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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. I just have a quick question, When downloading the newest Java version, does it matter where its downloaded from? I'm thinking not but I just wanted to get an opinion from someone who might know better than me Also, the main reason I was asking was, the third link looked as though it was a much smaller download size than the other two links, but now I realize that its the exact same size. I have these three links: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp and http://java.com/en/download/ The third link actually looks easier to use Edit: Ooo and there's a version for Firefox as well as IE... should have figured
  2. @ YoKenny1 I'm glad to find another Andy Griffith lover on here It's such a wonderful show I think. Thank you very much for the links, I'll be checking them out for sure
  3. @ GT500 Thank you for your reply Hmm that stinks. I'll let her know. She already knows to be very careful though, so hopefully she won't run into any problems. For my future reference, and if I am advising someone else, do you have any recommended reading on mobile phone/ipod safety and/or security programs? Or would I just find that information on AV websites?
  4. @ Exile Thanks for jumping in here and clarifying this, and it was useful for me to read also. @ Russell2005; I followed Exile's recommendation to disable TeaTimer when I bought MBAM pro and I haven't had any problems with the two. If you need any help disabling TeaTimer, just let us know It would definitely be a good idea to disable TeaTimer once you upgrade to Pro Mbam
  5. @ Exile I just wanted to tell you that you explained that very well and I found it very useful reading too
  6. @ Russell2005 You are most welcome. Yes, if you would like to use the paid version on more than one computer, you will need a separate license for each computer. If you purchase more than one license at a time, there are discounts Each license is good for a lifetime coverage. So if you replace these computers at a future date, you would just need to uninstall it and clean Malwarebytes off of the old machine, and then you can use the license on the new machine. You would need to use MBAM clean to fully clean it off the system, and I can get you the link for that if you'd like If you were still going to use the old system, you could certainly just install the free version onto it after cleaning off the paid version and use the free version as an on-demand scanner You can find pricing here: https://store.malwarebytes.org/342/?scope=c...&cart=29945 I hope I wasn't confusing here, I am stressed at the moment and have had a long day so far, heh. Good luck, and feel free to post back if you have any other questions, and I or someone else will be happy to help you!
  7. @ YoKenny1 Thanks for all the info and links, I'll read up on it when I have a moment
  8. @ cowboy1970 Please post all the details that you can think of about your problem here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ew_post&f=7 and please read through this post entirely, paying very special attention to the NOTE's at the bottom http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 Someone will be along to help you as soon as possible. Please be patient, as it may be a few days before someone will be able to get back to you. If you don't receive a reply within 48 hours, feel free to "bump" up your post. You'll be in good hands!
  9. @ Russell2005 You can use both resident protections at the same time, as far as I know I and several others on this forum actually recommend disabling TeaTimer, though, if that's what you mean by SpyBot's resident protection. You can keep it enabled still though, if you'd like. Immunization will still work with TeaTimer disabled And, just a note, when replying, please erase what the person before you said and just address them this way instead: username: or @username It just helps to keep the threads more easily readable.
  10. Thanks Exile! Woohoo! I was worried about it, heh. Now if only I could have found a 500 mb drive like I wanted... but everything was 2 gig or more and I didn't need that yet... I have a 500 mb drive but its full of files off of another computer that I cleaned off with mbam (av 2009 rogue) but I don't dare empty the files onto my computer... heh. I bet Staples would have what I am looking for, but I won't be able to get there before tomorrow.
  11. They should be just fine with a free AV and Paid MBAM. They do NOT want to be without an AV at all, though. AV's catch older infections and viruses that Mbam does not cover, so an AV is definitely still needed. I would recommend Avira free over AVG free personally, and I am pretty sure that prairie dog would say the same It's up to you though, AVG is pretty decent too. let us know if you need links to anything.
  12. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, I wasn't sure where else to post it. I posted a note on my Facebook about mobile phone protection a while back, and how mobile phones that have internet connections can be just as vulnerable to malware as computers. (One thing I use my Facebook for is a channel to write about security alerts when I find them out ) One of my good friends replied and asked what she could do for her phone. I asked her if she had any security settings on her phone, and she has it on medium, she said if she had it on high she wouldn't be able to do anything. I've looked at Kaspersky's site and Avira, and both have mobile phone protection, but its for a phone not even near to what she uses. She has the Sprint Instinct. Where could I find information about mobile phone protection? Is there anything free like what Avira, AVG, and AVAST has for computers; free protection for phones?
  13. Does anyone else watch this show? I love it I used to think it was an "old man show" lol, since my dad always watched it, and it began to grow on me, and now I really like it too I recently bought Season 7 on DVD.
  14. Thanks Ron. I'll read up on that So am I right in saying that the NTFS is for smaller capacity drives and FATS is for larger capacity drives? edit I think I got that backwards I based that off of the link that calintexas posted to me, and I read it wrong.
  15. @ yardbird Thank you. I am really really really hoping/needing that it will work... I really need it to. This system that I am going to work on does not really have a good AV on it and I need to update things such as flash, adobe reader, etc... reason I am using a usb vs downloading it there is because they have slow dial-up you see... :/ I'm thinking that maybe I should buy a new USB just to make sure that it will work but I am not sure if I will be able to in time (I will be working on it in two days... and wouldn't have a chance again until next week, again). I do have another USB that I can use but I'd rather not use it if I can help it. This one is still at least two years old, but I am sure its probably compatible with Vista. I had a chance to buy a new one today but I didn't want 2 gigs or higher (that's all they had that I could find), but I guess I should have just bought one anyway... because I didn't think of it until tonight, that it might not work on Vista. I might have a chance to buy a new usb before then, but probably not I guess I will download the files onto both usb drives and hope that the older one works.
  16. @ Mystery Thanks for the link I'll check it out later on. Well, what a very nice Christmas present I'm glad you're planning on getting season 5 at some point. Very gripping and interesting, I must say in some ways.
  17. @ Mystery Well that's just not cool Have you ever used Amazon? I don't know if they ship to the UK but Season 5 is available for purchase on Amazon if you are able to. That's where I bought all five our our House seasons Is Freeview a UK channel or is it a cable provider? I've never heard of it.
  18. After posting my usb question, I just realized I have another question about compatibility! I have an old(ish) usb drive I've had since 2004 or 2005. It's 128 mb (well it really only holds 106 ) and it came with textbooks for a Word and Excel class that I took. It works just fine on XP, and I just realized that it could potentially not be compatible with Vista, and this would be a problem for me as I am using it to transfer program setups to a Vista from my XP. I no longer have the packaging, and it came out before Vista was released. Is there any way for me to tell if it would be compatible with Vista?
  19. @ calintexas Thank you for your reply Hmm, what is a FAT's vs a NTFS though? I don't know what they mean Thank you also for the link to AdvancedSetup's post, I am reading it now
  20. I've seen several posts on the forum asking about or talking about formatting a usb flash/thumb drive. (I always have called it a thumb drive). I didn't know that this was possible until I saw these posts. So my questions are, under what circumstances would you want and.or need to format a usb drive? and how do you format a usb drive? Any other information about this?
  21. @ Ron Very true. :/ I would think that the site owner would want to resolve it though, especially if its a much-used website and/or respected, well known site and/or business.
  22. @ Exile re: I hope that these get resolved as soon as they are known, but that doesn't help the people that get infected in the meantime
  23. @ Exile Thanks I should have known/remembered that... I did watch some of the Superbowl this year, haha Quite a game! And, it gave me an excuse to eat a whole bag of Lay's Sour Cream & Onion yum! lol
  24. @ swagger, which team is a couple seasons behind? and I'm guessing that your team is the Colts? And is Peyton with the Colts? I'm sorry, I don't really know much about sports or follow them, but I do find them interesting.
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