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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Chimpy Thanks Ohhh I forgot that some ISP's monitor how much usage their users use. Sorry you'll have to hold off on your website B) Good luck when you do make one, though, and it would still be worth contacting them and asking them about websites for your future knowledge.
  2. Hmm. If you can't find anything on their site I would definitely recommend calling them just to double check B) Hmm. So when you say Geocities is closing down do you know if they're completely closing down and taking things off of their servers or only taking on pay-to-use clients now? I had a lot of fun with it when I used it though, it was cool exploring it and building my site.
  3. @ swagger Ohh yeah. IE does work better for some things. Such as copying and pasting pictures over from photobucket or something into an email body or sites that allow it in their chat forums, and sites where you can use rich text. I am not sure how it works in IE since I mainly use FF, but for example on this site you can make your text bold, blue, and underlined if you want (which I am sure you know already), but it shows the coding right away vs showing the actual rich text changes right away when you change it. I should just go on IE and see if it shows right away on here, hehe. Edit I'm on IE right now, and it does not show the rich text right away when you select it. Yeah, I know Exile likes it with his settings and stuff I think also its safer and sounder in Vista with his settings and protections, I'm not sure if its the same in XP or not, if it would be as safe there as he has it for his Vista.
  4. @ Chimpy YoKenny1 is right, most Internet providers will provide space for your website, I dont know of the cost (if there is a cost that is) or anything else though since I've never done that. I've also heard of free web hosts, but, I think someone reported an IP block with that that wasn't a FP (I don't remember exactly though) so I wouldn't go with that. I see you mentioned GeoCities, do you know if Geocities even exists anymore? Let us know how you make out I'd be curious to know too because I might want to make a site again sometime B)
  5. hehehe these are funny B) lol @ the question your friend was asked frequently, Exile. hehe. Perhaps it should be phrased "any other key". Well, then again, someone might just then ask "where's the any other key" lol!
  6. Exile, I'm not sure what that code is for or rather what one should do with it, would you mind explaining?
  7. @ Maniac That's interesting. I haven't had any problems with ATF cleaner and FF so far. I would also be interested in knowing what sites are affected and anything else if it happens again. Thanks for posting about that here so we can be on alert.
  8. @ sho-dan Thanks I clear the history from the browser too, and then after that I'll use ATF cleaner B) hehe. I haven't tried CC yet, haven't gotten around to it, but I will.
  9. after I saw TeMerc's post, I thought that that might be what you guys were talking about.
  10. @ catscomputer re: your chocolate comment for the 'test' Yum! Or, chocolate chip cookies, esp the chewy variety now that would be quite the enjoyable test! hehe
  11. @ catscomputer Thanks I haven't really looked at applications before, just add-ons and extensions. I have a whole boatload of Quicktime in applications Yep, my last update tonight was about 98 MB as well. Ick. It also wanted me to install Safari, but I use FF already and have IE too, but I rarely rarely use that.
  12. Oo, were you infected with Conficker and Spyware Protect 2009 then? Have one or both of those been sitting on your system all this time? When did you first use mbam? I'm glad that you have AVG at least I would recommend Avira free to you though, when you are done with your cleanup. I can provide you with the link for that when you're all done cleaning up your system For now, do NOT download any more programs or anything to help you clean this up. Just continue to update mbam and scan with that if you like and your AV, but nothing else. (Other than whatever your helper asks you to download and use, of course). We should really stop this conversation here or very soon, as I am not an expert by any means, and you have posted your logs in the HJT forum. As I believe I told you before, they are busy in there, but someone should be with you as soon as they are able. I just wanted to point you in the right direction and guide you the best I could with using Malwarebytes, and check and see if you had a current AV. Feel free to link this thread in your HJT post so whoever is helping you can see it if they think it would be helpful. Good luck! You are most definitely in good hands here
  13. It's okay, not a huge deal, I should have been clearer. Hmm. Well, don't worry too much about system volume information_restore; thats in your System Restore files from what I understand. Don't take it from me though, let your helper advise you on that or not, I am no expert by any means. Its a good idea to clear out your system restore points once in a while though, especially if you have been infected, as this can be a hiding place for malware and viruses, as you can see from your results. Do you currently have an anti-virus installed on your system?
  14. wow Exile, you have quite an appetite. I had to give up after 3 or 4. lol!
  15. @ Catscomputer Thanks for the information I admit I don't keep up with iTunes and QuickTime like I should, mainly coz I rarely use them, and because its usually a HUGE update file, which isn't too much of a deal for me, but its still annoying, lol. I finally got rid of bonjour too, sneaky little bugger. I will make sure I keep better on top of this in the future though. Thanks, me too Yay for being an advanced member hehe.
  16. @ yardbird Thanks for that link I checked it out.
  17. @ ryankcrowley Is the program something that YOU installed or something that snuck itself into your system? Did malwarebytes find a lot of items? What led up to these error messages? Also, just as a note, please when replying, erase what the person before you said and just address them as @username or username: as this makes the forum easier to read and navigate Please read the following ENTIRELY, paying special attention to the items in green: Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now? If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
  18. I am not so sure if I would like Mango, but it sounds good if you are into that And I loveeee cookies & cream
  19. TheSentinel Er, I had meant that you should post the new logs or any additional information in the SAME HJT post you made originally, NOT make a new one. You shouldn't post there twice for the same problem, just an FYI.
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