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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ ian Please see here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=124874
  2. Hi csegall and welcome to the forum! Please read the following entirely, paying special attention to the note at the bottom in green. Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now? If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  3. @ swagger Eh, that's probably true (I am a bit paranoid, heh) Only reason I scan that much is because the quick scan takes under 10 minutes, I figure, why not? I keep mine all up to date too, and I am also extremely careful, and I scan everything I download before I open it too. I agree with you about real-time monitoring, very important!
  4. Hi JamesJ and welcome to the forum! Yes, you are right, you should have an antivirus program (only ONE running at a time, which you already know ) AND an anti-malware program on your system to protect it. One of our Experts, Exile, runs SuperAntiSpyware (is that what you meant when you said SuperAntiMalware?), Malwarebytes, and Windows Defender all together along with his Antivirus (he uses Kaspersky) and has no problems with the them all running alongside each other in realtime. I'll give him a link to your post so he can see it and if need be add anything. My answer to your question on how often you should scan your system for malicious software would be once a day or once every time you use your computer, probably after you are done using it and before you shut it down or put it to sleep. Just remember, don't run more than one scan at a time, as this probably is not a good idea and could cause interference. Good question and happy safe surfing! Just as a side note, when replying in the forums, please erase what the person you are replying to said when you hit reply (or use "add reply" at the bottom of the page), as this makes the forum easier to read.
  5. @ Exile ah, thats good I mostly used the official site anyway, unless I couldn't find it or was too lazy lol but will do from now on! And definitely, they are more accurate anyway. azlyrics I think relies on user submissions, so they wouldn't always be correct anyway.
  6. aw darn. hmmm. Thanks anyway Chimpy I think the bands or artists official website should be safe though, what do you and Exile think?
  7. So I've learned that lyric websites can be unsafe. However, I like to read lyrics before I buy an album. I used to use azlyrics and some other site I can't remember right now, or random sites from google (I haven't used either in quite a while now). Does anyone know of any safe lyric websites that I can use? I also figure that the bands or artists official website is probably safe.
  8. @ wildbill Please post your log here (and the other information you wrote about as well): http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ew_post&f=7 And have a look at the information here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 good luck!
  9. @ Exile You beat me to it, and explained it better than I could have, good job! @ wildbill & Exile I always kill it with taskmanager, if anything pops up that's suspicious looking.
  10. @ Exile Oh, okay, good to know, at least I wasn't mistaken, hehe.
  11. Update: PMing with Exile, He figured out it was this: "It's NVIDIA. I was right. If it's still under warranty she should take it to a Certified HP Service Center (Best Buy etc) and they can facilitate a warranty repair. They'll replace the motherboard and likely format the HDD so she needs to back up all of her data before she takes it in. Probably on DVD's since her USB ports aren't working." The source of the problem has been resolved. note: If you are reading this thread and you are having similar problems, please post a new topic as this may not be the issue that your computer is having.
  12. @ yardbird & exile Thank you for the responses! I let her know what you said and she'll keep me posted on what happens and I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again, I and she appreciate it
  13. Note: The source of the problem has been resolved, see last post I am making this post for a friend that I know online. Here is what she told me via IMing: She also told me that her printer doesn't work now because its a USB cord that connects it. Any ideas on what may have gone wrong and is there a way that she might possibly be able to fix it herself, or would this require bringing it to a shop or something?
  14. @ boweasel Please read the following entirely, paying special attention to the note at the bottom in green. good luck! Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now? If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  15. You're welcome Chimpy!! Ohhh. Can you link me to the wiki page? Ech, I hope mine would have been gone a long time ago.
  16. @ Chimpy Good luck with the suggestion from Swagger! Also, we used these sites in the class that I took: http://www.webmonkey.com/ http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ (not sure how I remembered them, but I did ) I didn't get any IP blocks or warnings from MBAM or my AV, so the sites seem to be safe
  17. @ Exile Thanks Oh, so it serves the same function (and does the same job) as clearing your history from IE, then? Does this only work with IE?
  18. @ Exile Thanks! I just finished reading that, that's pretty darn awesome!!! I was wondering what On was, I thought it meant that the UAC was on, since On is right after UAC in your signature, lol silly me I also just clicked on the UAC link in your signature, reading up more on that as well.
  19. @ Comp Please read the following entirely, paying special attention to the note at the bottom in green Good luck! You'll be in good hands B) Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now? If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  20. that's true, I'm sure it would if and when I decide to make a site. B)
  21. If you want, yeah I'd appreciate it. I just really don't know the first thing about building a website (especially from scratch), yardbird, other than a class I took one time with Dreamweaver ages ago that I don't remember very well B)
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