16. I just wanted to say that Atribune is working fine for me now. It was not prior to 1.41. I got the IP blocker every time I tried to go to it. I am running XP. I believe it was caused by the way XP processes IP's. Thanks! Edit: I did not mean to post this here, but I guess it fits well enough. I apologize, I meant to post it in the General Malwarebytes forum.
  17. @ calintexas Thanks I read the directions twice though and they all instruct to scan with Norton/Symantec, which that computer no longer has updates for - it was a trial that ran out I believe :/ Were there any other removal instructions that perhaps I missed? :/
  18. @ AdvancedSetup Thank you for the information on that file. It's been popping up for months, always saying its gone but coming up again at reboot. If I post a HJT log, will it be okay if I don't get back to it until next week? This computer has Comodo Firewall & AntiVirus on it and I was just trying to update Java. It finally finished downloading, and right away the firewall popped up saying MSI8EE.TMP is trying to access... and it was trying to access superantispyware, explorer.exe, firefox.exe, mobsync.exe just now, and I was hitting block but it just kept popping up, and I hit accept finally and more and more things kept popping up, although it is done now. I think it had to do with Java because I just hit accept on that last exe and it now is saying jre-6u15-windows-i586-iftw.exe. I hope I didn't mess up the update because I did hit block on a few things. Right after, it just asked for msiexe.exe. Now the familiar Java updater/installer started up. Usually it asks me if I want to install a free toolbar or something with it, but it didn't this time. I hope I didn't accidentally accept that on the firewall. Unfortunately I have to go soon... I hate to leave it like this though. I have tried asking them to stay off the internet until I can get to it but unfortunately I am not sure if this is entirely possible or not.
  19. @ AdvancedSetup I will be leaving this computer soon and will not be back again until next Wednesday. Have you heard of that file before though? I know the pathfile got cut off I've been trying to figure out the rest but it won't show for some reason! I will happily post a HJT log, however, I would not be able to get to it again until next week, and I am not sure if any of my family members would be able to do it either, as they aren't very computer literate in some respects, which is why I am trying to work on it. I don't get down here very often unfortunately.
  20. I am working on a computer with Vista on it right now, and it has Yahoo Anti Spy. Tonight I did a quick scan with the newest database with Mbam, and nothing was found. Everytime this computer starts up, Yahoo Anti Spy finds CMJSpy 0.5 Does anyone know what this is? Attached is a screen shot of it.
  21. @ Exile Oh awesome Thanks for the information on this!
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