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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ swagger No problem,. Thanks for mentioning that they update it daily. Exile told me this a while ago though, but it is useful to mention it in this thread too, for anyone else that might be reading
  2. @ Exile Thank you for the additional information I will remember that.
  3. @ Exile Thank you for confirming this for me.
  4. Just a quick question - ATF cleaner can be used on Vista, correct? I am pretty sure that I read somewhere on here that it can be, but I just want to make sure, since on the site it says XP and 2000 only.
  5. @ Exile Thank you much! I appreciate the links Downloading now. Edit: Wow, 16 mb. Thank you thank you thank you again! That would have taken forever on the machine I'm working on! Just one or two minutes from my computer.
  6. @ Exile Which is why I'll download it shortly before I leave, hehe. I'll run it on my own machine too sometime soon, just to check.
  7. @ Exile Thanks for explaining the difference, I wasn't sure if there was a difference in removal or not I will definitely be using the AVPTool on this machine!
  8. @ Exile Oh, okay, thanks. So can I carry that on a thumb then? Will I still need to download 10 MB after using the web installer?
  9. @ swagger re Kaspersky Thanks Now I know about both
  10. @ swagger Oh. Its just that when I used the third link, after I clicked on the icon, It said for Firefox/Mozilla and when I opened it up in IE (which I rarely use but do sometimes) after clicking it said for IE. :/ I dunno heh.
  11. @ Exile Ohh, okay. thanks for that information Hmm strange, I just downloaded from the third link, and its only 697 KB for the Java, I find that just a bit strange? :/ When I test-downloaded it (clicked on the link but did not start the download) from work, it was 10 MB. The site also said it is 10 mb. I downloaded it from Firefox, but I guess since they use IE and Firefox, that I should download for both, what do you think?
  12. @ Falkra to the first part of your reply: Thank you! That's helpful information To the second part, about user interaction etc...What do you suggest for settings for a user who knows little to nothing about an AV program? I am not there that often to keep an eye on the AV, so I would like to set it up to run as smoothly as possible with little user interaction needed, whilst providing maximum protection and user benefit to the system. Thank you for the heads up on the update servers. I found this out partially last week when I was trying to download the setup for this computer; I had to delay my working on the system until tomorrow because of this. Do you know, when there is a delay in the updating of the AV on the free version, if it will come through eventually? I would love to test the free version, but I do not have a system to test in on, unfortunately. Good to know! I've heard this from you and more than several others. That's why I am choosing it for this system It needs a good AV, and for now, a free one. I will be purchasing a paid version for this system at some point, but for now it will have to be a free version. I think I'll purchase Avira for the system, as that seems like the best one for this system
  13. @ prairie dog Thank you for your feedback I appreciate it.
  14. Thanks Ron I have a lot of reading to do when I get some free time :) hehe
  15. @ Jacktivity I don't have one. My significant other bought a computer with the barebone basics on it as far as I understand... (didn't even come with Word or Office!) so no CD burner or anything like that. If it did have one, I would have no idea how to burn files onto it and I would have no idea how to transfer them onto another computer, but I think that that is a great idea Would you be able to give me a link or something where I could read about this though for my own reference?
  16. @ Exile Thanks I just edited my post, I figured it out, but I wasn't able to edit it in time, heh. Yeah, I agree, its much less confusing and it has the current version I've never heard of x64 browser... hmm.
  17. @ Exile Thank you I think I will stick with that link then, as the other two (especially the second) quite confuse me, and the third link is much simpler... it detects your browser automatically too Another question for you... is there a different version or download for Vista and XP, do you know, or not? I'm going to be downloading it tonight or tomorrow for the Vista I'll be working on It looks like there is nothing different for XP or Vista now that I took a second look, sorry for the question.
  18. @ Noah Thank you Just as a note for the future - when replying please erase what the person said that you are replying to and do @username or username: to address them
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